Collection Contents Index Starting InfoMaker Using popup menus and property sheets pdf/chap6.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 2. Getting Results with SQL Anywhere Studio
     CHAPTER 6. Welcome to InfoMaker       

Accessing the InfoMaker painters

This section introduces you to the painters available in InfoMaker.

  To access the report painter:
  1. Click the Report painter button in the PowerBar.

    The Select Report dialog box displays. It lists the reports in the current library, which is the library named TUTOR_IM. This library includes samples that come with InfoMaker and is the library you will use for the tutorials.

    If the current library is not TUTOR_IM    
    If the current library is not TUTOR_IM, you need to change to it. Select File-> PowerPanel from the menu bar. Select the Environment painter. In the Environment painter, select File-> Open and navigate to TUTOR_IM.PBL in the TUTORIAL folder (in the folder structure where InfoMaker is installed)

  2. Click expenses (scroll the list until you see the report named expenses).

    Click the Design button.

    The design version of the report displays in the Report painter workspace. You will learn about the workspace in the Report tutorial when you create a report. For now you will learn basic skills.

Collection Contents Index Starting InfoMaker Using popup menus and property sheets pdf/chap6.pdf