Collection Contents Index About the database server Connecting to the sample database from Interactive SQL pdf/chap3.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 2. Getting Results with SQL Anywhere Studio
     CHAPTER 3. Running and Connecting to a Database Server       

Starting the database server

This section describes how to start the database server running the sample database. How you do this depends on the operating system you are using.

Top of page  Starting the sample database on Windows operating systems

  To start the sample database, on Windows 95 or Windows NT:
  1. Click Start on the Taskbar, and select Programs->Sybase->Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0->Personal Server Sample.

    This starts a personal server running the sample database. The server displays as an icon in the system tray, at the opposite end of the Taskbar from the Start button.

  To start the sample database, on Windows 3.x or OS/2:
  1. Open the Adaptive Server Anywhere program group, and double-click Personal Server Sample.

    This starts a personal server running the sample database. The server displays as an icon at the bottom of your screen.

Behind the scenes 

The command that is executed by carrying out these tasks is as follows:

path\exedir\dbeng6 -c 8M path\asademo.db

where path is your Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory, and exedir is a subdirectory that holds the executables and other files for the operating system that you are using. The switch -c 8M makes a cache of 8 megabytes available for the server.

The dbeng6 command starts the personal database server, and asademo.db is the sample database file.

You can start database servers by entering this command at a system command prompt. For Windows 3.1, you can run the command by choosing File->Run from Program Manager and typing the command.

For Windows 3.x, the executable name is dbeng6w.exe rather than dbeng6.exe.

Top of page  Starting the sample database on UNIX

  To start the sample database, on UNIX operating systems:
  1. From a command line, type the following command:

    dbeng6 path/asademo.db

    where path is the Adaptive Server Anywhere installation path.

Do not use the ampersand character to run the database server in the background. An alternative is to run the database as a daemon; to do this, use the -gu command-line option.

Top of page  The server window

You can display the server window by double-clicking the Adaptive Server Anywhere icon in the system tray at the bottom of your screen.

The server window displays the following information:

The startup cache size and page size are the default values. For many purposes, default startup options are fine. For more advanced use, you can provide explicit database server startup options.

For Info     For information on using startup options, see Running the Database Server. For a complete list of startup options, see The database server.

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Collection Contents Index About the database server Connecting to the sample database from Interactive SQL pdf/chap3.pdf