Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 1.  Running the Database Server Starting the server pdf/chap1.pdf

User's Guide
   PART 1. Working with Databases
     CHAPTER 1. Running the Database Server       


Adaptive Server Anywhere provides two versions of the database server:

Server differences 

The request-processing engine is identical in the two servers. Each supports exactly the same SQL, and exactly the same database features. The main differences are as follows:

Top of page  First steps

You can start a personal server running on a single database very simply. For example, on most operating systems you can start a personal server and load the sample database by running the following command in the Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory:

dbeng6 asademo

The personal server is the executable dbeng6.exe, and the sample database is the file asademo.db.

Where commands are entered 

You can enter a command such as the one above in several ways, depending on your operating system:

There are slight variations in the basic command from platform to platform, described in the following section.

For Info     You can also start a personal server using a database file name in a connection string. For more information, see Connecting to an embedded database.

Top of page  Platform-specific instructions

The way you start the database server varies slightly depending on the operating system you are using. This section describes how to enter command lines in for the simple case of running a single database with default settings, on each of supported operating system.


Starting the server for Windows NT 

You can use a Program Manager icon to hold a command line, or enter the following command at the command prompt:

dbeng6 path\database-file

To start the server in a separate session, use the Windows NT start command:

start dbeng6 path\database-file

Starting the server for Windows 95 

You can use a Program Manager icon to hold a command line, or enter the following command at the command prompt:

dbeng6 path\database-file

Starting the server for Windows 3.x 

You can use a Program Manager icon to hold a command line, or enter the following command line in the Run dialog box:

dbeng6w path\database-file

You can run only one Windows 3.x server on a given computer at one time. There is no network server for Windows 3.x.

Starting the server for OS/2 

You can use an icon on the desktop to hold a command line, or enter the following command at an OS/2 command line prompt:

dbeng6 path\database-file

The database server is a not a Presentation Manager application. It runs in a full screen or windowed OS/2 session. To start the server in a separate session, use the OS/2 START command:

start dbeng6 path\database-file

You can put a command line into your startup.cmd or into your startup folder so that the server is automatically started each time you start OS/2.

Starting the server for UNIX 

The database server can be started with the following command:

dbeng6 path/database-file

Starting the server for NetWare 

There is no personal server for Novell NetWare, just a network server.

The database server for NetWare is a NetWare Loadable Module (dbsrv6.nlm). An NLM is a program that you can run on your NetWare server.

You can load a database server on your NetWare server as follows:

load dbsrv6.nlm path\database-file

The database file must be on a NetWare volume. A typical filename is of the form DB:\database\sales.db.

You can load the server from a client machine using the Novell remote console utility. See your Novell documentation for details.

You can put the command line into your Novell autoexec.ncf file so that Adaptive Server Anywhere is loaded automatically each time you start the NetWare server.

Top of page  Starting the server for a Java-enabled database

If you are running a server with a Java-enabled database, and you wish to carry out Java operations, you must allow additional cache memory for the Java VM. You can do this by setting a cache size of 8 M for development work:

dbeng6 -c 8M path/database-file

For Info     For more information on cache size, see Controlling performance and memory from the command line.

For Info     For information on memory management for Java, see Configuring memory for Java.

Top of page  What else is there to it?

Although you can start a personal server in the simple way described above, there are many other aspects to running a database server in a production environment, and these are the subject of the remainder of the chapter.

The remainder of this chapter describes these options in more detail.

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Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 1.  Running the Database Server Starting the server pdf/chap1.pdf