*Voice* *Commands*

_Command_    _Description_

+FCLASS=8  Enter  Voice  Mode.
           AT+FCLASS=8 puts the modem in voice mode. Speakerphone and TAM
           modes  are  included  under  the more general heading of Voice
           Mode  and  use  a  particular  subset of voie mode commands to
           implement  their  respective features and functions. The modem
           controller will maintain the overall state of the system so as
           to know when voice commands are issued in the context of using
           the speakerphone versus TAM or other voice contexts.

+FCLASS?   Return Current Modem Mode.

+FCLASS=?  Return Supported Modem Modes.
           AT+FCLASS=?   queries   the  modem  for  the  range  of  modes
           supported.  The  modem returns: 0, 1, 8, 80 (data, fax, voice,

+FMI?      Modem Manufacturer Identification.
           AT+FMI? instructs the modem to identify its manufacturer.

+FMM?      Modem Product Identification.
           AT+FMM?   instructs   the   modem   to   report   its  product

+FMR       Modem Revision Identification.
           AT+FMR?  instructs  the  modem to report its revision level or
           other pertinent information.

+VIP       Initialize Voice Parameters.
           AT+VIP  causes the modem to initialize all voice parameters to
           their default values.

+VCID=n    Caller ID.
           AT+VCID enables/disables caller identification.
           Parameters: n = 0, 1, 2
           n = 0 Disable Caller ID
           n = 1 Enable Caller ID, formatted caller report
           n = 2 Enable Caller ID, unformatted caller report
           NOTE: Caller ID is not available in some countries.

+VCID?     Return Current Caller ID Mode.
           NOTE: Caller ID is not available in some countries.

+VCID=?    Return Supported Caller ID Report Formats.
           AT+VCID=?  queries the modem for the range of supported Caller
           ID report formats.
           NOTE: Caller ID is not available in some countries.

           Distinctive Ringing and Cadence Report.
           AT+VDR  enables  the  distinctive ringing feature. Distinctive
           ringing  allows  a report of DROF/DRON to follow an exact ring
           cadence  coming over the phone line.
           NOTE: Distinctive ringing is not available in some countries.

+VDR?      Return Distinctive Ringing and Cadence Report Values.
           AT+VDR? returns the current values of  and .
           NOTE: Distinctive ringing is not available in some countries.

+VDR=?     Return Supported Distinctive Ringing and Cadence Report
           AT+VDR=?   queries  the  modem  for  the  range  of  supported
           distinctive  ring configurations. The modem returns (0,1), (0-
           NOTE: Distinctive ringing is not available in some countries.

+VGT=n     Speaker Volume Control.
           Range: 0 - 255
           n = 0 Modem automatic volume control
           n = 128 Nominal volume level for sending to speaker
           n > 128 Increase volume above nominal level
           n < 128 Decrease volume below nominal level

           AT+VGT? Returns the current speaker volume level
           AT+VGT=? Returns the range of supported levels

+VGR=n     Receive Gain Selection.
           AT+VGR=n enables the receive microphone gain control.
           Range: 0 - 255
           n = 128 Nominal level for receive gain from microphone
           n > 128 Increase gain above nominal level
           n < 128 Decrease gain below nominal level

           TAM  mode.  This command may be used in TAM local recording to
           control the recording level from the microphone.

           Speakerphone  mode.  This  command  may be used to control the
           gain from the microphone to the remote caller.

           AT+VGR? Returns the current gain level
           AT+VGR=? Returns the range of supported gain values

+VEM=n     Event Reporting and Masking.
           The  computer  uses  the  AT+VEM=n command to disable an event
           report regardless of the modem state, analog signal source, or
           destination   configuration.  Mask  is  bits  0  -  33  (i.e.,
>          FFFFFFFFC).  See  the  IS-101  specification  for  defined bit

           AT+VEM? Returns the current values of the mask
           AT+VEM=?  Queries the modem for the range of supported service
           level events

+VIT=n     DTE/DCE (computer/modem) Inactivity Timer.
           The  AT+VIT=n  command  sets the modem's value for the DTE/DCE
           inactivity  timer.  This  timer  is  initiated after a logical
           hang-up  described  by the AT+VNH=2 command. At the end of the
           selected  inactivity  period,  the  modem  performs a physical
           hang-up and returns to +FCLASS=0. The timer, n, is incremented
           in one-second units.

           +VIT? Returns the current DTE/DCE inactivity timer value
           +VIT=? Returns the supported range of DTE/DCE inactivity timer

+VNH=n     Automatic Hang-up Control.
           The  AT+VNH=n  command  causes  the modem to enable or disable
           automatic  hang-ups  in  the data and facsimile modes. See the
>          ISO-101  specification  for  a  detailed  description  of this
           command and its interaction with the +FCLASS and ATH commands.
           Parameters: n = 0, 1
           n = 0 Enable automatic hang-ups (default)
           n = 1 Disable  automatic  hang-ups  in  the data and facsimile
           modes.  The  computer  performs  a  logical hang-up; the modem
           performs a logical hang-up and returns the OK result code.

               *Voice* *Commands* *Related* *to* *Speakerphone*

_Command_    _Description_

+VLS=n     Analog Source/Destination Selection.
           General   purpose   analog   source/destination  command  that
           attaches  various  analog devices to the system in voice mode.

           Speakerphone On/Off
           n = 0 Speakerphone off. Detaches analog devices, modem on-hook
           n = 7 Speaker phone on. Attaches internal speaker and internal
           microphone, modem off-hook

           Microphone Control/Phone muting
           n = 5 Disables/detaches   microphone  analog  source  (leaving
           speaker  only)  when  speakerphone is in operation (phone mute
           n = 7 Restores/attaches  microphone along with speaker (normal
           speakerphone operation)

+VLS?      Report Current Analog Source/Destination Configuration.
           AT+VLS?   reports   the   current   analog  source/destination
           configuration,  along  with  a  listing  of  all  event  codes
           reported   from   the   modem   to  the  computer  under  that

+VLS=?     Report Supported Analog Source/Destination Configurations.
           AT+VLS=?   queries  the  modem  for  the  range  of  supported
           configurations  and  the  list of unsolicited event codes that
           the   modem   will   report   to   the   computer  under  each
           configuration.  For speakerphone, the configurations supported
           are 0, 5, 7.

                        *Voice* *Commands* *Related* *to*
                    *Telephone* *Answering* *Machine* (*TAM*)

_Command_    _Description_

+VTD=n     Beep Tone Duration Timer.
           AT+VTD=n  sets  the  default duration for DTMF/tone generation
           (set in 0.01 second units).

+VTS=n     DTMF and Tone Generation in Voice Mode.
           AT+VTS=n  causes the modem to produce a sequence of DTMF tones
           (or other tones, such as dialtone, busy, silence) as specified
           in  the  parameter string. Specifications for the tone strings
>          are detailed in IS-101.

+VLS=n     Analog Source/Destination Selections.
           TAM supports each of the following IS-101 analog
           source/destination configurations:
           n = 0 Modem on-hook, local phone connected to Telco
           n = 1 Modem off-hook, modem connected to Telco
           n = 2 Modem off-hook, local phone connected to modem
           n = 3 Modem off-hook, local phone connected to Telco, modem to
           local phone
           n = 4 Speaker connected to modem, modem on-hook (playback
           n = 5 Speaker connected to modem, modem off-hook (call
           n = 6 Microphone connected to modem, modem on-hook (record
           n = 7 Microphone and speaker connected, modem off-hook

+VLS=?     Analog Source/Destination Selection and DTMF/Tone Reporting.
           Requests  for the modem's DTMF/Tone reporting capabilities are
           made using the AT+VLS=? command. For each system configuration
           in  voice mode (speakerphone and answering machine), the modem
           reports   the   capabilities   that   are   enabled   for  the
           configuration.  For  each  configuration,  the modem indicates
           tone-reporting  capabilities  for  each of the three different
           voice  states:  Voice  Transmit  Data, Voice Receive Data, and
           Voice Command State.

           Silence Detection (QUIET and SILENCE).
           The AT+VSD=, command sets both the silence detection
           sensitivity    and  the silence detection interval .
           Larger  values  of    indicate that the modem is to treat
           noisier line conditions as silence. Default is -40 dBm.

           =128  is  the nominal level of sensitivity.  greater
           than  128  is  more  aggressive;  = 129 is -39 dBM. 
           less than 128 is less aggressive;  = 127 is -41 dBm.

           The   specifies the amount of time the modem waits before
           reporting silence to the computer. It is used to determine the
           presumed hang-up (SILENCE), after which the modem sends -
           s to computer. Default is 5 seconds.

           Compression Method and Sampling Specifications.
           AT+VSM=cml,vsr  enables  the  compression  method and sampling
           specifications   where   cml=compression   method   label  and
           vsr=voice sampling rate.

+VSM?      Return Current Compression Method and Sampling Specifications.
           AT+VSM?   returns   the  numeric  and  string  labels  of  the
           compression  method  currently  in  use  and the sampling rate
           currently in use.

+VSM=?     Return Supported Compression Method and Sampling Specifications.
           The  modem  reports  the voice compression methods it supports
           and the voice sampling rates at which they are supported:
           128, 8-bit linear, (7200, 8000, 11025)
           129, 16-bit linear, (7200, 8000, 11025) (default)
           130, 8-bit A-law, (8000)
           131, 8-bit Þ-law, (8000)
           132, IMA ADPCM, (8000)

+VRA=n     Ringback Goes Away Timer.
           The modem uses the ringback goes away timer when originating a
           call.  This  command sets this timer to the amount of time the
           modem  waits between ringbacks before assuming that the remote
           modem has gone off-hook.

+VRN=n     Ringback Never Appeared Timer.
           The  modem  uses  this  ringback  never  appeared  timer  when
           originating  a call. The AT+VRN command sets this timer to the
           amount  of  time  that the modem spends looking for an initial
           ringback.  If a ringback is not detected within this interval,
           the modem assumes that the remote modem has gone off-hook.

           VoiceView  is  a  feature  that allows for Switched
           Voice and Data (SVD) transmissions. This means that
           your modem can send voice and data at the same time
           over  a  telephone  line  on  a  single connection.
           VoiceView  alternates (switches) the voice and data
           signals,  which makes it different from DSVD, which
           allows  for  simultaneous transmission of voice and
           data   signals.   The  following  table  lists  the
           VoiceView  AT commands that your modem understands.
           Each   command   description   names  the  command,
           explains it, and lists any associated parameters.

                         *VoiceView* *Commands*

_Command_   _Description_

+FCLASS=80 Enter Voice Mode.
           AT+FCLASS=80  instructs  the modem to enter VoiceView mode and
           use the set of VoiceView mode commands.

-SVV       Start VoiceView Data Mode.
           AT-SVV  initiates  the transmission of the VoiceView data mode
           start sequence and initiates a data transaction.

-SAC       Accept Data Mode Request.
           AT-SAC  instructs  the  modem to accept the incoming VoiceView
           data  mode start sequence and proceed with establishing a data

-SIPn      Initialize VoiceView Parameters.
           AT-SIPn sets VoiceView parameters. Parameters: n = 0 - 2
           n = 0 Reset parameters to defaults
           n = 1 Reset parameters to defaults and audit message storage
           n = 2 Reset parameters to defaults and erase message storage

-SIC       Reset Capabilities Data to Default Setting.
           AT-SIC  resets  the capabilities data structure to the default

-SSQ       Start Capabilities Query.
           AT-SSQ initiates the transmission of the VoiceView capabilities.

-SDA       Start Modem Data Mode.
           AT-SDA initiates the transmission of the modem data mode start
           sequence and causes the modem to switch to data mode.

-SFX       Start Facsimile Data Mode.
           AT-SFX  initiates  the transmission of the fax data mode start
           sequence and causes the modem to switch to fax data mode.

-SMTn      Telephone Handset Mute Control.
           AT-SMTn  controls  the  manual  muting  of the local telephone
           interface. Parameters: n = 0, 1
           n = 0 Unmute (default)
           n = 1 Mute

-SQR=n     Capabilities Query Response Control.
           AT-SQR=n  controls  the  response  to  a  capabilities  query.
           Parameters:  n  = 0, 1
           n = 0 One-way response. Your modem does not request capability
           information from the originating modem.
           n = 1 Two-way  response.  After  answering  a  query  for  its
           capabilities,  your modem requests capability information from
           the originating modem.

-SCD=n     Set Capabilities Data.
           AT-SCD=n is used to read, add to, or establish the contents of
           the  modem's  capabilities  data  structure.  The capabilities
           elements  (n)  consist  of  pairs  of  hexadecimal numbers and
           specify the capabilities information.
           AT-SCD? Reads the current capabilities

-SER?      Error Reporting.
           AT-SER? asks the modem for an error report. The modem responds
           with either 0 (no error found) or a pair of hexadecimal digits
           representing  the  error  parameter  byte.  These error codes,
           along  with  their  explanations,  are listed in the following

           Error CodeDescription
           81    Unrecognized command issued by the computer
           82    Unsupported parameter received
           83    Could not initiate data mode because switchhook is
           84    Invalid capabilities information written by the computer
           85    Could not initiate capabilities query
           86    No data available to send to the computer
           87    Could not initiate data mode because the message storage
                 system is receiving messages
           88    No incoming start sequence present
           89    Could not initiate data mode because capability not
           41    Send sequence error
           42    Receive sequence error
           43    Unexpected DISC received as response
           44    Maximum number of retransmissions (N200) exceeded
           45    Maximum number of octets in I-frame exceeds N201
           46    Maximum number of outstanding I-frames (k) exceeded
           21    Timeout waiting for a valid mode tone in the start
           22    Timeout waiting for data modulation to begin after the
                 start sequence
           23    Timeout waiting for a valid data frame or near-end has
                 no remove flow control (T203 expired)
           24    Inactivity timeout in VoiceView auto-answer state (T300
           25    Timeout waiting for a response to a capabilities query
           26    Timeout waiting for a response to a capabilities
                 exchange request (T301)
           27    Timeout waiting for the remote modem to respond to a
                 data mode start sequence (T200 expired)
           28    Timeout waiting for the remote modem to remove flow
           29    Timeout waiting for data from the computer (T303)
           2A    Timeout waiting for physical layer to transmit frame
           2B    Timeout waiting for a response from the computer after
                 sending an event indication (T310)

           Set VoiceView Transmission Speeds.
           AT-SSP= specifies the data modulation schemes
           that  are associated with the VoiceView mode tones. The digits
           of  the  compound value represent burst speed, recovery speed,
           and priority speed.
           Valid values: 0 - 7
           0 V.21 300 bps FSK
           1 V.27ter 4800 bps DPSK
           2 V.29 9600 bps QAM
           3 V.29 4800 bps QAM
           4 V. 17 7200 bps TCM
           5 V.17 9600 bps TCM
           6 V.17 12000 bps TCM
           7 V.17 14400 bps TCM
           Default: (0, 1, 2)

-SSR=n     Start Sequence Response Control.
           AT-SSR=n  enables or disables a response to all VoiceView data
           start sequences. Parameters: n = 0, 1
           n = 0 Disable response
           n = 1 Enable response (default)

+FLO=n     Flow Control.
           AT+FLO=n  allows  the  computer  to  identify  and  select the
           type(s) of flow control provided and used.
           Parameters: 0, 1, 2
           n = 0 No flow control
           n = 1 Bidirectional XON/XOFF flow control (default)
           n  =  2  ITU  circuit 133 for flow control of the modem by the
           computer;  circuit 106 for flow control of the computer by the

                   *DSVD* *AT* *Command* *Reference*

           The  following  table  lists  the DSVD AT commands.
           Each   command   description   names  the  command,
           explains it, and lists any parameters.

_Command_   _Description_

-SSE=n     Enable/disable DSVD.
           Parameters: n = 0, 1
           n = 0 Disable DSVD
           n = 1 Enable DSVD

-SSE-OF    Simulate virtual off-hook event.

-SSE-ON    Simulate virtual on-hook event.

-SSE-AC    Enable auto call.
           AT-SSE-AC  tells  the  modem to establish the voice channel as
           soon  as  the  connection  is made with the remote DSVD modem.
           There is a single request for each new call.
           NOTE:  If  both modems have this setting, the voice channel is
           activated  by  one of the modems and remains enabled until the
           line is dropped.

-SSE-AA    Enable auto answer mode.
           AT-SSE-AA  allows  the  modem  to  accept and answer all voice
           channel requests.

-SSE-AM    Enable auto multiple call mode.
           AT-SSE-AM allows the modem to establish a new connection every
           30 seconds with a 5 second delay between calls.

-SSE-A-    Cancel auto mode.

-SSE-&W    Store current system audio parameters.

-SSE-&R    Read current registry parameters.

-SSE-SN    Enable silence detection.

-SSE-SF    Disable silence detection.

-SSE-FN    Set modem to full-duplex mode (with headset).

-SSE-FF    Set modem to half-duplex mode (with speakerphone).

-SSE+VGT=n Set speakerphone gain level.
           Range: 1 - 255
           n = 0 Modem automatic volume control
           n = 128 Nominal volume level for sending to speaker
           n > 128 Increase volume above nominal level
           n < 128 Decrease volume below nominal level

           AT-SSE+VGT? Returns the current speaker volume level
           AT-SSE+VGT=? Returns the range of supported levels

-SSE+VGR=n Set microphone gain level.
           Range: 0 - 255
           n = 128 Nominal level for receive gain from microphone
           n > 128 Increase gain above nominal level
           n < 128 Decrease gain below nominal level

           AT-SSE+VGR? Returns the current gain level
           AT-SSE+VGR=? Returns the range of supported gain values

AT-SSE-Nn  Select error correction mode for data channel.
           Parameters: n = 0, 1
           n = 0 Select the UNERM (no error correction) mode data channel
           (V70 only)
           n = 1 Select the ERM (error correction) mode data channel (V70
           and Intel DSVD) (default)

-SSE-Wn    Enable/disable wave access in DSVD.

           Mode   Bit 2   Bit 1   Bit 0
            W0      0       0       0
            W1      0       0       1
            W2      0       1       0
            W3      0       1       1
            W4      1       0       0
            W5      1       0       1
            W6      1       1       0
            W7      1       1       1

           Recommended mode of operation is W7


           Bit 0 enables mixing of local microphone into the wave file
           being played
           Bit 1 enables mixing of local feedback of the wave file being
           sent to the remote modem into the received voice signal
           Bit 2 enables mixing of local microphone signal into the
           remote voice signal being recorded into a wave file

           W8n Disables wave access
           n = 0 Enabled (default)
           n = 1 Disabled

-SSE-Bn    Select blocking factor.
           Parameters: n = 0 - 3
           n = 0 Selects the blocking factor of 1 with no header field.
           (V70 and Intel DSVD) (default)
           n = 1 Selects the blocking factor of 1 (V70 and Intel DSVD)
           n = 2 Selects the blocking factor of 2 (V70 only)
           n = 3 Selects the blocking factor of 3 (V70 only)

ATD        Initiate transition from voice to DSVD.

ATH        Hang up modem.

AT%Cn      Enable/disable data channel compression.
           Parameters: n = 0, 1
           n = 0 Disable compression
           n = 1 Enable compression (default)

AT+VNH=n   Hook control.
           AT+VNH=n is used in conjunction with ATH command for hook
           control. Parameters: n = 0, 2
           n = 0 The modem hangs up when it does not detect a carrier
           n = 2 The modem remains off-hook when it does not detect a
           carrier. This allows the modem to switch to another mode.

AT+VIT=n   Set the inactivity timer.