Collection Contents Index UPDATE statement VALIDATE TABLE statement pdf/chap9.pdf

Reference Manual
   CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements     

UPDATE (positioned) statement


To modify the data at the current location of a cursor.

Syntax 1 

... { USING DESCRIPTOR sqlda-name | FROM host-variable-list }

Syntax 2 

UPDATE table-list
... SET column-name = expression, ...
... WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name


host-variable-list: indicator variables allowed

sqlda-name: identifier


Must have UPDATE permission on the columns being modified.

Side effects 


See also 

DELETE statement

UPDATE statement


This form of the UPDATE statement updates the current row of the specified cursor. The current row is defined to be the last row FETCHed from the cursor and the last operation on the cursor must not have been a DELETE (positioned).

For syntax 1, columns from the SQLDA or values from the host variable list correspond one-to-one with the select list items of the specified cursor. If the sqldata pointer in the SQLDA is the null pointer, the corresponding select list item is not updated.

In syntax 2, the requested columns are set to the specified values for the row at the current row of the specified query. The columns do not need to be in the select list of the specified open cursor. This format can be prepared.

The USING DESCRIPTOR, FROM host-variable-list, and host-variable formats are for Embedded SQL only.

Updating views 

Updates are not allowed on cursors on views that have more than one table in the FROM clause.

Standards and compatibility 


Collection Contents Index UPDATE statement VALIDATE TABLE statement pdf/chap9.pdf