User's Guide
PART 1. Working with Databases
CHAPTER 8. Adding, Changing, and Deleting Data
Simple DELETE statements have the following form:
DELETE [ FROM ] table-name
WHERE column-name = expression
You can also use a more complex form, as follows
DELETE [ FROM ] table-name
FROM table-list
WHERE search-condition
The WHERE clause specifies which rows are to be removed. If no WHERE clause is given in the DELETE statement, all rows in the table are removed.
The FROM clause in the second position of a DELETE statement is a special feature allowing you to select data from a table or tables and delete corresponding data from the first-named table. The rows you select in the FROM clause specify the conditions for the delete.
This example uses the sample database. To execute the statements in the example, you should set the option WAIT_FOR_COMMIT to OFF. The following statement does this for the current connection only:
This allows rows to be deleted even if they contain primary keys referenced by a foreign key, but does not permit a COMMIT unless the corresponding foreign key is deleted also.
The following view displays products and the value of that product that has been sold:
CREATE VIEW ProductPopularity as SELECT, SUM(product.unit_price * sales_order_items.quantity) as "Value Sold" FROM product JOIN sales_order_items ON = sales_order_items.prod_id GROUP BY
Using this view, you can delete those products which have sold less than $20,000 from the product table.
DELETE FROM product FROM product NATURAL JOIN ProductPopularity WHERE "Value Sold" < 20000
You should roll back your changes when you have completed the example:
You can use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement as a fast method of deleting all the rows in a table. It is faster than a DELETE statement with no conditions, because the delete logs each change, while truncate table operations are not recorded individually in the transaction log.
The table definition for a table emptied with the TRUNCATE TABLE statement remains in the database, along with its indexes and other associated objects, unless you enter a DROP TABLE statement.
You cannot use TRUNCATE TABLE if another table has rows that reference it through a referential integrity constraint. Delete the rows from the foreign table, or truncate the foreign table and then truncate the primary table.
The syntax of truncate table is:
For example, to remove all the data in the sales_order table, type the following:
TRUNCATE TABLE sales_order
A TRUNCATE TABLE statement does not fire triggers defined on the table.