Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 32.  Replicating Data with Replication Server A replication tutorial pdf/chap32.pdf

User's Guide
   PART 5. The Adaptive Server Family
     CHAPTER 32. Replicating Data with Replication Server       

Introduction to replication

Data replication is the sharing of data among physically distinct databases. Changes made to shared data at any one database are replicated to the other databases in the replication system.

Data replication brings some key benefits to database users.

Data availability 

Data is made available locally, rather than through potentially expensive, less reliable, and slow connections to a single central database. Data is accessible locally even in the absence of any connection to a central server, so that you are not cut off from data in the event of a failure of a long-distance network connection.

Response time 

Replication improves response times for data requests for two reasons. Requests are processed on a local server without accessing some wide area network, so that retrieval rates are faster. Also, local processing offloads work from a central database server so that competition for processor time is decreased.

Top of page  Sybase replication technologies

Sybase provides two replication technologies: SQL Remote and Replication Server.

Each replication technology has its own documentation. This chapter describes how to use Adaptive Server Anywhere with Replication Server.

For Info     For information about SQL Remote, see the book Data Replication with SQL Remote.

Top of page  Replicate sites and primary sites

In a Replication Server installation, the data to be shared among databases is arranged in replications.

For each replication definition, there is a primary site. Changes to the data in the replication are made only at the primary site for that replication. The sites that receive the data in the replication are called replicate sites.

Top of page  Replicate site components

You can use Adaptive Server Anywhere as a replicate site with no additional components.

The following diagram illustrates the components required for Adaptive Server Anywhere to participate in a Replication Server installation as a replicate site.

Asynchronous procedure calls 

Replication Server can use asynchronous procedure calls (APC) at replicate sites to alter data at a primary site database. If you are using APCs, the above diagram does not apply. Instead, the requirements are the same as for a primary site.

Top of page  Primary site components

To use an Adaptive Server Anywhere database as a primary site, you need to use the Log Transfer Manager (LTM), or Replication Agent. The LTM supports Replication Server version 10.0 and greater.

The following diagram illustrates the components required for Adaptive Server Anywhere to participate in a Replication Server installation as a primary site. The arrows in the diagram represent data flow.

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Collection Contents Index CHAPTER 32.  Replicating Data with Replication Server A replication tutorial pdf/chap32.pdf