Reference Manual
CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements
To store a comment in the system tables for a database object.
COLUMN [ owner.]table-name.column-name
| FOREIGN KEY [ owner.]table-name.role-name
| INDEX [ owner.]index-name
| LOGIN integrated_login_id
| PUBLICATION [ owner.]publication-name
| PROCEDURE [ owner.]procedure-name
| SUBSCRIPTION [ owner.]subscription-name
| TABLE [ owner.]table-name
| USER userid
| TRIGGER [ owner.]trigger-name
| VIEW [ owner.]view-name
IS comment
{ string | NULL }
Must either be the owner of the database object being commented, or have DBA authority.
Automatic commit.
Several system tables have a column named Remarks that allows you to associate a comment with a database item (SYSUSERPERM, SYSTABLE, SYSCOLUMN, SYSINDEX, SYSLOGIN, SYSFOREIGNKEY, SYSPROCEDURE, SYSTRIGGER). The COMMENT ON statement allows you to set the Remarks column in these system tables. A comment can be removed by setting it to NULL.
For a comment on an index or trigger, the owner of the comment is the owner of the table on which the index or trigger is defined.
SQL/92 Vendor extension.
Sybase Not supported by Adaptive Server Enterprise.
The following examples show how to add and remove a comment.
Add a comment to the employee table.
COMMENT ON TABLE employee IS "Employee information"
Remove the comment from the employee table.