Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 4.  ODBC Programming ODBC fundamentals pdf/chap4.pdf

Programming Interfaces Guide
   CHAPTER 4. ODBC Programming     

Introduction to ODBC programming

The ODBC interface is defined by a set of function calls, called the ODBC API (Application Programming Interface).

To write ODBC applications for Adaptive Server Anywhere, you need:

Applications that use the ODBC interface can work with many different database systems. Adaptive Server Anywhere supports the ODBC API on UNIX and OS/2, in addition to the Windows and Windows NT environments. Having multi-platform ODBC support makes portable database application development much easier.

Top of page  ODBC conformance

Adaptive Server Anywhere Version 6 provides support for ODBC 3.51.

Levels of ODBC support 

ODBC features are arranged according to a level of conformance. Features are either Core, Level 1, or Level 2, with level 2 being the most complete level of ODBC support. These features are listed in the ODBC Programmer's Reference, which is available from Microsoft Corporation as part of the ODBC software development kit or from the Microsoft Web site, at the following Web site:

Features supported by Adaptive Server Anywhere 

Adaptive Server Anywhere supports the ODBC 3.51 specification.

ODBC backwards compatibility 

Applications developed using older versions of ODBC will continue to work with Adaptive Server Anywhere and the newer ODBC driver manager. The new ODBC features are not provided for older applications.

The ODBC driver manager 

The ODBC driver manager is part of the ODBC software supplied with Adaptive Server Anywhere. The ODBC Version 3 driver manager has a new interface for configuring ODBC data sources.

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Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 4.  ODBC Programming ODBC fundamentals pdf/chap4.pdf