

WaitReadCmp property Connection properties
Properties available for the server
WaitReadOpt property Connection properties
Properties available for the server
WaitReadSys property Connection properties
Properties available for the server
WaitReadTemp property Connection properties
Properties available for the server
WaitReadUnkn property Connection properties
Properties available for the server
WAIT_FOR_COMMIT option General database options
warnings : error messages Alphabetic list of error messages
warnings : SQLSTATE values Error messages index by SQLSTATE
WATFILE file format INPUT_FORMAT option [ISQL
WEEKS function WEEKS function [Date and time]
WHENEVER statement : syntax WHENEVER statement [ESQL]
WHERE clause : SELECT statement SELECT statement
WHILE statement : syntax LOOP statement
WHILE statement : Transact-SQL WHILE statement [T-SQL]
wide inserts EXECUTE statement [ESQL]
Windows NT performance monitor Monitoring database statistics from the Windows NT Performance Monitor
Windows NT services : registry entries Current user and local machine settings
WITH HOLD clause : OPEN statement OPEN statement [ESQL] [SP]
write files The DBWRITE command-line utility
write files : altering ALTER WRITEFILE statement
write files : creating CREATE WRITEFILE statement
write files : erasing The Erase utility
write files utility The Write File utility
WRITETEXT statement : Transact-SQL WRITETEXT statement [T-SQL]
WSAVERSION communication parameter WSAVERSION parameter [WSAVER]