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User's Guide
   PART 2. Relational Database Concepts
     CHAPTER 15. Using Transactions and Locks       

How locking works

When the database engine processes a transaction, it can lock one or more rows of a table. The locks maintain the reliability of information stored in the database by preventing concurrent access by other transactions. They also improve the accuracy of result queries by identifying information which is in the process of being updated.

The Adaptive Server Anywhere engine places these locks automatically and needs no explicit instruction. It holds all the locks acquired by a transaction until the transaction is completed, for example by either a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement, with a single exception noted below.

The transaction that has access to the row is said to hold the lock. Depending on the type of lock, other transactions may have limited access to the locked row, or none at all.

Adaptive Server Anywhere allows users to determine the amount of locking employed in each connection. The amount of locking controls the correctness of the schedules. Unfortunately it also affects concurrency because locks placed by one transaction may delay or obstruct the progress of another.

For Info     Amounts of locking will be described further in Isolation levels and consistency.

Top of page  Objects that can be locked

Adaptive Server Anywhere uses row-level locking, meaning that each lock locks a row, rather than always locking an entire page or range of rows. Some transactions may require locks on many rows, or rows that meet a specific criterion. To meet these requirements, locks can be placed on the flowing objects.

Of these objects, the most intuitive are likely rows. It is understandable that a transaction reading, updating, deleting, or inserting a row should limit the simultaneous access to other transactions. Similarly, a transaction changing the structure of a table, perhaps inserting a new column, could greatly impact other transactions. In such a case, it is essential to limit the access of other transactions to prevent errors.

Scan positions 

A scan position is a location in an ordering of rows of a table. In this case, there are only two possible types of ordering affected. First, rows can be ordered through use of an index, based on a particular criterion established when the index was constructed. Secondly, when performing a sequential scan of a table, Adaptive Server Anywhere must select an order in which to process the rows.

In the case of a sequential scan, the specific ordering is defined by the internal workings of the database engine. You should not rely on the order of rows in a sequential scan. From the point of view of scanning the rows, however, Adaptive Server Anywhere treats the request similarly to an indexed scan, albeit using an ordering of its own choosing. It can place locks on positions in the scan as it would were it using an index.

Through locking a scan position, a transaction prevents some actions by other transactions relating to a particular range of values in that ordering of the rows. Phantom and anti-phantom locks are always placed on scan positions.

For example, a transaction might delete a row, hence deleting a particular primary key value. Until this transaction either commits the change or rolls it back, it must protect its right to do either. In the case of a deleted row, it must ensure that no other transaction can insert a row using the same primary key value, hence making a rollback operation impossible. A lock on the scan position this row occupied reserves this right while having the least impact on other transactions.

Top of page  The four types of locks

Adaptive Server Anywhere uses four distinct types of locks to implement its locking scheme and ensure appropriate levels of isolation between transactions:

Each of these locks has a separate purpose. They work together and all are needed. Each addresses a particular set of inconsistencies which would occur in their absence. Depending on the isolation level you select, the database server will use some or all of them to maintain the degree of consistency you require.

Exclusive versus shared locks 

These four types of locks each fall into one of two categories:

Only one transaction should change any one row at one time. Otherwise, two simultaneous transaction might try to change one value to two different new ones. Hence, a write lock should be, and is, exclusive.

By contrast, no difficulty arises if more than one transaction wants to read a row. Since neither is changing it, there is no conflict of interest. Hence, read locks may be shared.

You may apply similar reasoning to phantom and anti-phantom locks. Many transactions can prevent the insertion of a row in a particular scan position by each acquiring an phantom lock. Similar logic applies for anti-phantom locks. When a particular transaction requires exclusive access, it can easily achieve exclusive access by obtaining both a phantom and an anti-phantom lock on the same row. These locks to not conflict when they are held by the same transaction.

Which specific locks conflict? 

The following table identifies the combination of locks that conflict.














These conflicts arise only when the locks are held by different transactions. For example, one transaction can obtain both phantom and anti-phantom locks on a single scan position to obtain exclusive access to a location.

Uses for locks 

The above types of locks have the following uses:

Adaptive Server Anywhere uses these four types of locks as necessary to ensure the level of consistency that you require. You need not explicitly request the use of a particular lock. You control the level of consistency, as is explained in the next section. Knowledge of the types of locks will guide you in choosing isolation levels and understanding the impact of each level on performance.

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