

icons : used in manuals Graphic icons
IN conditions Short cuts for typing search conditions
inequality, testing for Comparing dates in queries
inner joins : using Using subqueries instead of joins
INSERT statement : examples Adding rows to a table
Inserting duplicate data
inserting rows in the database Use the form to update the database
installation directory : about Installed files
integer data types The SYSCOLUMNS table
Interactive SQL : about CHAPTER 5. Using Interactive SQL
Interactive SQL : Command window Entering commands
Interactive SQL : displaying a list of tables Displaying a list of tables
Interactive SQL : executing commands Entering commands
Interactive SQL : function keys Function keys
Interactive SQL : getting commands Entering commands
Interactive SQL : interrupting commands Canceling an Interactive SQL command
Interactive SQL : loading commands Entering commands
Interactive SQL : reported errors Canceling an Interactive SQL command
Interactive SQL : saving commands Entering commands
Interactive SQL : Shift and Ctrl Key Function keys for UNIX Interactive SQL
Interactive SQL : UNIX Function keys for UNIX Interactive SQL
interface : database server The server window