First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
PART 2. Getting Results with SQL Anywhere Studio
CHAPTER 6. Welcome to InfoMaker
Of all the InfoMaker painters, popup menus and property sheets help you work quickly.
Move the pointer to the words Expenses for.
Click the right mouse button.
The popup menu for a piece of text (also called a text object) displays. Whenever you position the pointer on something that has a popup menu and click the right mouse button, the appropriate menu items are listed.
Click Properties in the popup menu.
The property sheet for the Expenses for text object displays. It has five tabs, which identify five pages of information. The General tab page is on top.
About property sheets For example, a text object has properties such as font, font size, location, border, and so on. You can see the current settings for these properties on the object's property sheet. You can also change them there. |
Click Cancel to close the property sheet.
Position the pointer on the word description.
Click the right mouse button and select Properties from the popup menu.
The property sheet for the data column (Column object) called description displays. The tab pages and options are different from those in the property sheet for the text object. The Column Object property sheet is designed for the data column.
Click the word Font on the font tab.
The Font tab page comes to the front of the property sheet.
Click the font size 14 in the Size box.
Click the Apply button.
The Font size of the text object changes to 14. When you click Apply, InfoMaker applies the change you just made to the object and leaves the object's property sheet open.
Click the font size 10 in the Size box.
Click the OK button.
When you click OK, InfoMaker applies changes and closes the property sheet. The Font size of the text object changes back to 10.