First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
PART 2. Getting Results with SQL Anywhere Studio
CHAPTER 8. Creating Reports with InfoMaker
Now you will specify sorting and grouping. You want the report to group contacts by title. This means you need to sort by title and then specify grouping by title.
Select Rows->Sort from the menu bar.
The Specify Sort Columns dialog box displays.
Move the pointer to the word title in the Source Data box and drag it to the Columns box.
(To drag, press and hold the left mouse button, move the mouse, then release the mouse button.)
Ascending and Descending |
You've specified the sorting required to group on title.
Next you will specify sorting by last name and then by first name. This ensures that your contacts are alphabetized within each group.
Drag last_name and first_name to the Columns box.
Click OK.
The sorting definition is complete. You return to the Report painter workspace.
Select Rows->Create Group from the menu bar.
The Band Object property sheet displays. You are going to group on the title column. All contacts with the same title will be grouped together.
Drag title to the Columns box and click OK.
The grouping definition is completed. You return to the Report painter workspace.
You have two new bands for the group in the report. You'll learn about bands in the next section.
Select Design->Preview from the menu bar.
You see the report and its data. Notice that the data is sorted. You do not see the groups yet. In a few minutes, you will make some changes so the groups will appear.
Click the Preview button.
You return to the Report painter workspace.