NOTE:   This file includes commands, result codes, and display codes
        NOT AVAILABLE on all models and revisions.  Some commands are
        new or were omitted from the Reference Manual.  NOT ALL commands
        are available or functional in all modes and states (including
        COUNTRY CODE configuration).  Some models and revisions may
        support additional commands NOT documented here which are solely
        intendend for product developement and testing.  Any commands
        not documented here should not be used unless our support staff
        directly specifies using them.  This document is provided for
        reference only and is NOT certified to be free from errors.
        This document is produced and editted by Patrick Moore of
        Diamond Multimedia's Communication Division as a customer service.

336_LIST.TXT Rev 1.440-25 (PHM 12/2/96) from Supra BBS (541)967-2444

This document covers the following products families:

    SupraSonic 336
    SupraExpress 336
    SupraFAXModem 288 {ROM >= 1.440-09 & Optional Feature 201 for 31.2K & 33.6K}

NOTE:   VOICE Command information will be available at a later time in the
        VOC_LIST.TXT  FAX Command information is available in CLASS_1.TXT
        and CLASS_2.TXT  Most commands used by these product lines are also
        covered at length (including application examples) on Rockwell's
        Web page at in the Technical Reference section.

MS-DOS FLASHER Utility Commands:
        Usage:  FLASHER 
        Options: bios = use BIOS calls for screen
                 debug= save debug information in flasher.log
                 fast = talk to modem at 115.2Kbps (default is 57.6k)
                 help = this message
                    ? = same as "help"
                 mono = use monochrome graphics
                 slow = talk to modem at 9600bps

DIRECT Commands (Commands NOT preceded by other characters)

A/      Re-execute Last Command
nnn     Escape Code per setting in register S2 (Default is ANSI character 43,
        the "+" symbol) (This command must be preceded and followed by a
        minimum period of no transmission time is set by register S12.)
    (A carriage return) - Terminate connection attempt in progress during
        the dialing or protocol neg. process.

DIALING Commands (Commands that follow ATD)

-()i    These symbols and spaces are ignored (or invalid and therefore ignored)
         and maybe be used in the dialing string.
0-9     DTMF code for the given number
A-D     DTMF code for the given letter
L       Dial the last dialing string (no number will be dialed with this
                command if the original number is larger than the buffer.)
J       Perform MNP10 link negotiation at 1200bps (one-shot)
K       Enable power level adjustment during MNP10 link negotiation (one-shot)
P       Pulse dial the following digits
        (Some country codes may not allow this command after the first digit)
R       Accepted, but no action occurs.
Sn      Use dialing string stored in register n (0 to 3)
T       Tone dial the following digits
        (Some country codes may not allow this command after the first digit)
W       Wait for dialtone (Within the time set in S6 and/or S7)
*       DTMF code for "star"
#       DTMF code for "gate"
&       Wait for "bong" Credit Card billing tone (same as $).
$       Wait for "bong" Credit Card billing tone (same as &).
@       Wait for "quiet answer" (A 5 second silence.)
,       Pause (time set in S8) before finishing dialing string
!       Hook flash (go on-hook for 700ms ... may be changed via S29)
^       1300Hz call originating pulse toggle (if it is normally on in your
         country setting, it toggles OFF, if it is normally off then the
         tone is toggled ON (as is the case in the US country setting))
;       Return to command state without going "on-hook"

AT Commands (Commands that follow AT)
=x      Write value x to the last S register viewed.
?       Displays current setting for the last S register accessed.
A       Answer Phone Line
Bn      BELL/V.2x mode switches for 300 & 1200 bps
         B0=V.21 (300 bps) & v.22 (1200 bps)
         B1=BELL 103 (300 bps) & Bell 212A (1200 bps) (default in NA)
C1      Carrier Control Selection
         Provided for backward compatibility only. Does nothing but return "OK"
D       Dial Command
         Dials any mixed string of dialing commands. (See Dialing Commands)
         Note:  If a number is "Blacklisted" or "Delayed" this command will
                BLACKLISTED or DELAYED rather than processing the dialing
                attempt.  This may also happen if the S1 register has not
                yet cleared.
En      Command Echo
         E0=do not echo
         E1=do echo (default)
Fn       Provided for backward compatibility only. Does nothing but return "OK"
Hn      Hook Control
         H0=On-Hook (Hang Up)
         H1=Off-Hook (pick up phone line) for the time period set in S7.
                (In US country code setting the Off-Hook time is unlimitted.)
In      Identification Codes
         I0=Max. Carrier Rate
         I1=Programmed ROM Checksum Used in Test
         I2=Test Checksum (OK if correct, ERROR if not)
         I3=ROM revision code / Model name / Firmware build date
         I4=Encrypted report of supported protocols
         I5=Diamond Copyright
         I6=Country Code for country PSTN Signals are Configured for.
         I7=DSP Model & Version Code
         I9=PnP COMID string (encoded value)
         I10=Supported Feature Code List / Model Name / Code Definitions
         I92=Product Code ID Number
Ln      Speaker Volume
         L0,L1   Low
         L2      Medium (default)
         L3      High
L:nn    Total Volume Gain Adjustment (0-31)
         (Requires Optional Feature 148)
         L:00   lowest gain
         L:31   highest gain
Mn      Speaker Control
         M0      OFF
         M1      On until carrier is received (default)
         M2      Always On
         M3      On when answering/On only after dialing & until carrier detect
Nn      AutoMode Selection (Carrier Rate when Originating Call)
         {Function not available or active}
On      Return from COMMAND MODE to ONLINE state
         O0=Return to ONLINE state
         O1=Request a retrain & Return to ONLINE state
P       Set dialing mode to PULSE (Sets S14 bit 5 to 1)
Qn      Result Code Mode
         Q0=Enabled (Default)
         Q2=Enabled when Originating, Disabled when answering
Sr?     Reports value in S register r
Sr=n    Write value n into S register r
Sr.b?   Reports value in S register r (not just bit b)
Sr.b=n  Write value (0 or 1) to bit b of S register r
SCr?    Reports value in SC register r
SCr=n   Write value n into SC register r
T       Set dialing mode to TONE (Sets S14 bit 5 to 0)
Vn      Result Code mode select
         V1=Verbose (default)
Wn      Error Correction Result Code Selection
         W0=CONNECT XXXX (DTE rate) (default)
         W1=Report Error Correction Mode
         W2=CONNECT XXXX (DCE rate)
Xn      Dialing mode/CONNECT result codes
         X0=Blind Dial (ignore Dialtone & Busy), send CONNECT (no rate)
         X1=Blind Dial, send codes set by Wn and S95
         X2=follow Dialtone, but ignore Busy, send codes set by Wn and S95
         X3=follow Busy, but ignore Dialtone, send codes set by Wn and S95
                 or BUSY
         X4=send codes set by Wn and S95, BUSY, or NO DIALTONE (default)
Yn      Long Space Disconnect
         Y0=Not active (default, S27 bit7 set to 0)
         Y1=Active (S27 bit7 set to 1, see manual for function)
Zn      Soft reset and Load Stored profile n (last functional command on line)
         Z0=resets modem & loads stored profile 0
         Z1=resets modem & loads stored profile 1
&Cn     DCD (RLSD) signal control
         &C0=DCD always on
         &C1=DCD follows carrier state (ON when carrier present)
&Dn     Modem reaction to DTR on to off transition greater than S25 setting
        NOTE: Modem WILL dial when is DTR off or goes from an off to ON state.
              a  b  c  (Settings of &Qn)
         &D0= N  2  1
         &D1= 3  3  1
         &D2= 1  1  1
         &D3= 4  4  1
        List of modem reactions:
         N=No Action
         1=Hang up if off-hook & auto-answer is disabled
         2=Hang up if off-hook & auto-answer not disabled
         3=Switch to asynchronous command state
         4=Perform soft reset (like ATZ and profile is set by &Y setting)
        List of &Q states:
         a. &Q0,&Q5,&Q6
         b. &Q1,&Q4
         c. &Q2,&Q3
&Fn     Load Factory Default Configuration
         &F0     No flow control, No error correction, No data compression
         &F1     MAC hardware flow control, correction & compression active
         &F2     Hardware flow control, correction & compression active
                 (&F2 is default for DOS, WINDOWS, AMIGA, & STAND ALONE units.)
&Gn     Guard Tone Selection (set automatically based on ATi6 setting)
         &G0     Do Not generate guard tones   (US Default)
         &G1     Generate 550Hz guard tone     (not supported)
         &G2     Generate 1800Hz quard tone    (World Wide support models only)
&Jn     Phone Jack Selection
         &J0     Select RJ-11, RJ-41, & RJ-45S (Default)
         &J1     Select RJ-12 & RJ-13          (not supported)
&Kn     Serial Port Flow Control
         &K3=Bidirectional Hardware (RTS/CTS)
         &K4=Software (XON/XOFF)
         &K5=Transparent Software flow control
         &K6=Software (XON/XOFF) & Hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control
&Ln     Line Type Selection
         &L0    Dial-up line (Default)
         &L1    Leased Line  (not supported)
&Mn     Same function as &Q(0-3) settings.
&Pn     Pulse dialing MAKE/BREAK ratio  (Only valid as per country code.)
         &P0 39%/61% make/break ratio at 10PPS {US/CANADA}  (Default)
         &P1 33%/67% make/break ratio at 10PPS {UK/Hong Kong}
         &P2 39%/61% make/break ratio at 20PPS
         &P3 33%/67% make/break ratio at 20PPS {Japan}
&Qn     Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection
         &Q0     Asynchronous Direct mode
         &Q1 *   Synchronous Mode 1 (Terminal must support both modes.)
                  Call placed Async, modem switches to Sync. When DTR is dropped
                 modem returns to Async.
         &Q2 *   Synchronous Mode 2 Modem dials number in stored location 0
                  when DTR goes from LOW to HIGH.
         &Q3 *   Synchronous Mode 3 Dial number manually on a telephone, and
                  then bring DTR high to let the modems connect.
     * CAUTION!  Be VERY careful when issuing these commands!  Once you enter
                  &Q(1-3) and save it to memory, there are only three known
                  ways to return to Asynchronous Mode:
                 1. Issue AT &Q(0,5-9) &W from a Synchronous Terminal to restore
                    the modem to Asynchronous Mode.
                 2. Connect modem to an Asynchronous Terminal with the DTR
                    signal (line 20) disabled (a "break-out" box works very
                    nicely for this) and issue the configuration you want or
                    AT &Q(0,5-9) &W to return the modem to Asynchronous Mode.
                 3. Send the modem in to our repair department.
         &Q4     Not Used
         &Q5     Asynchronous Reliable Mode (most common default)
         &Q6     Asynchronous Normal Mode
&Rn     RTS/CTS Mode Select
         &R0     In Sync mode CTS responds to RTS (default)
                 In Async mode CTS is always ON (unless &K3 is set)
         &R1     In Sync mode CTS is always ON
                 In Async mode RTS is always ON and CTS is always on
                    (unless &K3 is set, in which case CTS toggles for
                     flow control and RTS is ignored).
&Sn     DSR Mode Select
         &S0 Always on (default & required for Serial PnP)
         &S1 Follows EIA specification (Active following carrier tone, and
          until carrier is lost.)
&Tn     Modem test modes for trained technicians (you must set the serial port
          at 2400 or 9600, set the modem with AT&F0, and set S18 between 1 and
          255if you wish the tests to stop on their own.)
         AT&T0   Terminate test in progress
         AT&T1   Local Analog Loopback (+++ then &T0 to stop)
         AT&T2   Returns ERROR
         AT&T3   Local Digital Loopback for remote modem
         AT&T4   Grant request for Remote Digital Loopback (default)
         AT&T5   Prohibit request for Remote Digital Loopback
         AT&T6   Remote Digital Loopback
         AT&T7   Remote Digital Loopback with self-test
         AT&T8   Local Analog Loopback with self-test (+++ then &T0 to stop)
&V      Display Configuration Profiles
&Wn     Write ACTIVE Profile to Stored Profile n
         &W0     Writes to profile 0
         &W1     Writes to profile 1
&Xn     Synchronous Transmit Clock Source
         &X0=Modem generated (default)
         &X1=DTE supplied
         &X2=Derived from the data carrier received from the remote modem.
&Yn     Select Configuration Loaded at power-up
         &Y0=Load profile 0 (default)
         &Y1=Load profile 1
&Zx=n   Write telephone number n into register number x (0-3).
\An     Maximum MNP Block Size for Stream Links
         \A0     64 characters
         \A1     128 characters (default)
         \A2     192 characters
         \A3     256 characters
\Bn     Transmit Break of length n x 100ms where n is 1 to 9 in non-error
         correction state.  (Sends Link Attention in MNP mode)
\Gn     Modem-to-Modem XON/XOFF flow control (Normal and Direct Mode Only)
         \G0=Disabled (default)
\Jn     Enable DTE Auto Rate Adjustment
         \J0    Disabled
         \J1    DTE rate is adjusted to match carrier rate.
\Kn     Break Processing Control (controls remote modem during MNP mode)
         When received from local DTE & Modem is in Data Transfer Mode:
          \K0,\K2,\K4   Enter command state without sending BREAK to remote
          \K1           Clear Modem & Terminal Buffers & send BREAK to remote
          \K3           Don't clear Buffers, but send BREAK to remote
          \K5(default)  Send BREAK to remote in sequence with any transmitted
                         data (default)
         In Escape (Online Command) mode:
          \K0,\K1           Clear data buffers and sends break to remote modem.
          \K2,\K3           Send break to remote modem immediately.
          \K4,\K5(default)  Send break to remote modem in sequence with data.
         When received from remote modem in non-error correction mode:
          \K0,\K1           Clear data buffers and sends break to DTE
          \K2,\K3           Send break to DTE immediately.
          \K4,\K5(default)  Send break in sequence with received data to DTE.
\Ln     MNP Block Transfer Control
         \L0     Use Stream Mode for MNP Links (default)
         \L1     Use Block Mode for MNP Links
\N      Operating Mode
         \N0     Normal Mode (carrier and port rate may differ - No MNP or V42,
                        forces &Q6)
         \N1     Direct Mode (carrier rate "matches" port rate - No MNP or V42,
                        forces &Q0)
         \N2     Reliable Mode (a V42 or MNP connection must be made or the
                        modem will hang up, forces &Q5 S36=4 S48=7)
         \N3     AutoReliable Mode (default mode where ALL connection are
                        supported, forces &Q5 S36=7 S48=7)
         \N4     LAPM Mode (a V42 connection must be made or the modem will
                        hang up, forces &Q5 S48=0)
         \N5     MNP Mode (a MNP connection must be made or the modem will
                        hang up, forces &Q5 S36=4 S48=128)
\S      Report Active Configuration (Verbose)
         (Requires Optional Feature 146)
\S1     Report Current S register Settings
         (Requires Optional Feature 146)
\Vn     Single Line Result Code
         \V0     Disabled
         \V1     Enabled
\Xn     MNP10 Enable/Disable    (Sets S200.2)
         \X0     Enabled
         \X1     Disabled
                 When MNP10 is disabled, the -K1 command will allow
                 the conversion of a LAPM connection to MNP4 connection
                 instead of to MNP10.
%Cn     Data Compression Enable/Disable
         %C0     Disabled
         %C1     MNP5 Enabled
         %C2     V.42bis (BTLZ) Enabled
         %C3     MNP5 & V.42bis (BTLZ) Enabled
%En     Auto Retrain based on line quality monitoring
         %E0=Disabled (Default)
         %E1=Enable Auto Retrain based on line quality
%Gn     Rate Renegotiation (Fall Back/Forward) based on line quality monitor
        readings (Fall Forward only if "good" quality for period set in S190)
         %G1=Enabled (Default)
%L      Reports Received Signal Level (at connection to DSP) nnn in -dBm.
         nnn=9 or stronger       reports as 9
         nnn=10 to 45            reports as value directly
         nnn=46 or weaker        reports as 46
%Q      Report Received signal Quality aka EQM (Eye Quality Measurement) (nnn
        range 0 to 127) at the instant the command is issued. The values for
        V.32 & V.32bis connections and V.34 & VFC rates are not the same, but
        follow the same concept. For detailed data on what the %Q value is,
        please download the file %L_&_%Q.TXT from Supra BBS.
        For V.32 & V.32bis carriers
         nnn=0 to 7     signal excellent (higher rate may be used)
                        Modem tends to rate renegotiate UP to a higher rate
         nnn=8 to 20    signal good (best carrier rate for line conditions)
         nnn=21 to 30   signal poor (lower carrier rate should be used)
                        Modem tends to rate renegotiate DOWN to a lower rate
         nnn=31 to 127  signal very bad (or gone), try forcing a lower rate
                        Modem tends to RETRAIN
        For V.34 & RVFC carriers approx. values below apply
         nnn=0 to 19    signal excellent (higher rate may be used)
                        Modem tends to rate renegotiate UP to a higher rate
         nnn=20 to 50   signal good (best carrier rate for line conditions)
         nnn=64 to 69   signal poor (lower carrier rate should be used)
                        Modem tends to rate renegotiate DOWN to a lower rate
         nnn=70 to 127  signal very bad (or gone), try forcing a lower rate
                        Modem tends to RETRAIN
%Q1     Connection Stats
           On V.32/V.32bis Connections these items are reported:
                EQM             (Same as %Q)    (Average over the last second)
                RX Level        (Same as %L)
                TX Level        (Current TX level in dBm)
                TX data rate         = (now)  min =        max =
                RX data rate         = (now)  min =        max =

           On VFC & V.34 Connections these items are also reported:
                Far Echo Delay          (Round trip far end echo delay in mS.)
                Far Echo Level          (Signal Strength of far echo in dBm.)
                Pre-Emphasis Filter     (Filter in use to normalize the lines
                                         frequency response per ITU V.34 specs.)
           On V.34 Connections these items are also reported:
                Pre-Coding              TX (0 no, 1 active) RX (0 no, 1 active)
                Shaping                 TX (0 no, 1 active) RX (0 no, 1 active)
                Non-linear encoding     TX (0 no, 1 active) RX (0 no, 1 active)
                Trellis mapping         Type in use (16-4D, 32-4D, 64-4D)
                SNR                     (Signal to Noise ratio measured during
                                         the line probe, in dB).
                Normalized Bandwidth    (The -3dB roll off points after the pre-
                                         emphasis filter is applied. This is
                                         NOT the same as the usable audio band-
                                         width since the signal has been heavily
                                         processed prior to this measurement.
                                         This range determines the maximum
                                         symbol rate the line will support.)
                Symbol rate             (Symbols per second on the connection)
                TX Carrier              -If the symbol rate is below 3429 there
                                         are two available carrier frequencies.
                                         (A high carrier and a low carrier.)
                                         The actual frequency of the carriers
                                         varies with the symbol rate.  "high"
                                         or "low" are the only items displayed.
                RX Carrier              -Same as above on received carrier
%Q2     Data Transfer Stats (Current call or last call)
           On ALL Connections these items are reported:
                Termination reason   =  (Same as S86)
                Transmitted Bytes    =
                Received Bytes       =
           On V.42 (LAPM) Connections these items are also reported:
                Transmitted I frames =          Octets               =
                Received I frames    =          Octets               =
                Bad frames received  =          T401 resent I frames =
                SREJs received       =          Resent I frames      =
                REJs received        =          Resent I frames      =
                SREJs transmitted    =
                REJs transmitted     =
                SREJ                 =(enabled/disabled)
                Transmit window size =
                Receive window size  =
                Transmit frame size  =
                Receive frame size   =
           On V.42bis (BTLZ) Connections these items are also reported:
                BTLZ dictionary size =
                BTLZ string length   =
                Transmit Compression =(enabled/disabled)
                Receive Compression  =(enabled/disabled)

            The %Q2 status screen now includes the number of octets
            transmitted and received in LAPM I frames.  It also 
            includes the number of I frames retransmitted due to SREJ 
            and REJ frames being received and the number of I frames 
            retransmitted due to timer T401 expiring.

            REJ frames cause the retransmission of an I frame and any
            I frames that were transmitted after that I frame.  The 
            number of I frames retransmitted due to REJ frames is 
            usually more than the number of REJ frames received.

            SREJ frames cause the retransmission of a single I frame, 
            any I frames transmitted after the rejected I frame are 
            not retransmitted.  The number of I frames retransmitted 
            due to SREJ is usually equal to the number of SREJ 

            The number of I frames retransmitted by REJ and SREJ 
            frames may be lower than expected if acknowledgements of 
            the requested I frame arrive after the receipt of the 
            REJ/SREJ for that I frame and prior to the retransmission 
            of the I frames.  This may happen if I frames are 
            retransmitted due to the expiration of T401 and a REJ/SREJ 
            is received for the original transmission of the I frames.
**      Set FLASH ROM code XMODEM upload mode (Use "normal" 128 byte XMODEM.
        XMODEM 1K (aka YMODEM) and XMODEM CRC will not function correctly.)
        After flashing the modem it is best to issue AT &F2 (on a Mac
        use &F1) &W &W1 Z and after the OK message cycle power on the modem.
*B      Return Blacklisted Numbers
         Displays a numbered chart of currently BLACKLISTED numbers {Except
         permanently forbidden numbers based on country setting}  "OK" is
         returned if no temporary numbers are BLACKLISTED.
*D      Return Delayed Numbers
         Displays a numbered chart of DELAYED numbers and the length of delay
         in the format HH:MM:SS  "OK" is returned if no numbers are delayed.
*Hn     Link Negotiation Speed (MNP 10)
         *H0    Link negotiation occurs at highest supported rate (Default)
         *H1    Link negotiation occurs at 1200 bps.
                 (Mainly used for Celluar Connections)
         *H2    Link negotiation occurs at 4800 bps.
                {Do NOT use the )M1 setting with *H2 mode set.}
                (Mainly user for poor quality telephone network connections)
*NC?    Displays All Country Codes & Configurations Currently Supported
                (ATi6 reports currently configured setting)
*NCn    Country Select (Only some of the possible countries are supported)
         Sets country PSTN parameters to the code number specified.
         This command returns ERROR on units without NVRAM (ie Express)
         You MUST reset (ATZ or power cycle) the modem for change to take occur.
*Zn     Change Dialing Codes (Used in countries like NORWAY that support two
                methods of pulse dialing.)
         *Z0    Use dial code 0 (default)
         *Z1    Use dial code 1
#CID?   Displays current CallerID mode (0-2)
#CID=n  Caller ID Mode
         #CID=0 Disable Caller ID (Default)
          NOTE! Command IS stored in NVRAM, and IS cleared by ATZn or AT&Fn
         #CID=1 Enable Formatted Caller ID Mode
          NOTE! Command IS stored in NVRAM, and IS cleared by ATZn or AT&Fn
          Result code syntax is as follows:
           DATE=MMDD (where MM is month number 01-12 & DD is day 01-31)
           TIME=HHMM (where HH is hour 00-23 & MM is minute 00-59)
         "Single Page Mode"
           NMBR= number code or statement*
               * The NUMBER CODE is normally either the subscriber's area code,
                 local exchange, and subscriber loop number, OR a code unique to
                 that individual subscriber. STATEMENTs are used for calls from
                 non Caller ID Areas and subscribers requesting no display.
           NAME= listed subscriber name 
         "Multiple Page Mode"
           MESG= formatted number string * **
               * Here is an example string: 030A35303339363732343030
                 The string uses this code: CCLL#0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9
                 CC (03) is the code meaning this is "Multiple Page" Caller ID
                 LL is the hexadecimal length of the data in the string.
                    (in this case 0A hex - 10 decimal)
                 #n's are the ASCII digits dialed (in hexadecimal)
                    A neat trick to convert these to decimal is to note that
                    the first digit is always a number "3" and the second digit
                    is the decimal number dialed, so the formatted string:
                    030A35303339363732343030 converts directly to 5039672400
              ** At the time of this printing, conversion of "Multiple Page"
                    Caller ID string coversion is not supported in the modem,
                    so the data is displayed in the raw hexadecimal format.
        Special Codes:          Out of Area (No CID Data Available)
                                        DATE = {current date}
                                        TIME = {current time}
                                        NMBR = O
                                        MESG = 08014F
                                Private (CID Data Available, But BLOCKED)
                                        DATE = {current date}
                                        TIME = {current time}
                                        NMBR = P
                                        MESG = 080150
         #CID=2 Enable Raw (ASCII printable HEX number) Mode
          NOTE! Command IS stored in NVRAM, and IS cleared by ATZn or AT&Fn
         #CID=? Returns Caller ID Modes supported.
#LCD=n,"s      LCD String Display (LCD Models Only)
            0        Mode Disabled (default)
            1,string (String is displayed on LCD Line1*)
            2,string (String is displayed on LCD Line2*)
                    * No CPU Cycles used for display in this mode
              (Due to the way the AT parser works, all letters are
               automatically converted to upper case. Enter:
                        AT#LCD=1,"My Fast Supra !
               and modem will show  MY FAST SUPRA !  on the top line.)
#LCD=n,h       LCD Hexstring Display (LCD Models Only)
            0        Mode Disabled (default)
            1,hexstring (ASCII hex values are displayed on LCD Line1*)
            2,hexstring (ASCII hex values are displayed on LCD Line2*)
                    * No CPU Cycles used for display in this mode
              (This allows all 255 ASCII charactors to be used on
               the display.  Enter:
               and modem will show  MY FAST SUPRA !  on the top line.)
)M      Cellular Power Level Adjustments (MNP 10)
         )M0    Power not adjusted during MNP 10 link negotiation (Default)
         )M1    Power level adjusted during MNP 10 link negotiation.
                {Do NOT use the )M1 setting with *H2 mode set.}
@Mn     MNP-10 Power Transmit Level (0-31, 0 default)
-Cn     MNP Mode Control
         -C0     MNP10 Sync Mode
         -C1     MNP10 Async Mode
         -C2     MNP 2
         -C3     MNP 3
-Kn     MNP Extended Services (MNP 10)
         -K0    Disable MNP 10 extended services  (Default)
         -K1    Enable MNP 10 extended services
         -K2    Enable MNP 10 extended services detection
-Qn     Fallback to v.22bis/v.22 in MNP10 mode
         -Q0    Disabled (Fallback only allowed to 4800 bps)
         -Q1    Enabled (Fallback allowed to v.22bis/v.22) (Default)
-SDR?   Reports the current Distinctive Ring Configuration.
-SDR=n  Distinctive Ring Configuration (0-7, Default 0)
         Each bit set high in this register enables the corresponding
         Distinctive Ring detection and result code.  All bits disabled
         sets normal ring detection only.  (Saved in NVRAM via &W)
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)  Enables Single rings and reports these as RING 1
                    2.0s on, 4.0s off (normal ring)
         1 (2)  Enables Double rings and reports these as RING 2
                    0.8s on, 0.4s off, 0.8s on, 0.4s off
         2 (4)  Enables Triple rings and reports these as RING 3
                    0.4s on, 0.2s off, 0.4s on, 0.2s off
                    0.8s on, 4.0s off

        NOTES:  The current code doesn't discriminate between short (0.4
                second) and long (0.8 second) ring pulses.  So two of the
                Bellcore standard ring patterns (RING 3 & RING 4) will be
                reported as RING3 (If RING 3 detections is active).
-Un     Forced Transmit Level Change During MNP10 Fall Forward
         -U     Allows automatic attenuation to -10 dBm
         -U1    Allows automatic attenuation to as low as -18 dBm
         -U2    Allows automatic attenuation to as low as -22 dBm
         -U3    Allows automatic attenuation to as low as -25 dBm
         -U4    Forces 2400bps transmit level to -10 dBm
         -U5    Forces 2400bps transmit level to -18 dBm
         -U6    Forces 2400bps transmit level to -22 dBm
         -U7    Forces 2400bps transmit level to -25 dBm
:En     Compromise Equalizer
         :E0    Disabled
         :E1    Enabled

V.25ter AT Commands
+DS     V.42bis control
        +DS?    Returns Current Settings
        +DS=?   Returns Command Range(s)
                  0       No compression
                             1       Transmit Only Compression
                             2       Receive Only Compression
                             3       Bi-Directional Compression
                   0       Do not require V.42bis compression when

                  1024    V.43bis dictionary size for bi-directional
                             2048    V.42bis maximum dictionary size for
                                     bi-directional compression.  (default
                                     for all except the SUP1331)
                             4096    Maximum dictionary size for single
                                     direction compression on a products
                                     except the SUP1331, which supports
                                     it in bi-directional compression mode.
                                     (default for SUP1331)

                 6 to 64     Maximum V.42bis string size.

            NOTE:  The V.42bis dictionary size is fixed at 2048 for
                   connections with bi-directional compression and
                   4096 for single direction compression.

+ES     Error Control Selection
        +ES?    Returns Current Setting
        +ES=?   Returns Command Range(s)
            {Any values omitted remain at the current setting}.

        Note: +ES=,, is similar to setting the &Qn (or &Mn), S36, and
              S48 registers.  When +ES=,, or +ES? is used S80.4 is set
              (1).  When &Qn (or &Mn) is used S80.4 is reset (0).  These values
              and S80 are saved in NVRAM via &Wn.

                  0       DIRECT mode
                             1       BUFFERED mode
                             2       V.42 without detection phase
                             3       V.42 with detection phase
                             4       Alternative Protocol (MNP)
                             5       Synchronous mode
                             6       V.80 Synchronous Access mode

                   0       EC optional, if no EC use BUFFERED mode
                             1       EC optional, if no EC use DIRECT mode
                             2       EC required, if no EC disconnect
                             3       LAPM required, if no LAPM disconnect
                             4       MNP required, if no MNP disconnect

                    0       DIRECT mode
                             1       BUFFERED mode
                             2       EC optional, if no EC use BUFFERED mode
                             3       EC optional, if no EC use DIRECT mode
                             4       EC required, if no EC disconnect
                             5       LAPM required, if no LAPM disconnect
                             6       MNP required, if no MNP disconnect
                             7       Synchronous mode
                             8       V.80 Synchronous Access mode

+ESA    V.80 Synchronous Access Mode Configuration
        (See ITU V.80 Docs for more complete information.)
        +ESA?      Returns Current Setting
        +ESA=?     Returns Command Range(s)

                 0       In Transparent sub-Mode, the DCE transmits
                                     SYN1 on idle.  DCE receiver does not hunt
                                     for a synchronization sequence.
                             1       In Transparent sub-Mode, the DCE transmits
                                     SYN1 on idle.  DCE receiver hunts for
                                     SYN1 as a synchronization sequence.

                0       In Framed sub-Mode the DCE transmits HDLC
                                     flags on idle.
                             1       In Framed sub-Mode the DCE transmits marks
                                     (one bits) on idle.

               0       In Framed sub-Mode the DCE transmits HDLC
                                     abort when underrun during a frame.
                             1       In Framed sub-Mode the DCE transmits HDLC
                                     flag when underrun during a frame.

                    0       Half Duplex V.34 carriers are not
                                     supported, value must be 0.

                   0       In Framed sub-Mode CRC generation and
                                     checking is disabled.

                    0       NRZI encoding and decoding disabled.
                             1       NRZI encoding and decoding enabled.

                       0-255   8 bit Transparent sub-Mode synchronization
                                     sequence and idle transmission value.

                       0       16 bit synchronization sequences are not
                                     supported, value must be 0.
        The +ESA settings are saved in NVRAM by the &W command.

+ESR    Selective Repeat (LAPM SREJ) control
        +ESA?      Returns Current Setting
        +ESA=?     Returns Command Range(s)
                             0  Do not use SREJ
                             1  Use SREJ if available in remote DCE; continue
                                without if not available. (default)

+GCAP   Capabilities List (V.25ter command group supported)
+GMI    Manufacturer ID
+GMM    Model ID
+GMR    ROM Code ID

+ITF    Transmitter Flow Control
        (See ITU V.80 Docs for more complete information.)
        +ITF?      Returns Current Setting
        +ITF=?     Returns Command Range(s)
              11 to 760  Bytes

               10 to 759  Bytes

              0          Disables transmit level reporting
                             5 to 100   Delay (in 10ms units) between transmit
                                        buffer level reports while in V.80
                                        Sync Access mode
+MS     Select Modulation
        Configures the modulation(s), and rate(s) currently supported
        +MS?    Returns Current Setting
        +MS=?   Returns Command Range(s)
                {Any values omitted remain at the current setting}.
        Example: +MS? responds with "RVFC,0,14400,28800" for VFC ONLY mode.
                 To return to "Default" USA mode of full V34,VFC,V32bis,
                 V22bis, Bell 212, and Bell 103 (assuming B1 is set) the
                 user can enter just "+MS=V34,,300, " however an input
                 of "+MS=V34,1,300,33600 " would give the same result.

         specifies the PREFERRED modulation as per the list below.
                Note that verbose or numeric  selections can be
                used and VERBOSE settings are reported.

                Protocol   Possible Carrier Rate(s) (bps)
         verb  / Num
        | V21  | 0  | V.21     | 300                                         |
        | V22  | 1  | V.22     | 1200                                        |
        | V22B | 2  | V.22bis  | 2400 or 1200                                |
        | V23C | 3  | V.23     | 1200 Transmit / 75 Receive (originate mode) |
        |      |    |          | 75 Transmit / 1200 Receive (answering mode) |
        | V32  | 9  | V.32     | 9600 or 4800                                |
        | V32B | 10 | V.32bis  | 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, or 4800           |
        | V34  | 11 | V.34     | 33600 31200 28800 26400 24000 21600 19200   |
        |      |    |          | 16800 14400 12000 9600 7200 4800 or 2400    |
        | B103 | 64 | Bell 103 | 300                                         |
        | B212 | 69 | Bell 212 | 1200                                        |
        | RVFC | 74 | VFC      | 28800 26400 24000 21600 19200 16800 or 14400|

         0 (Disable) Limits the modem to the PREFERRED 
                        protocol within the specified 
                        and  range.
                   1 (Enable - Default)  Allows the modem to "fall back"
                        to other protols within the specified 
                        and  range for which standard automode
                        procedures exist using V8 or V32 Annex A.
                        Exampe: Failed V34 connection attempts can automode
                        to VFC or lesser protocols, but a Bell 103 connection
                        attempt cannot automode to V23.

         sets the lowest carrier rate that may be used.
                (Default 300 bps)

         sets the maximum carrier rate that may be used.
                (Default 33600 bps)  Setting a non-zero value in the S37
                command adjusts the +MS rate commands as well.

FAX AT commands of special interest to Supra product Users:
        +FAE=n  (CLASS 1 Only) Adaptive Answer / Silent Answer Mode Control
          NOTE! Command IS stored in NVRAM, and IS cleared by ATZn or AT&Fn
                 0       Disable Both
                 1       Adaptive Answer ONLY
                 2       Adaptive Answer & Silent Answer
                 3       Silent Answer ONLY
                 4       Silent Answer PLUS
                                FAX mode if CNG Tone Detected
                                DATA modem if Calling Tone Detected
                                        (Calling Tone is 1300 Hz for 600ms on
                                         followed by 1700ms off)
        +FAA=n  (CLASS 2 Only) Adaptive Answer / Silent Answer Mode Control
          NOTE! Command IS stored in NVRAM, and IS cleared by ATZn or AT&Fn
                 0       Disable Both
                 1       Adaptive Answer ONLY
                 2       Adaptive Answer & Silent Answer
                 3       Silent Answer ONLY
                 4       Silent Answer PLUS
                                FAX mode if CNG Tone Detected
                                DATA modem if Calling Tone Detected
                                        (Calling Tone is 1300 Hz for 600ms on
                                         followed by 1700ms off)

S Registers
S0      Number of Rings to Auto Answer (0 to 255) (0 is disable & default)
S1      Number of Rings before last answer.
S2      Escape Code character (0 to 255) (default is 43 "+")
S3      Carriage Return character (0-127) (default is 13)
S4      Line Feed character (0-127) (default is 10)
S5      Backspace character (0-32) (default is 8)
S6      Time to Wait before Blind Dial (2-255 seconds)  (default is 2)
         (Applies only in X,X1, or X3 dialing mode)
S7      Time to Wait for Carrier (1-255 seconds) (default is 50)
S8      Pause Time for Comma Dial Command (2-255 seconds) (default is 2)
S9      Time to Wait Before Recognizing Carrier (1-255 1/10 seconds)
         (Default is 12)
S10     Delay from Lost Carrier to Hang Up (1-255 1/10 seconds) (Default is 14,
         Modem assumes carrier always present if set to 255)
S11     DTMF Tone Duration/Spacing (60 to 102 1/100 seconds) (Default is 95)
S12     Escape Code Guard Time (0 to 255 1/50 seconds) (0 to disable, the
         default is 50)
S13     Bit Mapped Options (This register IS stored in NVRAM)
         0 (1)   Reserved
         1 (2)   Reserved
         2 (4)   Reserved
         3 (8)   DTR Autodialing In Asychronous Mode
                  0 Disabled (Default)
                  1 Enabled (Dials Stored Number 0 when DTR goes ACTIVE)
         4 (16)  Reserved
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved
S14     Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
         0 (1)   Reserved
         1 (2)   Command echo (En)
                  0 Disabled (E0)
                  1 Enabled  (E1 default)
         2 (4)   Quiet Mode (Qn)
                  0 Send result codes (Q0 default)
                  1 No result codes   (Q1)
         3 (8)   Result codes (Vn)
                  0 Numeric (V0)
                  1 Verbose (V1 default)
         4 (16)  Reserved
         5 (32)  Dial Mode
                  0 Tone  (T default)
                  1 Pulse (P)
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Carrier Mode
                  0 Answer
                  1 Originate
S15     Reserved
S16     Diagnostic Test Mode setting -Bit Mapped (default 0)
         0       &T1     0 Disable       1 Enable
         1       Not Used
         2       &T3     0 Disable       1 Enable
         3       &T4/&T5 0 Off           1 In progress
         4       &T6     0 Disable       1 Enable
         5       &T7     0 Disable       1 Enable
         6       &T8     0 Disable       1 Enable
         7       Not Used
S17     Reserved
S18     Test Mode Timer (0-255 seconds, 0=Runs endlessly)
S19     Reserved
S20     Reserved
S21     Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
         0 (1)   Set by &Jn command but ignored otherwise
                  0 &J0 (default)
                  1 &J1
         1 (2)   Reserved
         2 (4)   CTS Mode (&Rn)
                  0 CTS always on   (&R0)
                  1 CTS follows RTS (&R1 default)
         3 (8) & 4 (16) DTR behavior (&Dn)
                  0,0 &D0 (&F0 / &F1 default)
                  1,0 &D1
                  0,1 &D2 (&F2 default)
                  1,1 &D3
         5 (32)  DCD (RLSD) behavior (&Cn)
                  0 &C0 (&F0 default)
                  1 &C1 (&F2 default)
         6 (64)  DSR behavior (&Sn)
                  0 &S0 (Default)
                  1 &S1
         7 (128) Long space diconnect (Yn)
                  0 Y0  (Default)
                  1 Y1
S22     Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
         0 (1) & 1 (2)  Speaker volume (Ln)
                  0,0 Low    (L0)
                  1,0 Low    (L1)
                  0,1 Medium (L2 default)
                  1,1 High   (L3)
         2 (4) & 3 (8)  Speaker control (Mn)
                  0,0 Disabled            (M0)
                  1,0 On until carrier    (M1 default)
                  0,1 ON Always           (M2)
                  1,1 On during handshake (M3)
         4 (16), 5 (32), & 6 (64) Dialing Mode / Result Codes (Xn)
                0,0,0 X0
                1,0,0 Reserved
                0,1,0 Reserved
                1,1,0 Reserved
                0,0,1 X1
                1,0,1 X2
                0,1,1 X3
                1,1,1 X4 (Default)
         7 (128) Reserved
S23     Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
         0 (1)   Grant RDL
                  0 RDL not allowed (&T5)
                  1 RDL allowed     (&T4 default)
         1 (2), 2 (4), & 3 (8) Assumed DTE Rate
                0,0,0 0-300 bps
                1,0,0 600 bps
                0,1,0 1200 bps
                1,1,0 2400 bps (Default)
                0,0,1 4800 bps
                1,0,1 9600 bps
                0,1,1 19200 bps
                1,1,1 38400 bps or higher
         4 (16) & 5 (32) Assumed DTE parity
                  0,0 Even
                  1,0 Reserved
                  0,1 Odd
                  1,1 None (default)
         6 (64) & 7 (128) Guard tone (&Gn)
                  0,0 None    (&G0 Default)
                  1,0 550 Hz  (&G1)
                  0,1 1800 Hz (&G2)
                  1,1 Reserved
S24     Sleep Inactivity Timer (0-255 seconds 0 default/disable*)
         Number of seconds before modem enters sleep mode without either DTE or
         phone line activity.  (On External models the DTR line must be low to
         allow the modem to enter SLEEP mode.)
        * Non-display models (SupraFAXModem internals & SupraExpress models)
          default to S24=30.  Serial PnP units will NOT sleep if Serial PnP
          mode is enabled (S193.0=1 default)
S25     Delay to DTR (0-255 1/100 seconds, 5 default)
S26     RTS/CTS Delay (0-255 1/100 seconds, 1 default) (Sync mode only)
S27     Bit Mapped Option Status
         0 (1), 1 (2), 3 (8) Sync/Async Mode Selection (&Mn/&Qn)
                0,0,0 &M0/&Q0
                1,0,0 &M1/&Q1
                0,1,0 &M2/&Q2
                1,1,0 &M3/&Q3
                0,0,1 &Q4
                1,0,1 &Q5 (Default)
                0,1,1 &Q6
         2 (4)   Leased line control (&Ln)
                  0 Dial-up line (&L0 default)
                  1 Leased line  (&L1)
         4 (16) & 5 (32) Internal Sync clock select (&Xn)
                  0,0 Internal (&X0 default)
                  1,0 External (&X1)
                  0,1 Slave    (&X2)
         6 (64)  CCITT/Bell Mode (Bn)
                  0 CCITT (B0)
                  1 Bell  (B1 US default)
         7 (128) Reserved
S28     Bit Mapped Options
         0 (1)   Reserved
         1 (2)   Reserved
         2 (4)   Reserved
         3 (8) & 4 (16)
                 Pulse dialing mode (&Pn)
                  0,0 &P0 (Default)
                  1,0 &P1
                  0,1 &P2
                  1,1 &P3
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved
S29     Flash Dial Modifier Time (0-255 Unit 10 ms, 0=disable 70=default)
S30     Inactivity Timer (0-255 Unit 10 sec, 0=disable {default})
         In Reliable mode any data transfer resets timer.
         In Normal mode only sent data resets timer.
S31     Bit Mapped Options
         0 (1)   Reserved
         1 (2)   Auto Mode Selection
                  0 Disabled (N0)
                  1 Enabled  (N1 default)
         2 (4), 3 (8) Error Correction Result Code (Wn)
                  0,0 DTE Speed only (W0 default)
                  1,0 Full Reporting (W1)
                  0,1 DCE Speed only (W2)
         4 (16)  Reserved
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved
S32     XON Charactor (0-255, Default 17)
S33     XOFF Charactor (0-255, Default 19)
S36     Negotiation Failure Treatment (0-7  7 is default)
         Fallback options when S48=128 or error correction link fails:
        Bits 0-2
         2 1 0 (Dec)
         0,0,0 (0)    Disconnect
         0,0,1 (1)    Establish Direct connection
         0,1,0 (2)    Undefined
         0,1,1 (3)    Establish Normal connection
         1,0,0 (4)    Establish MNP connection if possible, else Disconnect
         1,0,1 (5)    Establish MNP connection if possible, else Direct Mode
         1,1,0 (6)    Undefined
         1,1,1 (7)    Establish a MNP connection if possible, else Normal Mode
        Bits 3-7 Reserved
S38     Delay Before Forced Disconnect (0-255 seconds, default 5)
         0-254   Delay in seconds from H command, or DTR toggle ON or OFF (if
                 modem is set to follow DTR), before modem disconnects.
         255     Modem send data out of buffer until completed or connection
                 is lost.
S39     Flow Control
         0      None                    &K0
         3      RTS/CTS                 &K3
         4      XON/XOFF                &K4
         5      Transparent XON/XOFF    &K5
         6      RTS/CTS & XON/XOFF      &K6
S40     Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
         0 (1)   MNP Extended Services (-Kn)
                  0 Disable (-K0)
                  1 Enable  (-K1)
         1 (2)   Power Level Adj. for Cellular Use [)Mn]
                  0 Auto Adj.  [)M0 default
                  1 Force Adj. [)M1]
         2 (4)   MNP Link negotiation speed (*Hn)
                  0 At highest rate (*H0 default)
                  1 At 1200 bps     (*H1)
         3 (8), 4 (16), & 5 (32) Break Handling (\Kn)
                0,0,0 \K0
                1,0,0 \K1
                0,1,0 \K2
                1,1,0 \K3
                0,0,1 \K4
                1,0,1 \K5
         6 (64) & 7 (128) MNP Block size (\An)
                  0,0 64  (\A0)
                  1,0 128 (\A1)
                  0,1 196 (\A2)
                  1,1 256 (\A3)
S41     Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
         0 (1) & 1 (2) Compression Selection (%Cn)
                  0,0 Disabled        (%C0)
                  1,0 MNP 5           (%C1)
                  0,1 V.42bis         (%C2)
                  1,1 MNP 5 & V.42bis (%C3)
         2 (4)   Auto Retrain (%En)
                  0 Disable (%E0 default)
                  1 Enable  (%E1)
         3 (8)   Modem to Modem Flow Control (\Gn)
                  0 Disable (\G0 default)
                  1 Enable  (\G1)
         4 (16)  Block mode control (\Ln)
                  0 Stream (\L0 default)
                  1 Block  (\L1)
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved
S46     Protocol Selection (136 or 138) (Affects v.42/v.42bis mode)
         136     Disable Compression
         138     Enable Compression (default)
S48     v.42 Negotiation (0,7,128)
         0       Disable Negotiation, proceed with LAPM
         7       Enable Negotiation (default)
         128     Disable Negotiation, fallback per S36 setting
S82     LAPM Break Handling Options (3,7,128)
         3       Expedited: Modem sends break immediately & data integrity is
                         maintained before and after break.
         7       Destructive: Modem sends break immediately & data being
                         processed by each modem at that time is destroyed.
         128     In sequence: Modem sends break in sequence with transmitted
                         data & data integrity is maintained before and after
                         the break
S86     Report Connection Failure Cause Code
         0      Local request
         1-3    Undefined Error Code
         4      Carrier loss
         5      No error correction    (remote does not support EC)
         6      No error correction    (no response to feature negotiation)
         7      Incompatible protocol  (local modem async, remote sync)
         8      Incompatible protocol  (no framing technique in common)
         9      Incompatible protocol  (no protocol in common)
         10     Incompatible protocol  (bad response to feature negotiation)
         11     Incompatible protocol  (no sync information from remote)
         12     Link disconnect
         13     Excessive retransmissions
         14     Protocol violation
         15     DTR loss
         16     GSTN cleardown
         17     Inactivity timeout
         18     Incompatible speeds
         19     BREAK disconnect
         20     Key abort
         21     V.42bis Protocol violation
         21-255 Undefined Error Code
S95     Extended Result Code Control (default sum is 0)
         Any non-zero value in this register controls the result code without
         regard to the current Wn setting.
         Each bit set high in this register enables the corresponding result
         code regardless of the W command setting.
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)   CONNECT XXXX result code gives DCE to DCE rate instead of
                 local DTE to DCE rate.
         1 (2)   Append /ARQ to CONNECT code if an error protocol is active
         2 (4)   Enable CARRIER XXXX result code
         3 (8)   Enable PROTOCOL XXXX result code
         4 (16)  Undefined
         5 (32)  Enable COMPRESSION result code
         6 (64)  Enable TX & RX v.34 CARRIER result code if in asymmetric
                  Carrier mode (requires W1 or s95.b2 set)
         7 (128) Enable RINGING result code for ringback detection
S110    V32/V32bis/VFC Mode & Rate Negotiation Control
        Note: This register does NOT affect the +MS settings.
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1) & 1 (2)  V32/V32bis Support
                0,0     V32 only w/o rate adjust
                1,0     V32bis w/o rate adjust
                0,1     V32bis with rate adjust (default)
                1,1     V32bis, starting at lowest V.32bis rate set by +MS
                         {In VFC only models S109 was used instead of +MS}
         2 (4)          VFC Support
                         0 Disabled (Disabling VFC also DISABLES V.34)
                         1 Enabled (default)
         3 (8)          V.8/V.34 Support
                         0 Disabled
                         1 Enabled (default)
         4 (16)         Reserved
         5 (32)         Reserved
         6 (64)         Reserved
         7 (128)        "Prefer VFC Mode"
                         0 Disabled (default)
                         1 Enabled (Modem makes VFC connections over V.34
                                    connections when handshaking with modems
                                    supporting both protocols.  When this
                                    mode is active the modem listens to the
                                    answer signal from the remote modem.  If
                                    both ANSam (V.34 support) and PNID (VFC)
                                    are heard, the modem attempts VFC hand-
                                    shake.  The PNID tone is at a lower
                                    frequency and strength then the ANSam
                                    tone, so it is possible for line impair-
                                    ments to mask the PNID tone, but allow
                                    the ANSam tone to be heard clearly.  Such
                                    a condition would cause the modem to
                                    attempt V.34 handshake due to not
                                    detecting the PNID tone.)
S190    Minimum "GOOD" EQM (see %Q) Time  (10-255 seconds) (20 default)
         V32,V32B,VFC,& V34 connections are affected.  S190 sets the minimum
         period the EQM (%Q) level must be "GOOD" before attempting to "fall
         forward" to a higher rate.  (Effects %E2 / %G1 setting)
S191    EQM Automatic Rate Adaption Bias (0-255, Zero Bias 128, Default 128)
         This adjustment affects V32,V32B,VFC,& V34 operation.  The bias
         offset is summed with the EQM(%Q) reading to determine the carrier
         rate to select during initial TRAIN and RE-TRAINS (Rate Renegotiation
         (Fall Back/Forward) & %Q reading are NOT affected by the S191 setting)
        -Positive bias (values above 128) tends to DECREASE the initial carrier
                rate for a given connection.
        -Negative bias (values below 128) tends to INCREASE the initial carrier
                rate for a given connection.
S192    Special Function Control
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)   Silent Answer Snoop Mode (0 is Default when SA mode is enabled)
                  0 "Standard" Full CNG  (1100Hz +/-40 Hz tone for 500ms +40%
                      /-15%, then a 3000ms +/-15% period w/o a 1100Hz +/-40 Hz
                      tone longer than 100ms.) "Snoop" occurs for 3 seconds
                      after each ring, and for 12 seconds after the last ring.)
                      In 1.200-04 and later ROMs with Distinctive Ring support
                      the modem DOES NOT snoop the line between rings and only
                      after the LAST ring.
                  1 "Fast" CNG Tone Only (1100Hz +/-40 Hz tone for 500ms +40%
                      /-15%) "Snoop" occurs for 3 seconds after each ring, and
                      for 5 seconds after the last ring.  Voices, Music, or
                      Signals containing 1100Hz +/-40 Hz for 500ms may cause
                      false detection in this mode.
         1 (2)    Adaptive Answer Mode
                   0 Attempt Data Carrier First (FAX fallback if failed Data)
                        In this mode, Adaptive Answer Accept Data Carriers
                        primarily and switches to FAX mode if Data was not
                        sucessful (no CNG tone required, which means that
                        any and all failed data connections are handled as
                        valid FAX call attempts).
                   1 Attempt Data Carrier First (FAX if CNG Tone - Default)
                        In this mode, Adaptive Answer Accept Data Carriers
                        primarily (but delays data carrier ANSWER tone for
                        4 seconds to allow a possible CNG tone detect to
                        occur), but switches to FAX mode if and only if a
                        CNG tone is detected.
         2 (4)   V34 Tranmitter power reduction based on INFO1 sequence
                  0 -
                  1 - Default
         3 (8)   V34 phase 4 TRN Period
                  0 - 1800ms    Default on the -26 DP
                  1 - 900ms     Only rate on the -21 DP (default)
                        Some Multi-Tech units (without CURRENT ROM CODE)
                        have a problem with the 1800ms period.
         4 (16)  V34 rate limiting after connection.
                  0 - Disabled (Default)
                  1 - Enabled
                        The modem will connect using the rate mask from +MS,
                        after the connection is made all data rates more than
                        one step below the connection rate will be disabled.
         5 (32)  V.34 EQM threshold reduction for 3000 & 3429 symbol rates
                   0 - Disabled (default)
                   1 - Enabled
                        Modem is more conservative in selecting data rates.
         6 (64)  Action when possible false V.34 carrier is detected
                   0 - None (default)
                   1 - Retrain
         7 (128) Silent Answer Reason Code OFF (Default)
                   0  Disabled
                   1  Silent Answer Reason Code ON
                      "CNG -- SA"
                        SilentAnswer or SilentAnswer Plus code detects CNG
                      "CNG -- Adaptive Answer"
                        Adaptive Answer code detects CNG
                      "DATA Timeout"
                        Data mode timed out during an Adaptive Answer
S193    Special Function Control
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)   Serial PnP (Disabled if &S1 is set) -Saved to NVRAM
                  0 - Disabled (&F1 default)
                  1 - Enabled  (&F0 and &F2 default)
                       (Sends COMID at 1200 7N1 when DTR & RTS deasserted
                        then DTR is asserted followed by RTS 200ms later.)
         1 (2)   Reserved
         2 (4)   Reserved
         3 (8)   Reserved
         4 (16)  Reserved
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved
S194    Display Controls
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)   Display Simple Mode
         1 (2)   Carrier Stats ("Debug" Mode)
                  0 - Disabled (default)
                  1 - Enabled (Display cycles between normal info and:
                       DT, (DTE ratecode*), RX Level (in -dBm), EQM, SNR,
                       Symbol Rate)  (LCD models show DTR & RTS state by
                       using UPPER CASE for HIGH and lower case for low.)
                       * 03 covers (150, 300, 75/1200) on LED units, on
                         LCD units only value above 600 bps are shown.
                         LCD units display voice sample rate only in this mode
                       REJ or SREJ frame occurance is also shown:
                       On LED display models:
                                RJ      Received REJ or SREJ frame
                                TJ      Transmitted REJ or SREJ frame
                       On LCD display models:
                                RX REJ  Receiving a REJ
                                RX SREJ Receiving a SREJ
                                TX REJ  Transmitting a REJ
                                TX SREJ Transmitting a SREJ
                       LCD Units also show:
                                TX RNR  Transmitting a LAPM RNR (local Busy)
                                RX RNR  Receiving a LAPM RNR (remote Busy)
         2 (4)   Reserved
         3 (8)   Rate Renegotiation Display
                   0  Disabled (Default)
                   1  Enabled
                        REMOTELY initiated renegotiation causes the modem to
                        display a "R" followed by an up and down arrow symbol
                        during the process. (LCD models show "Retraining")
                        LOCALLY initiated renegotiation causes the modem to
                        display a "L" followed by either an up arrow (if
                        conditions have improved) or a down arrow (if
                        conditions have degraded) symbol during the process.
                        (LCD models show "LocRetrain")
         4 (16)  "Demo" Mode
                   0  Disabled (Default)
                   1  Enabled where modem display cycles V34 336 LP DC
                      as if it is connected.  Issue ATZ after clearing
                      this command to return normal operation.
         5 (32)  LCD / LED Dwell (update) Time
                  0 - FAST (0.5S on LED, 1.0 on LCD sec appox. (default)
                  1 - SLOW (1.0 on  LED, 2.0 on LCD sec appox.
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved
S197    LAPM special feature control
         0 (1), 1 (2), & 2 (4)   LAPM rate reduction threshold
            Bits (Dec)
            0,0,0 (0)   Disable rate reductions due to LAPM frame errors
            1,0,0 (1)   Large ratio of retransmitted I frames to good I frames
            0,1,0 (2)   Medium-Large ratio
            1,1,0 (3)   Medium ratio (default)
            0,0,1 (4)   Medium-Small ratio
            1,0,1 (5)   Small ratio
         3 (8)   Reserved
         4 (16)  Reserved
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) LAPM/EQM rate reduction limiting
                  0 - LAPM rate reductions NOT granted if EQM is below 30
                  1 - LAPM rate reductions are granted
S200    Bit Mapped Option Status Codes
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1)   Reserved
         1 (2)   Reserved
         2 (4)   MNP10 Enable/Disable
                  0 Enabled  Set by \X0
                  1 Disabled Set by \X1 (Default)
         3 (8)   Reserved
         4 (16)  Reserved
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved
S210    V.34 and VFC Legal symbol rate in V.34 and VFC  (Saved in NVRAM)
        and V.34 Split Carrier Rate Control (Default 13 for &F1 and &F2, 5
        for &F0 Configuration).
        Bit (Decimal Value)
         0 (1), 1 (2), & 2 (4) Maximum Symbol Rate Selection (Default 1,0,1)
            Bits (Dec)  Symbol Rate                     Available data rates
                        -----------                     --------------------
            0,0,0 (0)   2400                            2400bps to 21600bps
            1,0,0 (1)   2400                            4800bps to 21600bps
            0,1,0 (2)   2400,2800                       4800bps to 24000bps
            1,1,0 (3)   2400,2800,3000                  4800bps to 26400bps
            0,0,1 (4)   2400,2800,3000,3200             4800bps to 31200bps
            1,0,1 (5)   2400,2800,3000,3200,3429        4800bps to 33600bps
         3 (8)   V.34 Asymmetric Carrier Rate Control
                0 - Disabled - V34 Transmit and Receive Carriers use the
                     same rate. (Default in &F0 Configuration)
                1 - Enabled - V34 Transmit and Receive Carriers may use
                     different rates. (Default in &F1 and &F2 Configuration)
                     (Note that in this mode all commands that show the
                     Carrier Rate with report the RECEIVED carrier rate.)
         4 (16)  Reserved
         5 (32)  Reserved
         6 (64)  Reserved
         7 (128) Reserved

        Higher symbol rates have a better signal to noise ratio on a
        given line than the lower rates.  But the higher rates require
        more bandwidth than the lower ones.  When making a connection
        the highest symbol rate that will run over the available
        bandwidth is used.

SCn=n   Telephone Signal Cadence Settings (Defaults change with country code)
         Each register "pair" holds the value for each setting.  To set a
         value, divide the setting by 256.  The integer value goes in the
         second (high byte) register, while the remainder (low byte) goes in
         the first.  (A setting of 516 for the Phase 1 Minimum BUSY ON Time
         period would convert to 2 with a of remainder 4, and could be set by
         sending AT SC0=4 SC1=2 to the modem.)  Settings are in 1/100ths of a
         second.  Entries are listed as follows Minimum ON Time (2 bytes),
         Maximum ON Time (2 bytes), Min. OFF Time (2 bytes), Max. OFF Time
         (2 bytes), Number of valid singal cycles to occur before the signal
         is accepted as valid (1 byte).  Some countries codes specify a two
         PHASE cadence pattern (On-Off in one pattern followed by a different
         On-Off pattern) for some singals, and in such cases, the "PHASE 2"
         entries would have NON-ZERO values (the US country code setting only
         supports single PHASE cadence patterns or patterns that just repeat
         the same On-Off pattern over and over.)

         (Listed default values are for the United States values)

         Minimum ON Time  = 42  ( SC0=42 SC1=0 )
         Maximum ON Time  = 58  ( SC2=58 SC3=0 )
         Minimum OFF Time = 42  ( SC4=42 SC5=0 )
         Maximum OFF Time = 58  ( SC6=58 SC7=0 )
         Number of Cycles = 4   ( SC8=4        )
         Notes:         USA (1) - SC0=22 & SC4=22 allows CONGESTION ("FAST"
                                  BUSY signals to be detected as a BUSY.)
                Lithuania (370) - SC0=50 SC2=100 SC4=15 SC6=60 SC8=2 for BUSY

         Minimum ON Time  = 90
         Maximum ON Time  = 300
         Minimum OFF Time = 290
         Maximum OFF Time = 460
         Number of Cycles = 1
         Minimum ON Time  = 22
         Maximum ON Time  = 28
         Minimum OFF Time = 22
         Maximum OFF Time = 28
         Number of Cycles = 4
         Minimum ON Time  = 0
         Maximum ON Time  = 0
         Minimum OFF Time = 0
         Maximum OFF Time = 0
         Number of Cycles = 1
         Minimum ON Time  = 0
         Maximum ON Time  = 0
         Minimum OFF Time = 0
         Maximum OFF Time = 0
         Number of Cycles = 1
SC(45-53) PHASE 2 BUSY
         Minimum ON Time  = 0
         Maximum ON Time  = 0
         Minimum OFF Time = 0
         Maximum OFF Time = 0
         Number of Cycles = 1
         Minimum ON Time  = 0
         Maximum ON Time  = 0
         Minimum OFF Time = 0
         Maximum OFF Time = 0
         Number of Cycles = 1
         Minimum ON Time  = 0
         Maximum ON Time  = 0
         Minimum OFF Time = 0
         Maximum OFF Time = 0
         Number of Cycles = 1
         Minimum ON Time  = 0
         Maximum ON Time  = 0
         Minimum OFF Time = 0
         Maximum OFF Time = 0
         Number of Cycles = 1
         Minimum ON Time  = 0
         Maximum ON Time  = 0
         Minimum OFF Time = 0
         Maximum OFF Time = 0
         Number of Cycles = 1

Connection Result Codes:
Numeric Verbose
0       OK
2       RING
3       NO CARRIER
4       ERROR
7       BUSY
8       NO ANSWER
1       CONNECT                 (300 bps)
5       CONNECT 1200
9       CONNECT 0600
10      CONNECT 2400
11      CONNECT 4800
12      CONNECT 9600
13      CONNECT 7200
14      CONNECT 12000
15      CONNECT 14400
16      CONNECT 19200
17      CONNECT 38400
18      CONNECT 57600
19      CONNECT 115200
22      CONNECT 1200/75         (V.23)
23      CONNECT 75/1200         (V.23)
59      CONNECT 16800
61      CONNECT 21600
62      CONNECT 24000
63      CONNECT 26400
64      CONNECT 28800
91      CONNECT 31200
95      CONNECT 33600

24      DELAYED hh:mm:ss        (Verbose hours minutes and seconds of delay)
33      FAX
35      DATA

40      CARRIER 300             (V.21 or Bell103)
42      CARRIER 600
44      CARRIER 1200/75         (V.23)
45      CARRIER 75/1200         (V.23)
46      CARRIER 1200            (V.22 or Bell212A)
47      CARRIER 2400            (V.22bis or V.34)
48      CARRIER 4800            (V.32, V.32bis or V.34)
49      CARRIER 7200            (V.32bis or V.34)
50      CARRIER 9600            (V.32, V.32bis or V.34)
51      CARRIER 12000           (V.32bis or V.34)
52      CARRIER 14400           (V.32bis, VFC or V.34)
53      CARRIER 16800
54      CARRIER 19200
55      CARRIER 21600
56      CARRIER 24000
57      CARRIER 26400
58      CARRIER 28800
60      CARRIER 31200
65      CARRIER 33600
        CARRIER 14400/VFC                       NOTE: In numeric mode
        CARRIER 16800/VFC                             the codes for
        CARRIER 19200/VFC                             V.34 numeric rates
        CARRIER 21600/VFC                             are used, rather
        CARRIER 24000/VFC                             than having unique
        CARRIER 26400/VFC                             codes that reflect
        CARRIER 28800/VFC                             VFC carriers.

66      COMPRESSION: CLASS 5    (MNP 5)
67      COMPRESSION: V.42BIS    (BTLZ)

77      PROTOCOL: LAP-M         (V.42)
80      PROTOCOL: ALT           (MNP)
86      PROTOCOL: MNP10

82      Setting up for flash download...

200     RINGING

Red LED's

        OH      Off Hook
        RD      Receiving Data
        SD      Sending Data
        TR      Terminal Ready (Follows DTR per &Dn setting)

Green LED Display PANEL (& Some LCD PANEL Codes)

        AA      Auto Answer (RI displayed during ring)
        CD      Carrier Detected
        DC      Data Compression in use
        DI      Dialing
        DP      Data Pump not valid for install FLASH ROM code, swap needed.
        DT      DTE (serial port) rate (next number on display shows rate)
                (See S194 bit 1)
        FX      FAX MODE
        L^      (L followed by an UP arrow) LOCALLY initiated renegotiation
                        upward in carrier rate. (See S192 bit 5)
        Lv      (L followed by a DOWN arrow) LOCALLY initiated renegotiation
                        downward in carrier rate. (See S192 bit 5)
        LP      LAPM Error Correction in use.
        M2      MNP2 Error Correction in use.
        M3      MNP3 Error Correction in use.
        M4      MNP4 Error Correction in use.
        M5      MNP5 Data Compression in use.
        M10     MNP10 Mode is use.
        OK      Modem Powered Up Correctly and Ready for Use.
        RE      Received LAPM CRC Error or Protocol Violation
        RX ERROR (LCD Models)
                Received LAPM CRC Error or Protocol Violation
        RI      Ring Indicator
        RJ      Received LAPM REJ or SREJ frame
        RT      Retrain in progress
        R|      (R followed by an UP & DOWN arrow) REMOTELY initiated carrier
                        rate renegotiation  (See S192 bit 5)
        R34     V34 Asymmetric Mode Active (next number cycled on will show
                the RECEIVE carrier rate)
        SA      Silent Answer Mode Enabled (1.200-04)
        SY      Sync Mode Active
        T34     V34 Asymmetric Mode Active (next number cycled on will show
                the TRANSMIT carrier rate)
        TJ      LAPM REJ or SREJ frame transmitted
        TM      Test Mode in use.
        VF      V.FastClass     (Rockwell 14.4k to 28.8k)
        V34     V.34 Mode       (ITU 2.4k to 28.8k)  R34 and T34 are used
                in place of this message when in asymmetric V34 mode.
        3       300 bps connection
        12      1200 bps connection
        24      2400 bps connection  (V34 if in V.34 mode)
        48      4800 bps connection
        72      7200 bps connection
        96      9600 bps connection
        120     12000 bps connection
        144     14400 bps connection (VF if VFC mode / V34 if V.34 mode)
        168     16800 bps connection (VF if VFC mode / V34 if V.34 mode)
        192     19200 bps connection (VF if VFC mode / V34 if V.34 mode)
        216     21600 bps connection (VF if VFC mode / V34 if V.34 mode)
        24      24000 bps connection (VF if VFC mode / V34 if V.34 mode)
        26      26400 bps connection (VF if VFC mode / V34 if V.34 mode)
        28      28000 bps connection (VF if VFC mode / V34 if V.34 mode)
        31      31200 bps connection
        33      336000 bps connection
        %L      RX level in -dBm (see %L) (next number on display shows value)
        %Q      EQM reading (see %Q) (next number on display shows the average
                value over the last second)

Encoded Optional Feature List (ATi10)
NOTE ->   These codes are being added to Supra product ROMs, but in some cases
          not all codes have been added that are supported by a given product,
          and codes have been assigned for features not yet available.

          101  Class 1 FAX
          104  Class 2 FAX
          115  V.17 14.4Kbps FAX
          120  World Wide support
          121  V.23
          123  Blacklisting
          140  V.32bis 14.4Kbps data
          141  SilentAnswer
          142  CallerID
          143  MNP10
          144  MNP10/Cellular
          146  Enhanced Configuration Display
          146  AT\S config display
          147  VFC 28.8Kbps data
          148  Digital volume
          149  VFC 24.0Kbps data
          150  Enhanced &F options
          151  Enhanced rate control
          153  V.34 28.8Kbps data
          154  SilentAnswer Plus
          156  Distinctive Ring
          157  RINGING response code
          163  ADPCM Voice support
          170  Handset support
          171  Headset support
          174  VoiceView
          175  DSVD
          176  Full Duplex Speaker Phone
          177  Hands Free Phone
          180  16550 emulation mode
          181  "SupraSmart" UART
          182  Rockwell High Speed Interface (RHSI) UART mode
          185  Serial Plug and Play
          186  V.80 Sync Access Mode
          190  FLASH ROM
          201  V.34 33.6Kbps data
          202  V.25ter Annex A support (V.8 part of H.324 "Voice call first")