Collection Contents Index Using message types Tuning Message Agent performance pdf/chap10.pdf

Data Replication with SQL Remote
   PART 3. SQL Remote Administration
     CHAPTER 10. SQL Remote Administration       

Running the Message Agent

The SQL Remote Message Agent is a key component in SQL Remote replication. The Message Agent handles both the sending and receiving of messages. It carries out the following functions:

Executable names 

The Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise is named ssremote.exe, and the Message Agent for Adaptive Server Anywhere is named dbremote.exe.

For Info     The Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise uses a stable queue to hold transactions until they are no longer needed. For more information on the stable queue, see How the Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise works.

Top of page  Message Agent batch and continuous modes

The Message Agent can be run in one of two modes:

The options available depend on the send frequency options selected for the remote users. Sending frequency options are described in Selecting a send frequency.

  To run the Message Agent in continuous mode:
  1. Ensure that every user has a sending frequency specified. The sending frequency is specified by a SEND AT or SEND EVERY option in the GRANT REMOTE statement (Adaptive Server Anywhere) or sp_grant_remote procedure (Adaptive Server Enterprise).

  2. Start the Message Agent without using the -b command-line switch.

  To run the Message Agent in batch mode:
  1. Either:

Top of page  Connections used by the Message Agent

The Message Agent uses a number of connections to the database server. These are:

Top of page  Replication system recovery procedures

SQL Remote replication places new requirements on data recovery practices at consolidated database sites. Standard backup and recovery procedures enable recovery of data from system or media failure. In a replication installation, even if such recovery is achieved, the recovered database can be out of synch with remote databases. This can require a complete resynchronization of remote databases, which can be a formidable task if the installation involves large numbers of databases.

In short, recovery of the consolidated database from a failure at the consolidated site is only part of the task of recovering the entire replication installation.

Protection of the replication system against media failures has two aspects:

Replicating only backed-up transactions 

By default, the Message Agent processes all committed transactions. When the Message Agent is run with the -u command-line switch, only transactions that have been backed up by the database backup commands are processed.

For Adaptive Server Anywhere, transaction log backup is carried out using Sybase Central or the dbbackup command-line utility, or off-line copying and renaming of the log file. For Adaptive Server Enterprise, transaction log backup is carried out using the dump transaction statement.

By sending only backed-up transactions, the replication installation is protected against media failure on the transaction log. Maintaining a mirrored transaction log also accomplishes this goal.

The -u switch provides additional protection against total site failure, if backups are carried out to another site.

Top of page  Ensuring consistent Message Agent settings

Some Message Agent settings need to be the same throughout an installation, and so should be set before deployment. This section lists the settings that need to be the same.

Top of page  The Message Agent and replication security

Messages sent by the SQL Remote Message Agent have a very simple encryption that protects against casual snooping. However, the encryption scheme is not intended to provide full protection against determined efforts to decipher them.

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Collection Contents Index Using message types Tuning Message Agent performance pdf/chap10.pdf