Data Replication with SQL Remote
PART 1. Introduction to SQL Remote
CHAPTER 3. Setting Up SQL Remote
We call the collection of databases exchanging information using SQL Remote an installation. From a physical point of view, a SQL Remote installation may consist of hundreds or even thousands of databases sharing information; but as SQL Remote keeps the information in each physical database loosely consistent at a transactional level with that in other physical databases, you can also think of the whole installation as a single dispersed database.
Deploying a large-scale SQL Remote installation can involve setting up databases on many machines. While some changes to the design and setup configuration can be made on a running installation, it is highly recommended that you deploy only when you have completed a careful analysis and test of your design.
Setup of a SQL Remote installation includes the following tasks:
Preparing your server for SQL Remote You must take some steps to configure your Adaptive Server Enterprise to act as a SQL Remote site. These include installing the SQL Remote system objects and the stable queue system objects.
Selecting message types You must decide whether you want to exchange information by file sharing, e-mail, some other message type, or a combination.
Ensuring proper permissions are set Each user in the installation requires permissions on both their own database and on the consolidated database.
Extracting remote databases You must extract an initial copy of each remote database from the consolidated database.
This chapter describes each of these tasks.
Like all SQL Remote administrative tasks, setup is carried out by a database administrator or system administrator at the consolidated database.
The Sybase System Administrator should perform all SQL Remote configuration tasks. See your Adaptive Server Enterprise documentation for more information about the Adaptive Server Enterprise environment.