Collection Contents Index CLOSE statement [ESQL] [SP] COMMIT statement pdf/chap9.pdf

Reference Manual
   CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements     

COMMENT statement


To store a comment in the system tables for a database object.


COLUMN [ owner.]table-name.column-name
| FOREIGN KEY [ owner.]table-name.role-name
| INDEX [ owner.]index-name
| LOGIN integrated_login_id
| PUBLICATION [ owner.]publication-name
| PROCEDURE [ owner.]procedure-name
| SUBSCRIPTION [ owner.]subscription-name
| TABLE [ owner.]table-name
| USER userid
| TRIGGER [ owner.]trigger-name
| VIEW [ owner.]view-name
IS comment


{ string | NULL }


Must either be the owner of the database object being commented, or have DBA authority.

Side effects 

Automatic commit.


Several system tables have a column named Remarks that allows you to associate a comment with a database item (SYSUSERPERM, SYSTABLE, SYSCOLUMN, SYSINDEX, SYSLOGIN, SYSFOREIGNKEY, SYSPROCEDURE, SYSTRIGGER). The COMMENT ON statement allows you to set the Remarks column in these system tables. A comment can be removed by setting it to NULL.

For a comment on an index or trigger, the owner of the comment is the owner of the table on which the index or trigger is defined.

Standards and compatibility 


The following examples show how to add and remove a comment.

Collection Contents Index CLOSE statement [ESQL] [SP] COMMIT statement pdf/chap9.pdf