Collection Contents Index Adaptive Server Anywhere CHAPTER 2.  Database Terms and Concepts pdf/chap1.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 1. First Steps
     CHAPTER 1. Introducing SQL Anywhere Studio       

The sample database

There is a sample database included with SQL Anywhere Studio. Many of the examples throughout the documentation use this sample database.

The sample database is held in a file named asademo.db, and is located in your Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory. The following figure shows the tables in the sample database and how they are related to each other.

The psdemodb database installed with InfoMaker has the same tables, plus some additional tables specific to InfoMaker.

The sample database represents a small company. It contains internal information about the company (employees, departments, and financial data) as well as product information (products) and sales information (sales orders, customers, and contacts).

Tables in the database 

The tables in the sample database include the following:

Collection Contents Index Adaptive Server Anywhere CHAPTER 2.  Database Terms and Concepts pdf/chap1.pdf