User's Guide
PART 1. Working with Databases
CHAPTER 10. Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches
A simple batch consists of a set of SQL statements, separated by semicolons. For example, the following set of statements form a batch, which creates an Eastern Sales department and transfers all sales reps from Massachusetts to that department.
INSERT INTO department ( dept_id, dept_name ) VALUES ( 220, 'Eastern Sales' ) ; UPDATE employee SET dept_id = 220 WHERE dept_id = 200 AND state = 'MA' ; COMMIT ;
You can include this set of statements in an application and execute them together.
Interactive SQL and batches |
Many statements used in procedures and triggers can also be used in batches. You can use control statements (CASE, IF, LOOP, and so on), including compound statements (BEGIN and END), in batches. Compound statements can include declarations of variables, exceptions, temporary tables, or cursors inside the compound statement.
The following batch creates a table only if a table of that name does not already exist:
BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM SYSTABLE WHERE table_name = 't1' ) THEN CREATE TABLE t1 ( firstcol INT PRIMARY KEY, secondcol CHAR( 30 ) ) ; ELSE MESSAGE 'Table t1 already exists' ; END IF END
If you run this batch twice from Interactive SQL, it creates the table the first time you run it, and prints the message on the server message window the next time you run it.