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User's Guide
   PART 4. Database Administration and Advanced Use
     CHAPTER 28. Accessing Remote Data       

Working with proxy tables

Location transparency of remote data is enabled by creating a local proxy table that maps to the remote object. To create a proxy table you use one of the following statements:

Top of page  Specifying proxy table locations

The AT keyword is used with both CREATE TABLE and CREATE EXISTING TABLE to define the location of an existing object. This location string has 4 components that are separated by either a period or a semicolon. Semicolons allow filenames and extensions to be used in the database and owner fields.

... AT 'server.database.owner.tablename'


This is the name by which the server is known in the current database, as specified in the CREATE SERVER statement. This field is mandatory for all remote data sources.


The meaning of the database field depends on the data source. In some cases this field does not apply and should be left empty. The periods are still required, however.


If the database supports the concept of ownership, this field represents the owner name. This field is only required when several owners have tables with the same name.


Tablename specifies the name of the table. In the case of an Excel spreadsheet, this is the name of the "sheet" in the workbook. If the table name is left empty, the remote table name is assumed to be the same as the local proxy table name.


The following examples illustrate the use of location strings:


Top of page  Creating proxy tables using Sybase Central

You must use the Java version of Sybase Central to create remote tables, unless you choose to construct the SQL statements yourself. You cannot use the Windows version of Sybase Central.

  To create a proxy table using Sybase Central (Java):
  1. Connect to the host database from Sybase Central (Java) using a JDBC connection.

  2. In the left panel, open the Remote Server folder. Then open the server for which you wish to create a proxy table.

  3. Double-click Add Proxy Table, and follow the instructions in the wizard:

  4. Click Finish to create the proxy table. You may have to refresh the display to show the proxy table.


Top of page  Using the CREATE EXISTING TABLE statement

The CREATE EXISTING TABLE statement creates a proxy table that maps to an existing table on the remote server. Adaptive Server Anywhere derives the column attributes and index information from the object at the remote location.

Example 1 

To create a proxy table named p_employee on the current server to a remote table named employee on the server named asademo1, use the following syntax:

AT 'asademo1..dba.employee'

Example 2 

The following statement maps the proxy table a1 to the Microsoft Access file mydbfile.mdb. In this example, the AT keyword uses the semicolon (;) as a delimiter. The server defined for Microsoft Access is named access.


For Info     For a full description of the CREATE EXISTING TABLE statement, see CREATE EXISTING TABLE statement.

Top of page  Using the CREATE TABLE statement

The CREATE TABLE statement creates a new table on the remote server, and defines the proxy table for that table when you use the AT option. You enter the CREATE TABLE statement using Adaptive Server Anywhere data types. Adaptive Server Anywhere automatically converts the data into the remote server's native types.


The following statement creates a table named members on the remote server asademo1, and creates a proxy table named employee that maps to the remote location:

( membership_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
member_name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
office_held CHAR( 20 ) NULL)
AT 'asademo1..dba.employee'

For Info     For a complete description of the CREATE TABLE statement, see CREATE TABLE statement.

Top of page  Listing the columns on a remote table

If you are entering a CREATE EXISTING statement and you are specifying a column list, it may be helpful to get a list of the columns that are available on a remote table. The sp_remote_columns system procedure produces a list of the columns on a remote table and a description of those data types.

sp_remote_columns servername [,tablename] [, owner ] [, database]

If a table name, owner, or database name is given, the list of columns is limited to only those that match.

For example, to get a list of the columns in the sysobjects table in the production database in an Adaptive Server Enterprise server named asetest:

sp_remote_columns  asetest, sysobjects, null, production

For Info     For more information, see sp_remote_columns system procedure.

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Collection Contents Index Working with external logins Example: a join between two remote tables pdf/chap28.pdf