Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 2.  Database Terms and Concepts Relational database concepts pdf/chap2.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 1. First Steps
     CHAPTER 2. Database Terms and Concepts       

Database computing concepts

This section describes how database applications and the database server work together to manage databases.

Top of page  Database computing components

Any information system contains the following pieces:

Top of page  How the pieces fit together

A complete application on a single computer has the following architecture:

In this case the database server is generally the personal server, although you can also use applications on the same machine as the network server.

A complete application in a client/server environment has the following architecture:

In this case the database server is the network server, which supports network communications. No changes are needed to the client application for it to work in a client/server environment.

Top of page  SQL and database computing

When a client application wants to carry out a database task, such as retrieving information using a query or inserting a new row into a table, it does so using Structured Query Language (SQL) statements. SQL, pronounced "sequel", is a relational database language that has been standardized by the ANSI and ISO standards bodies.

Depending on how you develop a client application, SQL statements could be supplied in function calls from the programming language, or you may build them graphically in a special window provided by your application development tool.

The programming interface delivers the SQL statement to the database server. The database server receives the statement and executes it, returning any required information (such as query results) back to the application.

Client/server communications protocols carry information between the client application and the database server, and programming interfaces define how an application sends the information. No matter what interface you use, and what network protocol you use, it is SQL statements that are sent to a server, and the results of SQL statements that are returned to the client application.

For Info     For an introduction to SQL see the chapters beginning with Selecting Data from Database Tables.

Top of page  Other files used by Adaptive Server Anywhere

In addition to the database file, Adaptive Server Anywhere uses two other files when it is running a database. These are the transaction log and the temporary file.

The transaction log 

The transaction log is a separate file, which contains a record of all the operations performed on the database. Normally, it has the same name as the database file, except that it ends with the suffix .log instead of .db. It has three important functions.

The temporary file 

The temporary file is opened when the database server starts, and is closed down when the server stops. As its name suggests, the temporary file is used while the server is running to hold temporary information. The temporary file holds no information that needs to be kept between sessions.

The temporary file is stored in your temporary directory. The location of this directory is generally identified by your TEMP environment variable.

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Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 2.  Database Terms and Concepts Relational database concepts pdf/chap2.pdf