Collection Contents Index CREATE SCHEMA statement CREATE TABLE statement pdf/chap9.pdf

Reference Manual
   CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements     



To add a server to the sysservers table.


CREATE SERVER server-name
CLASS 'server-class'
USING 'connection-info'


{ asajdbc
| asejdbc
| asaodbc
| aseodbc
| db2odbc
| mssodbc
| oraodbc
| odbc }

{ machine-name:port-number[/dbname ] | data-source-name }


Must have RESOURCE authority.

Supported on Windows 95 and Windows NT only.

Side effects 

Automatic commit.

See also 

ALTER SERVER statement

DROP SERVER statement

Server Classes for Remote Data Access


The CREATE SERVER statement defines a remote server from the Adaptive Server Anywhere catalogs.

For Info     For more information on server classes and how to configure a server, see Server Classes for Remote Data Access.

USING clause     If a JDBC-based server class is used, the USING clause is the machine-name:port-number. If an ODBC-based server class is used, the USING clause is the data-source-name. The data-source-name is the user Data Source Name in the Configuration Manager.

READ ONLY     The READ ONLY clause specifies that the remote server is a read-only data source. Any update request is rejected by Adaptive Server Anywhere.

connection-info     The machine name or IP number is required. By default. Adaptive Server Anywhere uses port 2638. The database name /dbname is useful when creating a remote server that is of class asajdbc. If you do not use this, then the default database is used.

The /dbname parameter is optional for asejdbc. If you don't specify it uses master, or you can specify another database by some other means (for example, in the FORWARD TO statement).

Standards and compatibility 


Collection Contents Index CREATE SCHEMA statement CREATE TABLE statement pdf/chap9.pdf