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User's Guide
   PART 5. The Adaptive Server Family
     CHAPTER 32. Replicating Data with Replication Server       

Using the LTM

As the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM relies on information in the Adaptive Server Anywhere transaction log, you must take care not to delete or damage the log without storing backups. A transaction log mirror is recommended.

For Info     For more information about transaction log management, see the section Transaction log and backup management.

You cannot substitute a Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM for a Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM since the transaction logs are of a different format.

The Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM supports replication of inserts, updates, and deletes, as well as replication of Transact-SQL-dialect stored procedures.

The Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM sends data changes to the Replication Server before they are committed. The Replication Server holds the changes until a COMMIT statement arrives. The Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM sends only committed changes to Replication Server. For long transactions this may lead to some added delay in replication, as all changes have to be sent to Replication Server before being distributed.

Top of page  Configuring tables for replication

Adaptive Server Anywhere does not support the sp_setreplicate system procedure. Instead, a table is identified as a primary data source using the ALTER TABLE statement with a single clause:

ALTER TABLE table-name

The effects of setting REPLICATE ON for a table 

Setting REPLICATE ON causes extra information to be placed into the transaction log. whenever an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE action is carried out on the table. This extra information is used by the Adaptive Server Anywhere Replication Agent to submit the full pre-image of the row, where required, to Replication Server for replication.

Even if only some of the data in the table is to be replicated, all changes to the table are submitted to Replication Server. It is Replication Server's responsibility to distinguish the data that is to be replicated from that which is not.

When a row is updated, inserted, or deleted, the pre-image of the row is the contents of the row before the action, and the post-image is the contents of the row after the action. For INSERTS, only the post-image is submitted (the pre-image is empty). For DELETES, the post-image is empty and the pre-image only is submitted. For UPDATES, both the pre-image and the updated values are submitted.

The same data types are supported for replication as in Replication Server 10.0.

Data type

Description ( Open Client/Open Server type )

Exact integer data types

int, smallint, tinyint

Exact decimal data types

Decimal, numeric

Approximate numeric data types

float (8-byte), real

Money data types

money, smallmoney

Character data types

char( n ), varchar( n ), text

Date and time data types

datetime, smalldatetime

Binary data types

binary( n ), varbinary( n ), image

Bit data types



If a primary table has columns with unsupported data types, you can replicate the data if you create a replication definition using a compatible supported data type. For example, to replicate a DOUBLE column, you could define the column as FLOAT in the replication definition.

Side effects of setting REPLICATE ON for a table 

There can be a replication performance hit for heavily updated tables. You could consider using replicated procedures if you experience performance problems that may be related to replication traffic, as replicated procedures send only the call to the procedure instead of each individual action.

As setting REPLICATE ON causes extra information to be sent to the transaction log, this log grows faster than for a non-replicating database.

Minimal column replication definitions 

The Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM supports the Replication Server replicate minimal columns feature. This feature is enabled at Replication Server.

For Info     For more information on replicate minimal columns, see your Replication Server documentation.

Top of page  Preparing procedures and functions for replication

Stored procedures can be used to modify the data in tables; updates, inserts, and deletes are executed from within the procedure.

Replication Server can replicate procedures as long as they satisfy certain conditions. The first statement in a procedure must carry out an update in order for the procedure to be replicated. See your Replication Server documentation for a full description of how Replication Server replicates procedures.

Adaptive Server Anywhere supports two dialects for stored procedures: the Watcom-SQL dialect, based on the draft ISO/ANSI standard, and the Transact-SQL dialect. You can use either dialect in writing stored procedures for replication.

Function APC format 

The Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM supports the Replication Server function APC format. To make use of these functions, set the configuration parameter rep_func to on (the default is off).

The LTM interprets all replicated APC's as either table APC's or function APC's. A single Adaptive Server Anywhere database cannot have some function APC's combined with other table APC's.

For Info     For more information about replicate functions, see your Replication Server documentation.

Top of page  SQL Statements for controlling procedure replication

A procedure can be configured to act as a replication source using the ALTER PROCEDURE statement.

The following statement makes the procedure MyProc act as a replication source.


The following statement prevents the procedure MyProc from acting as a replication source.


These statements have the same effect as running sp_setreplicate or sp_setrepproc 'table' on the procedure in Adaptive Server Enterprise. The sp_setrepproc 'function' syntax is not supported.

The effects of setting REPLICATE ON for a procedure 

When a procedure is used as a replication data source, extra information is sent to the transaction log any time the procedure is called.

Top of page  Asynchronous procedures

Asynchronous procedures are procedures that are called at a replicate site database in order to update data at a primary site database. The procedure carries out no action at the replicate site, but the call to the procedure is replicated to the primary site, where a procedure of the same name is executed: this is called an asynchronous procedure call (APC). The changes made by the APC are then replicated from the primary to the replicate database in the usual manner.

For Info     For information about APCs, see your Replication Server documentation.

The APC_user and APC support 

Support for APC's in Adaptive Server Anywhere is different from that in Adaptive Server Enterprise. In Adaptive Server Enterprise, each APC is executed using the user ID and password of the user who called the procedure at the replicate site. In Adaptive Server Anywhere, the password is not stored in the transaction log, and so is not available at the primary site. To work around this difference, a single user ID with associated password is entered into the LTM configuration file, and this user ID (the APC_user) is used to execute the procedure at the primary site. The APC_user must, therefore, have appropriate permissions at the primary site for each APC that may be called.

Top of page  Configuring the LTM

LTM behavior is controlled by modifying the LTM configuration file, which is a plain text file that can be created and edited using a text editor.

The LTM configuration file contains information needed by the LTM, such as the Adaptive Server Anywhere server it is transferring a log from, the Replication Server it is transferring the log to. A valid configuration file is required in order to run the LTM.

Creating a configuration file 

You must create a configuration file, using a text editor, before you can run the LTM. The -C LTM command-line specifies the name of the configuration file to use, and has a default of dbltm.cfg.

Configuration file format 

The format of the LTM configuration file is the same as the Replication Server configuration file format, which is described in your Replication Server Administration Guide. In summary:

For Info     For the full list of available configuration file parameters, see The LTM configuration file.

Example configuration file 

Top of page  Replicating transactions in batches

Effects of buffering transactions 

The LTM allows buffering of replication commands to Replication Server. Buffering the replication commands leads in general to two main effects:

How batch mode works 

By default, the LTM buffers transactions. The buffer is flushed (the transactions sent to Replication Server) when any of the following conditions is met:

Turning off buffering 

You can turn off buffering of transactions by setting the batch_ltl_cmds configuration parameter to off:


Top of page  Language and character set issues

Language and character set issues are an important consideration in many replication sites. Each database and server in the system uses a specific collation (character set and sorting order) for storing and ordering strings. Adaptive Server Anywhere character set support is carried out in a different manner to character set support in Adaptive Server Enterprise and other Open Client/Open Server based applications.

This section describes how to configure the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM such that data in a Adaptive Server Anywhere database can be shared with Replication Server and hence with other databases.

The LTM automatically uses the default Open Client/Open Server language, sort order, and character set. You can override these defaults by adding entries to the LTM configuration file.

Top of page  Adaptive Server Anywhere collations

Each Adaptive Server Anywhere database is assigned a specific collation when it is created.

  To find the collation sequence used by a database:
  1. Connect to the database from Sybase Central, right click on the database icon in the left pane, and select Properties from the pop-up menu. The collation is listed on the Extended Information tab. Or:

  2. Run the dbinfo command-line utility. For example, the following command provides information about the Adaptive Server Anywhere sample database:

    dbinfo c:\asa60\sademo.db

If no collation sequence is specified when the database is created, then the 850LATIN1 collation sequence is used.

For Info     For a full description of Adaptive Server Anywhere collations, see Database Collations and International Languages.

Top of page  Open Client/Open Server collations

Adaptive Server Enterprise, Replication Server, and other Open Client/Open Server applications share a common means of managing character sets.

For Info     For information on Open Client/Open Server character set support, see the chapter "Configuring Character Sets, Sort Orders, and Message Language" in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Administration Guide. For more information about character set issues in Replication Server, see the chapter "International Replication Design Considerations" in the Replication Server Design Guide.

This section provides a brief overview of Open Client/Open Server character set support.

Internationalization files 

Files that support data processing in a particular language are called internationalization files. Several types of internationalization files are supplied with Adaptive Server Enterprise and other Open Client/Open Server applications.

There is a directory named charsets under your Sybase directory. Charsets has a set of subdirectories: one for each character set available to you. Each character set contains a set of files, as described in the followning table




Character set definition files that define the lexical properties of each character such as alphanumeric, punctuation, operand, upper or lower case.


Defines the sort order for alpha-numeric and special characters.


Terminal-specific character translation files for use with utilities.

Top of page  Character set settings in the LTM configuration file

There are three settings in the LTM configuration file that refer to character set issues:


Character set     In an Open Client/Open Server environment, an LTM should use the same character set as the data server and Replication Server attached to it.

Adaptive Server Anywhere character sets are differently specified than Open Client/Open Server character sets. Consequently, the requirement is that the Adaptive Server Anywhere character set be compatible with the LTM character set.

Language     Valid settings are those mapped in the locales.dat file in the locales subdirectory of the Sybase release directory. However, the LTM output messages in the user interface are currently available in English and Japanese.

Sort order     All sort orders in your replication system should be the same. The default is the default entry for your platform in the locales.dat file in the locales subdirectory of the Sybase release directory.


Top of page  Transaction log and backup management

One of the differences between the Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM and the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM is that while the Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM depends on a temporary recovery database for access to old transactions, the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM depends on access to old transaction logs. There is no temporary recovery database for the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM.

Replication depends on access to operations in the transaction log, and for Adaptive Server Anywhere primary site databases access to old transaction logs is sometimes required. This section describes how to set up backup procedures at a Adaptive Server Anywhere primary site to ensure proper access to old transaction logs.

Consequences of lost transaction logs 

It is crucial to have good backup practices at Adaptive Server Anywhere primary database sites. A lost transaction log could mean having to resynchronize replicate site databases. At primary database sites, a transaction log mirror is recommended. For information on transaction log mirrors and other backup procedure information, see the Adaptive Server Anywhere User's Guide.

The LTM configuration file contains a directory entry, which points to the directory where backed up transaction logs are kept. This section describes how you can set up a backup procedure to ensure that such a directory is kept in proper shape.

Backup utility options 

One of the options to the Backup utility is to rename the transaction log on backup and restart. For the DBBACKUP command-line utility, this is the -r command-line switch. It is recommended that you use this option when backing up the consolidated database and remote database transaction logs.

To see how this option works, consider a database named primedb.db, in directory c:\prime, with a transaction log in directory d:\primelog\primedb.log. Backing up this transaction log to a directory e:\primebak using the rename and restart option carries out the following tasks:

  1. Backs up the transaction log, creating a backup file e:\primebak\primedb.log.

  2. Renames the existing transaction log to d:\primelog\primedb.lnn, where nn is the lowest available integer, starting at 00.

  3. Starts a new transaction log, as d:\primelog\primedb.log.

After several backups, the directory d:\primelog will contain a set of sequential transaction logs. The log directory should not contain any transaction logs other than the sequence of logs generated by this backup procedure.

You can also run the LTM pointing to the directory where backup copies are held. However, the backup utility makes backups to the same file name each time by default, so you will need to ensure that old logs are renamed before subsequent backups.

Top of page  Using the DELETE_OLD_LOGS option

The DELETE_OLD_LOGS Adaptive Server Anywhere database option is set by default to OFF. If it is set to ON, then the old transaction logs will be deleted automatically by the LTM when Replication Server no longer needs access to the transactions. This option can help to manage disk space in replication setups.

You can set the DELETE_OLD_LOGS option either for the PUBLIC group or just for the maintenance user. The following statement sets the option for the PUBLIC group:


For Info     For more information, see DELETE_OLD_LOGS option.

Top of page  The Unload utility and replication

If a database is participating in replication, it cannot be unloaded and reloaded without re-synchronizing the database. Replication is based on the transaction log, and when a database is unloaded and reloaded, the old transaction log is no longer available. For this reason, good backup practices are especially important when participating in replication.

Top of page  Replicating an entire database

Adaptive Server Anywhere provides a short cut for replicating an entire database, instead of having to set each table in the database as a replicated table.

A PUBLIC database option called REPLICATE_ALL can be set using the SET OPTION statement. You can set a whole database to be replicated using the command:

SET OPTION PUBLIC.Replicate_all='ON'

You require DBA authority to change this and other PUBLIC option settings. You must restart the database for the new setting to take effect. The REPLICATE_ALL option has no effect on procedures.

For Info     For more information, see REPLICATE_ALL option.

Top of page  Stopping the LTM

The LTM can be shut down from the user interface in Windows NT, and in other circumstances must be shut down by issuing a command.

  To stop the LTM in Windows NT, when the LTM is not running as a service:
  1. `Click Shutdown on the user interface.

  To stop the LTM by issuing a command:
  1. Connect to the LTM from isql using the LTM_admin_user login name and password in the LTM configuration file. The user ID and password are case sensitive.

  2. Stop the LTM using the SHUTDOWN statement.


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