Reference Manual
CHAPTER 16. System Views
CREATE VIEW SYS.SYSCATALOG ( creator, tname, dbspacename, tabletype, ncols, primary_key, "check", remarks ) AS SELECT ( SELECT user_name FROM SYS.SYSUSERPERM WHERE user_id = SYSTABLE.creator ), table_name, ( SELECT dbspace_name from SYS.SYSFILE WHERE file_id = SYSTABLE.file_id ), IF table_type='BASE' THEN 'TABLE' ELSE table_type ENDIF, ( SELECT count(*) FROM SYS.SYSCOLUMN WHERE table_id = SYSTABLE.table_id ), IF primary_root = 0 THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' ENDIF, IF table_type <> VIEW' THEN view_def ENDIF, remarks FROM SYS.SYSTABLE
Lists all the tables and views from SYSTABLE in a readable format.