Collection Contents Index Errors and warnings in procedures and triggers Transactions and savepoints in procedures and triggers pdf/chap10.pdf

User's Guide
   PART 1. Working with Databases
     CHAPTER 10. Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches       

Using the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement in procedures

The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement allows statements to be built up inside procedures using a combination of literal strings (in quotes) and variables.

For example, the following procedure includes an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement that creates a table.

      IN tablename char(30) )
   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE ' || tablename ||' ( column1 INT PRIMARY KEY)'

In ATOMIC compound statements, you cannot use an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement that causes a COMMIT, as COMMITs are not allowed in that context.

Collection Contents Index Errors and warnings in procedures and triggers Transactions and savepoints in procedures and triggers pdf/chap10.pdf