WaitReadCmp property | Connection properties Properties available for the server |
WaitReadOpt property | Connection properties Properties available for the server |
WaitReadSys property | Connection properties Properties available for the server |
WaitReadTemp property | Connection properties Properties available for the server |
WaitReadUnkn property | Connection properties Properties available for the server |
WAIT_FOR_COMMIT option | General database options WAIT_FOR_COMMIT option |
warnings : error messages | Alphabetic list of error messages |
warnings : SQLSTATE values | Error messages index by SQLSTATE |
WATFILE file format | INPUT_FORMAT option [ISQL OUTPUT_FORMAT option [ISQL |
WEEKS function | WEEKS function [Date and time] |
WHENEVER statement : syntax | WHENEVER statement [ESQL] |
WHERE clause : SELECT statement | SELECT statement |
WHILE statement : syntax | LOOP statement |
WHILE statement : Transact-SQL | WHILE statement [T-SQL] |
wide inserts | EXECUTE statement [ESQL] |
Windows NT performance monitor | Monitoring database statistics from the Windows NT Performance Monitor |
Windows NT services : registry entries | Current user and local machine settings |
WITH HOLD clause : OPEN statement | OPEN statement [ESQL] [SP] |
write files | The DBWRITE command-line utility |
write files : altering | ALTER WRITEFILE statement |
write files : creating | CREATE WRITEFILE statement |
write files : erasing | The Erase utility |
write files utility | The Write File utility |
WRITETEXT statement : Transact-SQL | WRITETEXT statement [T-SQL] |
WSAVERSION communication parameter | WSAVERSION parameter [WSAVER] |