Collection Contents Index Backing up a database using Sybase Central CHAPTER 5.  Using Interactive SQL pdf/chap4.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 2. Getting Results with SQL Anywhere Studio
     CHAPTER 4. Managing Databases with Sybase Central       

Using the Sybase Central online help

The main documentation for Sybase Central is available as online help separate from the main Adaptive Server Anywhere online documentation. This tutorial introduces you to the Sybase Central online help.

The online help is presented as a set of topics. You can find topics about a subject of interest using the Contents, the Index, or by searching the text of the online help.

Top of page  Using the online help Contents

  To see the Sybase Central online help contents:
  1. Select Help->Adaptive Server Anywhere Plug-in Help from the Sybase Central Help menu. The Sybase Central Help Topics window appears.

  2. The Help Topics window has three tabs: Contents, Index, and Find. Click the Contents tab.

The online help Contents are displayed as a set of books. To open a book, click the book and click Open or double click a book. The following example illustrates the organization of the help topics.

  To find out how to add a group:
  1. With the Contents tab showing on the Help Topics window, click Managing Users & Groups to open the book.

  2. Click Creating A New User Or Group to display the topic.


You should spend some time browsing through the Contents window to familiarize yourself with the online help organization.

Top of page  Using the online help Index

The Index provides an alternative way to search for information in the online Help.

This section shows how to find information about creating users using the index.

  To find a topic using the Index:
  1. Open the Help Topics window, and click the Index tab.

  2. Type "users" in the box numbered 1. In box 2, the first user entry is highlighted.

  3. The index is a two-level index. Click Creating under Users, and click Display to show the topic.


If there is more than one topic indexed under the entry you display, a list of topics is displayed.

Top of page  Searching the text of the online help

If you cannot find the information you are looking for using the Contents or the Index, you may want to try searching the text of the online Help.

  To find a topic by searching text:
  1. Open the Help Topics window, and click the Find tab.

  2. When you have built your word list, type "user" in the box numbered 1. As you type, a list of matching words is shown in the box numbered 2.

  3. Click user in box 2.

  4. Click Creating a new user Or Group in the topic list in box number 3, and click Display to show the topic.

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Collection Contents Index Backing up a database using Sybase Central CHAPTER 5.  Using Interactive SQL pdf/chap4.pdf