Collection Contents Index Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures System tables diagram pdf/chap15.pdf

Reference Manual   

CHAPTER 15. System Tables

About this chapter 

The structure of every database is described in a number of system tables.

The Entity-Relationship diagram on the next page shows all the system tables and the foreign keys that connect them.

The system tables are owned by the SYS user ID. The contents of these tables can be changed only by the database system. The UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT commands cannot be used to modify the contents of these tables. Further, the structure of these tables cannot be changed using the ALTER TABLE and DROP commands.

  System tables diagram
  System table descriptions
  DUMMY system table
  SYSARTICLE system table
  SYSARTICLECOL system table
  SYSCOLLATION system table
  SYSCOLPERM system table
  SYSCOLUMN system table
  SYSDOMAIN system table
  SYSEXTENT system table
  SYSEXTERNLOGINS system table
  SYSFILE system table
  SYSFKCOL system table
  SYSFOREIGNKEY system table
  SYSGROUP system table
  SYSINDEX system table
  SYSINFO system table
  SYSIXCOL system table
  SYSJAR system table
  SYSJARCOMPONENT system table
  SYSJAVACLASS system table
  SYSLOGIN system table
  SYSOPTION system table
  SYSPROCEDURE system table
  SYSPROCPARM system table
  SYSPROCPERM system table
  SYSPUBLICATION system table
  SYSREMOTETYPE system table
  SYSREMOTEUSER system table
  SYSSERVERS system table
  SYSSUBSCRIPTION system table
  SYSTABLE system table
  SYSTABLEPERM system table
  SYSTRIGGER system table
  SYSTYPEMAP system table
  SYSUSERMESSAGES system table
  SYSUSERPERM system table
  SYSUSERTYPE system table

Collection Contents Index Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures System tables diagram pdf/chap15.pdf