Reference Manual
CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements
To modify the attributes of a remote server.
ALTER SERVER server-name
[ CLASS 'server-class' ]
[ USING 'connection-info' ]
[ CAPABILITY 'cap-name' { ON | OFF } ]
| ODBC }
{ machine-name:port-number | data-source-name }
Must have RESOURCE authority.
Supported on Windows 95 and Windows NT only.
Automatic commit.
Server Classes for Remote Data Access
The ALTER SERVER statement modifies the attributes of a server. These changes do not take effect until the next connection to the remote server.
CLASS clause The CLASS clause is specified to change the server's class.
USING clause The USING clause is specified to change the server's connection information.
CAPABILITY clause The CAPABILITY clause turns a server capability ON or OFF. Server capabilities are stored in the system table syscapability. The names of these capabilities are stored in the system table syscapabilityname. The syscapability table contains no entries for a remote server until the first connection is made to that server. At the first connection, Adaptive Server Anywhere interrogates the server about its capabilities and then populates the syscapability table. For subsequent connections, the server's capabilities are obtained from this table.
In general, you do not need to alter a server's capabilities. It may be necessary to alter capabilities of a generic server of class ODBC.
SQL/92 Entry-level feature.
Sybase Supported by Open Client/Open Server.
Change the server class of the Adaptive Server named ase_prod so its connection to Adaptive Server Anywhere is ODBC-based. Its Data Source Name is ase_prod.
ALTER SERVER ase_prod CLASS 'aseodbc' USING 'ase_prod'
Change the capability of server infodc:
ALTER SERVER infodc CAPABILITY 'insert select' OFF