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User's Guide
   PART 1. Working with Databases
     CHAPTER 10. Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches       

Using cursors in procedures and triggers

Cursors are used to retrieve rows one at a time from a query or stored procedure that has multiple rows in its result set. A cursor is a handle or an identifier for the query or procedure, and for a current position within the result set.

Top of page  Cursor management overview

Managing a cursor is similar to managing a file in a programming language. The following steps are used to manage cursors:

  1. Declare a cursor for a particular SELECT statement or procedure using the DECLARE statement.

  2. Open the cursor using the OPEN statement.

  3. Use the FETCH statement to retrieve results one row at a time from the cursor.

  4. Records are usually fetched until the warning Row Not Found is returned, signaling the end of the result set.

  5. Close the cursor using the CLOSE statement.

By default, cursors are automatically closed at the end of a transaction (on COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements). Cursors that are opened using the WITH HOLD clause will be kept open for subsequent transactions until they are explicitly closed.

Cursor positioning 

A cursor can be positioned at one of three places:

When a cursor is opened, it is positioned before the first row. The cursor position can be moved using the FETCH command (see FETCH statement). It can be positioned to an absolute position from the start or the end of the query results (using FETCH ABSOLUTE, FETCH FIRST, or FETCH LAST). It can also be moved relative to the current cursor position (using FETCH RELATIVE, FETCH PRIOR, or FETCH NEXT). The NEXT keyword is the default qualifier for the FETCH statement.

There are special positioned versions of the UPDATE and DELETE statements that can be used to update or delete the row at the current position of the cursor. If the cursor is positioned before the first row or after the last row, a No current row of cursor error will be returned.

Cursor positioning problems
    Inserts and some updates to DYNAMIC SCROLL cursors can cause problems with cursor positioning. The server will not put inserted rows at a predictable position within a cursor unless there is an ORDER BY clause on the SELECT statement. In some cases, the inserted row will not appear at all until the cursor is closed and opened again.

With Adaptive Server Anywhere, this occurs if a temporary table had to be created to open the cursor (see Temporary tables used in query processing for a description).

The UPDATE statement may cause a row to move in the cursor. This will happen if the cursor has an ORDER BY clause that uses an existing index (a temporary table is not created). Using STATIC SCROLL cursors alleviates these problems but requires more memory and processing.

Top of page  Using cursors on SELECT statements in procedures

The following procedure uses a cursor on a SELECT statement. It illustrates several features of the stored procedure language. It is based on the same query used in the ListCustomerValue procedure described in Returning result sets from procedures.

   (   OUT TopCompany CHAR(36),
      OUT TopValue INT )
   -- 1. Declare the "error not found" exception
   DECLARE err_notfound 
   -- 2.   Declare variables to hold 
   --      each company name and its value
   DECLARE ThisName CHAR(36);
   DECLARE ThisValue INT;
   -- 3.   Declare the cursor ThisCompany 
   --      for the query
   SELECT company_name, 
         CAST( sum( sales_order_items.quantity * 
               product.unit_price ) AS INTEGER ) 
         AS value
   FROM customer
      INNER JOIN sales_order 
      INNER JOIN sales_order_items 
      INNER JOIN product 
   GROUP BY company_name;
   -- 4. Initialize the values of TopValue
   SET TopValue = 0;
   -- 5. Open the cursor
   OPEN ThisCompany;
   -- 6. Loop over the rows of the query
      FETCH NEXT ThisCompany
         INTO ThisName, ThisValue;
      IF SQLSTATE = err_notfound THEN
         LEAVE CompanyLoop;
      END IF;
      IF ThisValue > TopValue THEN
         SET TopCompany = ThisName;
         SET TopValue = ThisValue;
      END IF;
   END LOOP CompanyLoop;
   -- 7. Close the cursor
   CLOSE ThisCompany;


The TopCustomerValue procedure has the following notable features:

The LOOP construct in the TopCompanyValue procedure is a standard form, exiting after the last row is processed. You can rewrite this procedure in a more compact form using a FOR loop. The FOR statement combines several aspects of the above procedure into a single statement.

      OUT TopCompany CHAR(36),
      OUT TopValue INT )
   -- Initialize the TopValue variable
   SET TopValue = 0;
   -- Do the For Loop 
   FOR CompanyFor AS ThisCompany 
      SELECT company_name AS ThisName , 
         CAST( sum( sales_order_items.quantity * 
               product.unit_price ) AS INTEGER )
         AS ThisValue 
      FROM customer
         INNER JOIN sales_order 
         INNER JOIN sales_order_items 
         INNER JOIN product 
      GROUP BY ThisName 
      IF ThisValue > TopValue THEN
         SET TopCompany = ThisName;
         SET TopValue = ThisValue;
         END IF;
   END FOR CompanyLoop;
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Collection Contents Index Returning results from procedures Errors and warnings in procedures and triggers pdf/chap10.pdf