Reference Manual
CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements
To invoke a procedure.
[variable = ] CALL procedure-name ( [ expression ,... ] )
[variable = ] CALL procedure-name ( [ parameter-name = expression ,... ] )
Must be the owner of the procedure, have EXECUTE permission for the procedure, or have DBA authority.
Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches
The CALL statement invokes a procedure that has been previously created with a CREATE PROCEDURE statement. When the procedure completes, any INOUT or OUT parameter values will be copied back.
The argument list can be specified by position or by using keyword format. By position, the arguments will match up with the corresponding parameter in the parameter list for the procedure. By keyword, the arguments are matched up with the named parameters.
All arguments are optional: procedure arguments can be assigned default values in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, and missing parameters are assigned the default value or, if no default is set, NULL.
Inside a procedure, a CALL statement can be used in a DECLARE statement when the procedure returns result sets (see Returning results from procedures).
Procedures can return a value (as a status indicator, say) using the RETURN statement. You can save this return value in a variable using the equality sign as an assignment operator:
CREATE VARIABLE returnval INT ; returnval = CALL proc_integer ( arg1 = val1, ... )
SQL/92 Persistent Stored Module feature.
Sybase Not supported by Adaptive Server Enterprise. For an alternative that is supported, see EXECUTE statement.
Call the sp_customer_list procedure. This procedure has no parameters, and returns a result set.
CALL sp_customer_list()
The following Interactive SQL example creates a procedure to return the number of orders placed by the customer whose ID is supplied, creates a variable to hold the result, calls the procedure, and displays the result.
-- Set the statement delimiter to create the procedure SET OPTION COMMAND_DELIMITER = ';;' -- Create the procedure CREATE PROCEDURE OrderCount (IN customer_ID INT, OUT Orders INT) BEGIN SELECT COUNT("DBA" INTO Orders FROM "DBA".customer KEY LEFT OUTER JOIN "DBA".sales_order WHERE "DBA" = customer_ID ; END ;; -- Reset the statement delimiter to semicolon. SET OPTION COMMAND_DELIMITER = ';' -- Create a variable to hold the result CREATE VARIABLE Orders INT ; -- Call the procedure, FOR customer 101 -- ----------------------------- CALL OrderCount ( 101, Orders) ; -------------------------------- -- Display the result SELECT Orders FROM DUMMY ;