Collection Contents Index Modifying rows in a table Making changes permanent pdf/chap15.pdf

First Guide to SQL Anywhere Studio
   PART 3. Basic SQL
     CHAPTER 15. Updating the Database       

Canceling changes

You may be a little concerned about all of the changes you have made to the employee table. However, SQL allows you to undo all of these changes with one command:


The ROLLBACK statement 

The ROLLBACK statement undoes all changes you have made to the database since the last time you made changes permanent (see COMMIT in the next section).

The default action in Interactive SQL is to do a COMMIT on exit. This can be controlled with the Interactive SQL option COMMIT_ON_EXIT.

For Info     For more information on Interactive SQL options, see Interactive SQL options.

Collection Contents Index Modifying rows in a table Making changes permanent pdf/chap15.pdf