Collection Contents Index Using prepared statements in ODBC Calling stored procedures in ODBC pdf/chap4.pdf

Programming Interfaces Guide
   CHAPTER 4. ODBC Programming     

Working with result sets

ODBC provides extensive support for different kinds of cursor and cursor operations.

For Info     For an introduction to cursors, see Working with cursors.

A cursor is opened using SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect, rows are fetched using SQLFetch or SQLExtendedFetch and the cursor is closed using SQLFreeStmt.

To fetch values from a cursor, the application can use either SQLBindCol or SQLGetData. If you use SQLBindCol, values are automatically retrieved on each fetch. If you use SQLGetData, you must call it for each column after each fetch.

The following code fragment opens and reads a cursor. Error checking has been omitted to make the example easier to read.

. . .
HDBC dbc;
HSTMT stmt;
RETCODE retcode;
long emp_id;
char emp_lname[20];

SQLAllocStmt( dbc, &stmt );
SQLExecDirect( stmt,
            "select emp_id,emp_lname
            from employee", SQL_NTS );
SQLBindCol( stmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, &emp_id,
            sizeof(emp_id), NULL );
SQLBindCol( stmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, &emp_lname,
            sizeof(emp_lname), NULL );

for(;;) {
   retcode = SQLFetch( stmt );
   if( retcode == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND ) break;
   print_employee( emp_id, emp_lname);

/* Using SQL_CLOSE closes the cursor
   but does not free the statement */
SQLFreeStmt( stmt, SQL_CLOSE );
. . .


Bookmarks and cursors 

ODBC provides bookmarks, which are values used to identify rows in a cursor. Adaptive Server Anywhere supports bookmarks for all kinds of cursor except dynamic cursors.

Before ODBC 3.0, a database could specify only whether it supports bookmarks or not. There was no way for a database server to indicate for what kind of cursor bookmarks were supported. Adaptive Server Anywhere returns that it does support bookmarks. There is therefore nothing in ODBC to prevent you from trying to use bookmarks with dynamic cursors; however, you should not use this combination.

Collection Contents Index Using prepared statements in ODBC Calling stored procedures in ODBC pdf/chap4.pdf