NCSA httpd imagemap Script

There is a new imagemap.c file that has advantages over the old one.

Compile the imagemap script

If you downloaded the new imagemap.c, you need to compile the imagemap script.Do this by first cd'ing into your ServerRoot, and then cd into the cgi-src subdirectory. Put the new imagemap.c source in place of the old one and then, type make imagemap and you should be all set.

The Map Configuration File

This file maps regions to URLs for the given image.

Lines beginning with # are comments. Every other non-blank line consists of the following:

method url coord1 coord2 ... coordn

coord are each coordinates, format x,y. The number depends on method.

method is one of the following:

url is one of the following: Notes:

Referencing Your New Map

To reference your new map, you construct URLs pointing to it.

For example, if you have created a file in the directory called path in your public_html home directory, and used the image sample.gif for the map, the following line of HTML will reference it:

<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="sample.gif" ISMAP>

A Complete Example

Take a look at this Demo which also makes use of some of the features.
The steps used to setup the demo imagemap are listed.

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