Related and Miscellaneous things

Wget is a program for getting binary/ASCII documents from the Web by HTTP and FTP, the two most heavily used Internet protocols, in a non-interactive fashion, which enables work in the background, after the user had logged off. Full-featured recursive retrieval is supported. If you are a stystem administrator and the recursion terrifies you, you can disable it at compile-time. Proxy servers are supported, to lighten network load and speed up the retrieval.

If you want to test your Squid cache in batch (from a cron command, for instance), you can use the echoping program, which will tell you (in plain text or via an exit code) if the cache is up or not, and will indicate the response times.

SQUIDTIMES by Nico Tranquilli.

Balint Nagy Endre maintains some Squid binaries and patches for Linux and Netware.

Kenichi Matsui has a simple perl script which generates a 3D hierarchy map (in VRML) from squid.conf.

transproxy is a program used in conjunction with the Linux Transparent Proxy networking feature, and ipfwadm, to transparently proxy HTTP and other requests. Transproxy is written by John Saunders <>

A redirector package from Iain Lea to allow Intranet (restricted) or Internet (full) access with URL deny and redirection for sites that are not deemed acceptable for a userbase all via a single proxy port.

Junkbusters Corp has a copyleft privacy-enhancing, ad-blocking proxy server which you can use in conjunction with Squid.

David Marwood and Brad Duska have some cool Squid Proxy Analysis software.

Squid Sizing for Intel Platforms is Martin Hamilton's nice page summarizing system configurations people are using for large Squid caches.

Miguel Paraz has developed a header rewriting patch.

Squid Profiling Stats by Alex Rousskov.

Relais: cooperative caches for the World-Wide Web.

Squirm: A configurable, efficient redirector for Squid by Chris Foote.

Pedro L Orso has adapated the Apache's htpasswd into a CGI program called chpasswd.cgi.

jesred by Jens Elkner

squidGuard is a free (GPL), flexible and efficient filter and redirector program for squid. It lets you define multiple access rules with different restrictions for different user groups on a squid cache. squidGuard uses squid standard redirector interface.

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