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Reference Manual
   CHAPTER 4. Database Administration Utilities     

The Upgrade utility

The Upgrade utility upgrades a database created with Watcom SQL 3.2, Watcom SQL 4.0, or SQL Anywhere 5.0 to the Adaptive Server Anywhere format. While Adaptive Server Anywhere does run against databases that were created with earlier releases of the software, some of the features that were introduced since the version that created the database are unavailable unless the database is upgraded.

For people switching from release 3.2 or 4.0 to the current release, the Upgrade utility upgrades their databases without unloading and reloading them.

If you wish to use replication on an upgraded database, you must also archive your transaction log and start a new one on the upgraded database.

You can access the Upgrade utility in the following ways:

Top of page  Upgrading a database from Sybase Central

  To upgrade a database:
  1. Open the Database Utilities folder in the left panel.

  2. Double-click Upgrade Database in the right panel. The Upgrade Database wizard is displayed.

  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

For Info     For full information on upgrading a database from Sybase Central, see the Sybase Central online Help.

Top of page  Upgrading databases that are too old for the Upgrade utility

  To upgrade a database created with a version of Adaptive Server Anywhere that is too old to be upgraded:
  1. Unload the database using the Unload utility.

  2. Create a database with the name you that you wish to use for the upgraded version, using the Initialization utility.

  3. Connect to the new database from Interactive SQL as the DBA user ID, and read the reload.sql command file to build the new database.

Top of page  The DBUPGRAD command-line utility


dbupgrad [switches]

Windows 3.x

dbupgrdw [switches]



-c "keyword=value; ..."

Supply database connection parameters


Do not install Sybase jConnect support


Do not install Sybase runtime Java classes


Close the window on completion


Quiet mode—no windows or messages


The DBUPGRAD command-line utility upgrades a database created with Watcom SQL 3.2, Watcom SQL 4.0, or SQL Anywhere 5.0 to the Adaptive Server Anywhere format. While Adaptive Server Anywhere does run against databases that were created with earlier releases of the software, some of the features that were introduced since the version that created the database are unavailable unless the database is upgraded.

For Info     For more information about the command-line switches, see Upgrade utility options.

Top of page  Upgrade utility options

Connection parameters (-c )     For a description of the connection parameters, see Connection parameters. If the connection parameters are not specified, connection paremeters from the SQLCONNECT environment variable are used, if set. The user ID must have DBA authority.

For example, the following command upgrades a database called sample40 to a 6.0 format, connecting as user DBA with password SQL:

dbupgrad -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql;dbf=c:\wsql40\sample40.db"

The dbupgrad command-line utility must be run by a user with DBA authority.

Do not install Sybase jConnect support (-i)     If you wish to use the Sybase jConnect JDBC driver to access system catalog information, you need to install jConnect support. Use this option if you wish to exclude the jConnect system objects. You can still use JDBC, as long as you do not access system information.

Do not install Sybase runtime Java classes (-j)     If you wish to use Java in your database, you must install the Sybase runtime Java classes. By default, these classes are installed when a database is upgraded to Version 6. The runtime classes add several megabytes to the size of a database. If you do not intend to use Java classes, you can specify the -j switch to avoid installing these classes.

Close the window on completion (-k )     Once the upgrade is completed, the message window is closed. This option is available only from the command-line utility.

Operate quietly (-q )     Do not display messages on a window. This option is available only from the command-line utility.

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