Collection Contents Index RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement RESIGNAL statement pdf/chap9.pdf

Reference Manual
   CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements     

REMOVE statement


This statement removes a class, a package, or a jar file from a database. When a class is removed it is no longer available for use as a column or variable type.

The class, package, or jar must already be installed.


REMOVE JAVA classes_to_remove


CLASS java_class_name [, java_class_name,...]
| PACKAGE java_package_name [, java_package_name,...]
| JAR jar_name [, jar_name,...] [RETAIN CLASSES]



Must have DBA authority.

Not supported on Windows CE.


java_class_name     The name of one or more Java class to be removed. These classes must be installed classes in the current database.

java_package_name     The name of one or more Java packages to be removed. These packages must be in the current database.

jar_name     A character string value of maximum length 255.

Each jar_name must be equal to the jar_name of a retained jar in the current database. Equality of jar_name is determined by the character string comparison rules of the SQL system.

If JAR...RETAIN CLASSES is specified, the specified jars are no longer retained in the database, and the retained classes have no associated jar. If RETAIN CLASSES is specified, this is the only action of the REMOVE statement.

Standards and compatibility 


Collection Contents Index RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement RESIGNAL statement pdf/chap9.pdf