Data Replication with SQL Remote
PART 4. Reference
CHAPTER 15. System Objects for Adaptive Server Anywhere
This section describes the database views used by SQL Remote to present and summarize SQL Remote information.
Each row lists describes an article.
Column |
Description |
publication_name |
The publication of which this article is a part. |
table_name |
Each article consists of columns and rows from a single table. This column contains the name of this table. |
where_expr |
For articles that contain a subset of rows defined by a WHERE clause, this column contains the search condition. |
subscribe_by_expr |
For articles that contain a subset of rows defined by a SUBSCRIBE BY expression, this column contains the expression. |
Each row describes a column that appears in an article.
Column |
Description |
publication_name |
The name of the publication of which the column is a part. |
table_name |
The name of the table to which the column belongs. |
column_name |
The column name. |
Lists the names of all publications.
Column |
Description |
publication_name |
The name of the publication |
Lists information about remote users and their status.
Column |
Description |
user_name |
The user ID of the user with REMOTE permissions. |
consolidate |
The column contains either an R to indicate a user granted REMOTE permissions, or a C to indicate a user granted CONSOLIDATE permissions. |
type_name |
The name of the message system used to send messages to this user. |
address |
The address to which SQL Remote messages are to be sent. The address must be appropriate for the address_type. |
frequency |
How frequently SQL Remote messages are to be sent. |
send_time |
The next time messages are to be sent to this user. |
next_send |
The next time messages are to be sent to this user, in a more comprehensible format. |
log_send |
Messages are sent only to subscribers for whom log_send is greater than log_sent. |
time_sent |
The time the most recent message was sent to this subscriber. |
log_sent |
The log offset for the most recently sent operation. |
confirm_sent |
The log offset for the most recently confirmed operation from this subscriber. |
send_count |
How many SQL Remote messages have been sent. |
resend_count |
Counter to ensure messages are applied only once at the subscriber database. |
time_received |
The time the most recent message was received from this subscriber. |
log_received |
The log offset in the subscriber's database for the operation most recently received at the current database. |
confirm_received |
The log offset in the subscriber's database for the most recent operation for which a confirmation message has been sent. |
receive_count |
How many messages have been received. |
rereceive_count |
Counter to ensure messages are applied only once at the current database. |
Each row lists information about a subscription.
Column |
Description |
publication_name |
The name of the publication to which the user ID is subscribed. |
user_name |
The user ID that is subscribed to the publication. |
subscribe_by |
For publications with a SUBSCRIBE BY expression, this column holds the matching value for this subscription. |
created |
The offset in the transaction log at which the subscription was created. |
started |
The offset in the transaction log at which the subscription was started. |