Reference Manual
CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements
Continue execution, by leaving a compound statement or LOOP.
LEAVE statement-label
Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches
The LEAVE statement is a control statement that allows you to leave a labeled compound statement or a labeled loop. Execution resumes at the first statement after the compound statement or loop.
The compound statement that is the body of a procedure or trigger has an implicit label that is the same as the name of the procedure or trigger.
SQL/92 Persistent Stored Module feature.
Sybase Not supported in Adaptive Server Enterprise. The BREAK statement provides a similar feature for Transact-SQL compatible procedures.
The following fragment shows how the LEAVE statement is used to leave a loop.
SET i = 1; lbl: LOOP INSERT INTO Counters ( number ) VALUES ( i ) ; IF i >= 10 THEN LEAVE lbl ; END IF ; SET i = i + 1 END LOOP lbl
The following example fragment uses LEAVE in a nested loop.
outer_loop: LOOP SET i = 1; inner_loop: LOOP ... SET i = i + 1; IF i >= 10 THEN LEAVE outer_loop END IF END LOOP inner_loop END LOOP outer_loop