Collection Contents Index Sybase Central and database management Adding a table to a database pdf/chap4.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 2. Getting Results with SQL Anywhere Studio
     CHAPTER 4. Managing Databases with Sybase Central       

Navigating the main Sybase Central window

This tutorial introduces the Sybase Central user interface. It also describes how to start Sybase Central, how to connect to a database, and how to view a database schema in Sybase Central.

After completing the tutorial you should feel comfortable exploring Sybase Central by yourself.

Top of page  Start Sybase Central

The main Sybase Central window appears.

The Sybase Central window is modeled after the Explorer in Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. The main window is split into two vertically-aligned panels. The left panel displays a hierarchical view of database objects or containers in a tree-like structure. A container is a database object that can hold other database objects, including other containers. Sybase Central is at the root of the tree. Plug-ins for Sybase Central, such as the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere database management system, occupy the first level after the root level.

The right panel displays the contents of the container that has been selected in the left panel. The contents of a container can be viewed in the right panel in several ways: as large icons, small icons, as a list, and alongside their associated details. You can switch between these views by clicking the buttons on the Tool Bar immediately below the Window menu.

Top of page  Connecting to a database from Sybase Central

This section describes how to connect to the sample database using the user ID DBA and the password SQL.

Logging on    
The sample database contains the user ID DBA, a user with full administration and resource creation rights. The password for this user is SQL.

By default, all newly-created Adaptive Server Anywhere databases contain this user ID and password. It is the responsibility of the database administrator to provide the desired level of security by changing passwords and creating other user IDs.

  To connect to the sample database:
  1. Start the sample database (asademo.db) by selecting the Personal Server Sample menu item from the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 menu. Select Start->Programs->Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0->Personal Server Sample.

    The Adaptive Server Anywhere server and sample database must be running for any of the following steps to work properly.

  2. From the same Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 menu, start Sybase Central by clicking the Manage Adaptive Server Anywhere menu item.

  3. On the Sybase Central toolbar, select Connect->Adaptive Server Anywhere from the Tools menu.

  4. Enter the user ID DBA and the password SQL, and click OK.

You can save connection parameters as connection profiles to avoid retyping often-used connection parameters. For information about connection profiles, search the Sybase Central online help index for Connection Profiles.

Top of page  Viewing a database schema

A database schema is the collection of all objects in the database. Sybase Central displays a database schema as a hierarchy of containers and their contents. This section describes how to view the schema of a database.

Expanding a database container 

There are a variety of methods for viewing the objects in a database, including the following.

The left panel displays container objects only. The right panel displays the contents of the container object selected in the left panel.

Viewing the tables in a database 

The following illustrates the steps taken to examine the contents of a table folder in a database container.

  To examine the tables in a database:
  1. Select the Tables folder. You may have to expand the server and database objects in the hierarchical tree in the left panel in order to view the Tables folder.

  2. Each table in the Tables folder is itself a container. Select a table in the left panel to reveal the contents of that table in the right panel. Each table object contains folders for columns, foreign keys, relations, indexes, and triggers.

  3. Expand the table object in the left panel to reveal its contents in the hierarchical tree. Select each object in the table container by clicking on it once in the left panel. The right panel will display the contents of the table object selected in the left panel.

Viewing database object properties 

The properties of database objects such as a database or stored procedures, can be viewed using any of the following methods. In all cases, a tabbed dialog box called a property sheet will be displayed, revealing all editable and non-editable properties.

You can navigate a database by clicking or double-clicking in either panel. Explore the contents of the other folders in the database. Every Adaptive Server Anywhere database contains individual folders for the following:

You should explore the sample database until you are comfortable locating database objects in the Sybase Central main window.

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Collection Contents Index Sybase Central and database management Adding a table to a database pdf/chap4.pdf