Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 10.  Database Error Messages Error messages index by SQLSTATE pdf/chap10.pdf

Reference Manual
   CHAPTER 10. Database Error Messages     

Error message index by SQLCODE




Signature '%1' does not match procedure parameters


The datatype of column '%1' is not supported.


Invalid parameter.


Cannot update or delete an all-NULL row from table '%1'.


Number of columns allowing NULLs exceeds limit.


Creating remote tables with computed columns is not supported.


Cannot drop a user that owns objects involved in replication


Invalid jar file


The specified foreign key (%1) can not be enforced.


Update operation attempted on non-updatable remote query


The optimizer was unable to construct a valid access plan.


The table specification '%1' identifies more than one remote table.


Identity attribute mismatch for column '%1'.


Null attribute mismatch for column '%1'.


The length specified for column '%1' is different than the actual length.


The column '%1' does not exist in the remote table.


The datatype specified for column '%1' is not compatible with the actual datatype.


VALIDATE TABLE statement must refer to a base table


RESTORE unable to start database '%1'


RESTORE unable to write to file '%1'


RESTORE unable to open file '%1'


Backup file format is invalid


Contents of backup files are inconsistent


Invalid operation on a closed '%1'


An internal error occurred in a '%1'


External login for server %1 could not be found.


Incorrect store DLL (%1) version.


Invalid comparison


Computed columns are not supported in this database


READTEXT or WRITETEXT statement cannot refer to a view


Statement is not allowed in passthrough mode


Remote server does not have the ability to support this command.


Return type of void from procedure '%1' cannot be used in any expression


Cannot create an index on Java class '%1'


Cannot insert or update computed column '%1'


TRUNCATE TABLE statement cannot refer to a view


Cannot access instance member through a class


SQLDA fields inconsistent for a multi-row SQLDA


Cannot update final member fields


The remote server does not support an auto-incrementing datatype.


Error during backup: %1


Invalid operation on a closed '%1'


An internal error occurred in a '%1'


Could not change an opened prepared statement or callable statement


JDBC feature '%1' not supported


Could not execute backup/restore DLL (%1) entry point.


Could not load the backup/restore DLL %1


Return value cannot be set


Input parameter index out of range


Syntax error, cannot specify IQ specific options without specifying IQ PATH


Cannot make a static reference to nonstatic variable '%1' in class '%2'


Rollback occurred due to deadlock during prefetch


The cursor name '%1' already exists




Invalid join type used with Transact-SQL outer join


Invalid expression in WHERE clause of Transact-SQL outer join


Not enough memory is allocated to the Java virtual machine for remote access.


Index name '%1' is ambiguous


Table '%1' has a foreign key with a referential action


The specified transaction isolation is invalid


Java virtual machine could not be started


Statement's size limit is invalid.


Database upgrade not possible


Database upgrade failed


Parameter not registered as output parameter


Invalid class byte code


Method '%1' cannot be called at this time


Cursor is restricted to FETCH NEXT operations


Could not access column information for the table '%1'.


The remote table '%1' could not be found.


Database %1 needs recovery


Database is active


Cannot deserialize Java object


Cannot serialize Java object with class %1


Backwards scrolling cursors are not supported for remote objects.


Server %1: %2


Remote server %1 could not be found. Add the server using CREATE SERVER.


Remote server %1 is currently configured as read only.


Remote objects %1 does not exist.


Unable to connect to server '%1': %2


Error parsing connection parameter string.


The connection parameters file could not be found.


Cannot remove class '%1': member of Jar


Could not decompress class '%1' from Jar.


An attempt to delete database '%1' failed.


Index type specification of '%1' is invalid.


Field '%1' of class '%2' cannot be null


Cannot create item (%1) in the specified dbspace.


Could not execute store DLL (%1) entry point.


Could not load the store DLL %1


Database creation failed


Invalid database page size


Invalid SQL descriptor name


Error in assignment


Invalid descriptor index


Parameter name missing in call to procedure '%1'


Right truncation of string data


Duplicate insert column


Duplicate referencing column


GRANT of column permission on view not allowed


Unterminated C string


Update operation attempted on a read-only cursor


WITH CHECK OPTION violated for insert/update on base table '%1'


RAISERROR executed: %1


Invalid escape sequence '%1'


Invalid escape character '%1'


Division by zero


Disallowed language extension detected in syntax near '%1'


A thread used internally could not be started


Too many parameters to this external procedure call


Expression has unsupported datatype


Data definition statements not allowed in procedures or triggers


Could not allocate resources to call external function


Could not find '%1' in dynamic library '%2'


Could not load dynamic library '%1'


Need a dynamic library name


Mismatch between external function platform specifier and current operating system


Calling functions outside the database engine is not supported


Too many columns in table


Parameter '%1' not found in procedure '%2'


Cannot drop a user that owns messages or datatypes


User-defined type %1 not found


User message %1 not found


Transact-SQL feature not supported


User message %1 already exists


Invalid datatype for column in WRITETEXT or READTEXT


Invalid TEXTPTR value used with WRITETEXT or READTEXT


The loginid '%1' has not been mapped to any database userid


User '%1' already has membership in group '%2'


Memory error -- transaction rolled back


Connection was terminated


All threads are blocked


Deadlock detected


I/O error %1 -- transaction rolled back


Disk full '%1' -- transaction rolled back


Terminated by user -- transaction rolled back


Internal database error %1 -- transaction rolled back


Run time SQL error -- %1


Statement interrupted by user


Attempted two active database requests


User-defined exception signalled


Error number %1 for RAISERROR is less than 17000


Cannot uniquely identify rows in cursor


Format string argument number %1 is invalid


Remote statement failed


Passthrough statement inconsistent with current passthrough


Remote message type '%1' not found


User '%1' is not a remote user for this database


User '%1' is already the publisher for this database


Subscription to '%1' for '%2' not found


Subscription to '%1' for '%2' already exists


Table '%1' has publications


Publication '%1' not found


Triggers and procedures not supported in runtime engine


Procedure or trigger calls have nested too deeply


COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within trigger actions


Invalid REFERENCES clause in trigger definition


Trigger definition conflicts with existing triggers


Cannot drop a user that owns procedures in runtime engine


Cannot delete a column referenced in a trigger definition


Trigger '%1' not found


COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within atomic operation


Database was initialized with an older version of the software


Procedure '%1' not found


Wrong number of variables in FETCH


Invalid absolute or relative offset in FETCH


Label '%1' not found


There is already a variable named '%1'


Variable '%1' not found


Foreign key '%1' for table '%2' duplicates an existing foreign key


Identifier '%1' too long


The loginid '%1' is already mapped to userid '%2'


Cannot map a loginid to the sys or public userid


The integrated loginid guest can only be mapped to the guest database userid


Integrated logons are not supported for this database


Integrated logon failed


Transaction log was truncated


Unable to delete database file


Incomplete transactions prevent transaction log renaming


Database backup not started


Unknown backup operation


Server/database engine version mismatch


Dblib/database engine version mismatch


Sqlpp/dblib version mismatch


Result set not allowed from within an atomic compound statement




Savepoint '%1' not found


Authentication failed


The option %1 cannot be set from within a procedure


The option %1 can only be set as a temporary option


Procedure in use


Table in use


Savepoints require a rollback log


CHECKPOINT command requires a rollback log


Not allowed while %1 is using the database


User '%1' has the row in '%2' locked


Invalid value for column '%1' in table '%2'


Row has changed since last read -- operation cancelled


Wrong number of values for INSERT


Standard logons are not permitted


Integrated logons are not permitted


Only the DBA can set the option %1


Cannot set a temporary option for user '%1'


Only PUBLIC settings are allowed for option '%1'


Invalid setting for option '%1'


Invalid option '%1' -- no PUBLIC setting exists


INSERT/DELETE on cursor can modify only one table


Primary key for row in table '%1' is referenced in another table


No current row of cursor


Index '%1' for table '%2' would not be unique


Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL


No primary key value for foreign key '%1' in table '%2'


Primary key for table '%1' is not unique


Update operation attempted on non-updatable query


Cannot modify column '%1' in table '%2'


Cannot update an expression


Unable to find in index '%1' for table '%2'


Not enough values for host variables


Illegal cursor operation attempt


Subquery cannot return more than one result


SELECT returns more than one row


Cannot find index named '%1'


Not enough fields allocated in SQLDA


No indicator variable provided for NULL result


Cursor not open


Cursor already open


Error opening cursor


Cursor has not been declared


Java VM Heap Exhausted at Internal fn: %1


Namespace Heap Exhausted at Internal fn: %1


Derived table '%1' has no name for column %2


Invalid type on DESCRIBE statement


Can only describe a SELECT statement


Invalid column number


Value %1 out of range for destination


Cannot convert %1 to a %2


Invalid expression near '%1'


Invalid host variable


Wrong number of parameters to function '%1'


SELECT lists in UNION do not match in length


Number in ORDER BY is too large


Subquery allowed only one select list item


Aggregate functions not allowed on this statement


Function or column reference to '%1' in the select list must also appear in a GROUP BY


Unknown function '%1'


There is more than one way to join '%1' to '%2'


There is no way to join '%1' to '%2'


Foreign key name '%1' not found


Column '%1' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name


Column '%1' not found


Correlation name '%1' not found


Table '%1' not found


Userid '%1' does not exist


More than one table is identified as '%1'


Dbspace '%1' not found


Table '%1' requires a unique correlation name


Table '%1' is in an outer join cycle


Language extension


Feature '%1' not implemented


Invalid prepared statement type


SQL statement error


Syntax error near '%1'


Invalid statement


Cannot drop a user that owns tables in runtime engine


Cannot alter a column in an index


Table cannot have two primary keys


ALTER clause conflict


More columns are being dropped from table %1 than are defined


User '%1' is not a user group


Operation would cause a group cycle


Do not have permission to %1


User '%1' already has grant permission


Primary key column '%1' already defined


Table '%1' has no primary key


Table must be empty


Number of columns defined for the view does not match SELECT statement


Column %1 in foreign key has a different definition than primary key


Table already has a primary key


Index name '%1' not unique


Item '%1' already exists


There are still active database connections


Connection not found


Error writing to log file


Cannot open log file %1


Cannot be started -- %1


Invalid userid and password on preprocessed module


Invalid userid or password


Too many connections to database


Not connected to SQL database


Database engine not running


Connections to database have been disabled


Authentication violation


Database's page size too big


Database engine already running


Parse error: %1 near '%2'.


Invalid type for field reference


Class '%1' has no public field '%2'


'%1' is not a valid class file


Procedure '%1' terminated with unhandled exception '%2'


Argument %1 of procedure '%2' cannot be null


Database engine not running in multi-user mode


Application/engine communications protocol version mismatch


Database name required to start engine


Not enough memory to start


Communication error


Specified database is invalid


Specified database not found


Unable to start specified database


Invalid database engine command line


Unable to start database engine


Invalid local database switch


Dynamic memory exhausted!


Database name not unique


Request denied -- no active databases


Request to start/stop database denied


The selected database is currently inactive


Communication buffer underflow


No database file specified


(no message)


Row not found


No data


Value truncated


Using temporary table


Invalid data conversion


Row has been updated since last time read


Procedure has completed


Value for column '%1' in table '%2' has changed


Language extension detected in syntax


Cursor operation conflict


Null value eliminated in aggregate function


Transaction log backup page only partially full


Statement cannot be executed


More info required


Database option '%1' for user '%2' has an invalid setting


Character set translation to '%1' cannot be performed; '%2' is used instead


Unsupported character set '%1'


Unsupported language; language used is '%1' instead


Unsupported character set '%1' and unsupported language; language used is '%2' instead


Illegal user selectivity estimate specified.



Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 10.  Database Error Messages Error messages index by SQLSTATE pdf/chap10.pdf