Collection Contents Index Working with DynaScript CHAPTER 11.  Replicating Data with SQL Remote pdf/chap10.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 2. Getting Results with SQL Anywhere Studio
     CHAPTER 10. Building a Dynamic Web Site with PowerDynamo       

Working with forms

Instead of using the formatting repeated for each row of output, which is delimited by the <!--FORMATTING--> tags, you can access and program the results of queries from within DynaScript. DynaScript is an object oriented scripting language. DynaScript objects can have properties (data) associated with them as well as methods (functions that act on the properties).

The query object provides a scriptable way to work with a SQL query embedded in a Dynamo template.

In this project you will:

Top of page  Create a form

  1. From Sybase Central start the Add Template wizard.

  2. Call the new template Department.stm and click Next.

  3. Enter a description of Department employee list and click next.

  4. Select inherited as the connection type and click next.

  5. Click Next and Finish until the wizard is closed.

  6. Open the Department.stm file and enter the following HTML. Existing code in the template should be deleted so that the following HTML is the only content:

    <H1>Department employee list</H1>
    <P>Select the department that you would like employee information for</P>
    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" value="R & D">Research and Development<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" value="Sales">Sales<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" value="Finance">Finance<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" value="Marketing">Marketing<BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="choice" value="Shipping">Shipping<BR>
    <P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit List"></P>
    <P><INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Clear Form"></P>

    The above HTML creates a form for which a user is required to select a category for which he would like data displayed. Once a value has been selected it will be used in the next template, mulchoice.stm, to generate results.

  7. Save and close the template.

Top of page  Create a template which contains a query and output manipulation in DynaScript

  1. Start the Add Template wizard again and create a new template called mulchoice.stm. Create this template in the same manner that you created Department.stm.

  2. Open the mulchoice.stm template and add the following code. Existing code in the template should be deleted so that the following code is the only content:

    <TITLE>Selected Department</TITLE>
        document.WriteLn("<H1> The ")
        document.WriteLn("Group </H1>")
    var selectStr = "select emp_lname, emp_fname, phone from employee, department where department.dept_id = employee.dept_id";
        selectStr += " and department.dept_name = " + "'" + document.value.choice + "'" ;
    document.WriteLn("<TABLE BORDER>");
    for (i=1; i <= colCount; i++){
    while (myQuery.MoveNext()){
        for (i=1; i <= colCount; i++) {


The following DynaScript methods and properties are being used in the mulchoice.stm template:

For Info     For further information about DynaScript methods and properties see the PowerDynamo User's Guide.

Top of page  

Collection Contents Index Working with DynaScript CHAPTER 11.  Replicating Data with SQL Remote pdf/chap10.pdf