Collection Contents Index How Adaptive Server Anywhere locates files Registry entries and INI files pdf/chap1.pdf

Reference Manual
   CHAPTER 1. File Locations and Installation Settings     

Environment variables

Adaptive Server Anywhere uses a set of environment variables to store various types of information. Not all variables need to be set in all circumstances.

  To set an environment variable on 32-bit Windows:
  1. Right Click on My Computer and select Properties from the popup menu.

  2. Click the Environment tab. If the environment variable does not already exist, type variable and its value in the spaces provided, and click Set.

    If the variable does exist, select it from the list of System Variables or User Variables, and make any modifications in the Value field. Click Set to make the setting.

  To set an environment variable on UNIX:
  1. In one of your startup files (.cshrc, .shrc, .login), add a line that sets the variable.

    In some shells (such as sh, bash, ksh) the line is as follows:

    export VARIABLE=value

    In other shells (such as csh, tsch) the line is as follows:

    setenv VARIABLE value

The following is a list of environment variables that are used by Adaptive Server Anywhere, and a description of their use.

Top of page  LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable [UNIX]


LD_LIBRARY_PATH= installation_path/lib


The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is used on UNIX only. It is modified by the installation program to include the directories where Adaptive Server Anywhere libraries are located.

The executables are located in the lib subdirectory of the installation directory. For example, /opt/SYBSasa6/lib.

Top of page  PATH environment variable


PATH= installation_path


The PATH environment variable is modified by the installation program to include the directories where Adaptive Server Anywhere executables are located.

The executables are located in a subdirectory of the installation directory.

In addition, if you are using other Sybase applications, the SYBASE\bin and SYBASE\dll directories are added to your path.

On UNIX, each user must have the directory holding the executables (/opt/SYBSASA6/bin ) added to their path.

Top of page  SATMP environment variable


SATMP= temp_directory


The SATMP environment variable is used by UNIX versions of Adaptive Server Anywhere to indicate a directory where temporary files are kept.

If more than one database server is running on a machine, each user needs their own temporary directory. Typically, this is set to /tmp/.userid, so that each user has their own directory and conflicts are avoided.

Top of page  SQLCONNECT environment variable


SQLCONNECT=parameter#value ; ...


The SQLCONNECT environment variable is optional, and is not set by the installation program.

SQLCONNECT specifies connection parameters that are used by several of the database administration utilities when connecting to a database server. This string is a list of parameter settings, of the form parameter=value, delimited by semicolons.

The number sign "#" is an alternative to the equals sign, and should be used if you are setting the connection parameters string in the SQLCONNECT environment variable. Using "=" inside an environment variable setting is a syntax error. The = sign is allowed only in Windows NT.

For Info     For a description of the connection parameters, see Connection parameters.

Top of page  SQLLOCALE environment variable


SQLLOCALE= Charset=cslabel;Language=langlabel;CollationLabel=colabel

See also 

The SQLLOCALE environment variable


The SQLLOCALE environment variable is not set by the installation program, and is required only in multi-character-set environments.

The SQLLOCALE environment variable is a single string that consists of three semi-colon-separated assignments. The assignments set out the character set, language, and collation of the environment.

For Info     For more information, including listings of supported values for the assignments, see The SQLLOCALE environment variable.

Top of page  SQLPATH environment variable




The SQLPATH environment variable is optional, and is not set by the installation program.

Interactive SQL searches along SQLPATH for command files and Help files before searching the system path.

Top of page  SQLREMOTE environment variable




The SQLREMOTE environment variable is optional, and is not set by the installation program.

Addresses for the FILE message link in SQL Remote are subdirectories of the SQLREMOTE environment variable. This variable should point to a shared directory.

On 32-bit Windows, an alternative to setting the SQLREMOTE environment variable is to set the SQL Remote\Directory registry entry to the proper root directory.

Top of page  SYBASE environment variable




The SYBASE variable marks the home directory for installation of some Sybase applications, including Adaptive Server Enterprise and utilities such as dsedit. You need this variable only if you are using Adaptive Server Anywhere together with other members of the Adaptive Server family.

Top of page  TEMP environment variable






The database server creates a temporary file for various operations such as sorting and performing unions. Temporary files are placed in the directory specified by the TMP, TMPDIR, or TEMP environment variable. Adaptive Server Anywhere takes the first one of the three that it finds.

If none of the environment variables is defined, temporary files are placed in the current working directory of the server.

On UNIX, the SATMP variable is used instead of the TEMP environment variable.

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Collection Contents Index How Adaptive Server Anywhere locates files Registry entries and INI files pdf/chap1.pdf