Collection Contents Index Creating columns to hold Java objects Querying Java objects pdf/chap17.pdf

User's Guide
   PART 3. Java in the Database
     CHAPTER 17. Using Java in the Database       

Inserting, updating, and deleting Java objects

This section describes how the standard SQL data manipulation statements apply to Java columns.

Throughout the section, points are illustrated using a concrete example based on the Product table of the sample database and a class named Product. You should first look at the file held in the jxmp\asademo subdirectory of your installation directory.

Create the Java sample tables 

The examples in this section assume that you have added the Java tables to the sample database, and are connected as user ID jDBA with password SQL.

For Info     For instructions on how to do this, see Installing the Java examples.

Top of page  A sample class

This section describes a class that is used in examples throughout the following sections.

The class definition is included in the jxmp\asademo directory under your installation directory. Part of the class definition is reproduced here:

package asademo;

public class Product implements {
  // public fields
  public String name ;
  public String description ;
  public String size ;
  public String color;
  public int quantity ;
  public java.math.BigDecimal unit_price ;

  // Default constructor
  Product () {
      unit_price = new java.math.BigDecimal( 10.00 );
      name = "Unknown";
      size = "One size fits all";

  // Constructor using all available arguments
  Product ( String inColor,
       String inDescription,
       String inName,
       int inQuantity,
       String inSize,
       java.math.BigDecimal inUnit_price
       ) {
    color = inColor;
    description = inDescription;
    name = inName;
    quantity = inQuantity;
    size = inSize;

  public String toString() {
     return size + " " + name + ": " +


Top of page  Inserting Java objects

When you INSERT a row in a table that has a Java column, you need to insert a Java object into the Java column.

You can insert a Java object in two ways: from SQL or from other Java classes running inside the database, using JDBC.

Top of page  Inserting a Java object from SQL

You can insert a Java object using a constructor, or you can use SQL variables to build up a Java object before inserting it.

Inserting an object using a constructor 

When you insert a value into a column that has a Java class data type, you are inserting a Java object. To insert an object with the proper set of properties, you will want the new object to have proper values of any public fields, and you will want any methods that set private fields to be called.

  To insert a Java object:
  1. INSERT a new instance of the Product class into the table product as follows:

    INTO product ( ID, JProd )
    VALUES ( 702, NEW asademo.Product() )

    You can run this example against the sample database from the user ID jdba once the jdemo.sql script has been run.

The NEW keyword invokes the default constructor for the Product class in the asademo package.

Inserting an object from a SQL variable 

You can also set the values of the fields of the object individually, as opposed to through the constructor, in a SQL variable of the proper class. This has the disadvantage that the setting of values is not done by the class definition itself. This introduces the possibility of inconsistencies when different applications insert rows initialized in different ways. Therefore the use of a proper constructor is recommended.

  To insert a Java object using SQL variables:
  1. Create a SQL variable of the Java class type:

    CREATE VARIABLE ProductVar asademo.Product
  2. Assign a new object to the variable, using the class constructor:

    SET ProductVar = NEW asademo.Product()
  3. Assign values to the fields of the object, where required:

    SET ProductVar>>color = 'Black';
    SET ProductVar>>description = 'Steel tipped boots';
    SET ProductVar>>name = 'Work boots';
    SET ProductVar>>quantity = 40;
    SET ProductVar>>size = 'Extra Large';
    SET ProductVar>>unit_price = 79.99;
  4. Insert the variable into the table:

    INTO Product ( id, JProd )
    VALUES ( 800, ProductVar )
  5. Check that the value is inserted:

    SELECT *
    FROM product
    WHERE id=800
  6. Undo the changes you have made in this exercise:


The use of SQL variables is typical of stored procedures and other uses of SQL to build programming logic into the database. Java provides a more powerful way of accomplishing this task. You can use server-side Java classes together with JDBC to insert objects into tables.

Top of page  Inserting an object from Java

You can insert an object into a table using a JDBC prepared statement.

A prepared statement uses placeholders for variables. You can then use the setObject method of the PreparedStatement object.

For Info     For more information on using prepared statements, see Inserting and retrieving objects.

Top of page  Updating Java objects

You may wish to update a Java column value in either of the following ways:

Updating the entire object 

You can update the object in much the same way as you insert objects:

Updating fields of the object 

Individual fields of an object have data types that correspond to SQL data types, using the SQL to Java data type mapping described in Java / SQL data type conversion.

You can update individual fields using a standard UPDATE statement:

UPDATE Product
SET JProd>>unit_price = 16.00
WHERE ID = 302

In the initial release of Java in the database, it was necessary to use a special function (EVALUATE) to carry out updates. This is no longer needed.

To update a Java field, the Java data type of the field must map to a SQL type, the expression on the right hand side of the SET clause must match this type. You may need to use the CAST function to cast the data types appropriate.

For Info     For information on data type mappings between java and SQL, see Java / SQL data type conversion.

Set method must return a value 

The method you use to set the value of the field you are updating must return a non-void value. In the example, setName returns a boolean value.

Top of page  Deleting Java objects

Deleting rows containing Java objects is no different to deleting other rows. The WHERE clause in the DELETE statement can include Java objects or Java fields and methods.

Top of page  

Collection Contents Index Creating columns to hold Java objects Querying Java objects pdf/chap17.pdf