Collection Contents Index Join enumeration and index selection Subquery caching pdf/chap25.pdf

User's Guide
   PART 4. Database Administration and Advanced Use
     CHAPTER 25. Query Optimization       

Cost estimation

The optimizer bases its selection of access plan on the expected cost of each plan. It uses a mix of metrics to estimate the cost of an access plan:

In recognition that disk access is substantially more time-consuming than other operations, Anywhere gives it particular weight.

Associate high cost with temporary tables 

In keeping with the assumption that Anywhere is to use both disk and memory efficiently, it avoids using temporary tables. To achieve this goal, the optimizer assigns significant cost to plans that use them.

Anywhere bases its estimate of the cost of temporary table on both the row size and the expected number of rows that the table will contain. The optimizer often pessimistically overestimates the actual cost of using a temporary table. When few queries are competing for cache space, the actual cost of a plan with a temporary table can be significantly less than the estimate.

Top of page  Costing index access

Anywhere calculates a scan factor for each table accessed. For this calculation, it uses both selectivity estimates and the fan-out of the index.

If the index is a key index, then Anywhere assumes that the entries are uniformly distributed in the corresponding table. However, Anywhere assumes that values in the primary-key index are clustered near similar values. This assumption is usually valid. For example, suppose you use a auto-increment column to generate primary-key values. The rows in the table will lie in roughly the same order in the pages of the table as they do in the primary index.

When the rows in a table are arranged on the database pages in the order you wish to read them, less cache space is required because Anywhere can avoid rereading the same pages from disk.

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Collection Contents Index Join enumeration and index selection Subquery caching pdf/chap25.pdf