data type conversion : indicator variables | Using indicator values for conversion errors |
data types : C data types | C host variable types |
data types : dynamic SQL | The SQL descriptor area (SQLDA) |
data types : Embedded SQL | Embedded SQL data types |
data types : host variables | C host variable types |
data types : Open Client | Data type mappings |
data types : ranges | Range limitations in data type mapping |
data types : SQLDA | Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA |
data types : unsupported | Data types with limited compatibility |
database servers : functions | Connection and server management functions |
database tools interface : about | CHAPTER 3. The Database Tools Interface |
database tools interface : an_erase_db structure | an_erase_db structure |
database tools interface : an_expand_db structure | an_expand_db structure |
database tools interface : an_unload_db structure | an_unload_db structure |
database tools interface : an_upgrade_db structure | an_upgrade_db structure |
database tools interface : a_backup_db structure | a_backup_db structure |
database tools interface : a_change_log structure | a_change_log structure |
database tools interface : a_compress_db structure | a_compress_db structure |
database tools interface : a_compress_stats structure | a_compress_stats structure |
database tools interface : a_create_db structure | a_create_db structure |
database tools interface : a_dbtools_info structure | a_dbtools_info structure |
database tools interface : a_db_collation structure | a_db_collation structure |
database tools interface : a_db_info structure | a_db_info structure |
database tools interface : a_name structure | a_name structure |
database tools interface : a_stats_line structure | a_stats_line structure |
database tools interface : a_sysinfo structure | a_sysinfo structure |
database tools interface : a_table_info structure | a_table_info structure |
database tools interface : a_translate_log structure | a_translate_log structure |
database tools interface : a_truncate_log structure | a_truncate_log structure |
database tools interface : a_validate_db structure | a_validate_db structure |
database tools interface : a_writefile structure | a_writefile structure |
database tools interface : Blank padding enumeration | Blank padding enumeration |
database tools interface : DBBackup function | DBBackup function |
database tools interface : DBChangeLogName function | DBChangeLogName function |
database tools interface : DBChangeWriteFile function | DBChangeWriteFile function |
database tools interface : DBCollate function | DBCollate function |
database tools interface : DBCompress function | DBCompress function |
database tools interface : DBCreate function | DBCreate function |
database tools interface : DBCreateWriteFile function | DBCreateWriteFile function |
database tools interface : DBErase function | DBErase function |
database tools interface : DBExpand function | DBExpand function |
database tools interface : DBInfo function | DBInfo function |
database tools interface : DBInfoDump function | DBInfoDump function |
database tools interface : DBInfoFree function | DBInfoFree function |
database tools interface : DBStatusWriteFile function | DBStatusWriteFile function |
database tools interface : DBToolsFini function | DBToolsFini function |
database tools interface : DBToolsInit function | DBToolsInit function |
database tools interface : DBToolsVersion function | DBToolsVersion function |
database tools interface : DBTranslateLog function | DBTranslateLog function |
database tools interface : dbtran_userlist_type enumeration | dbtran_userlist_type enumeration |
database tools interface : DBTruncateLog function | DBTruncateLog function |
database tools interface : DBUnload function | DBUnload function |
database tools interface : dbunload type enumeration | dbunload type enumeration |
database tools interface : DBUpgrade function | DBUpgrade function |
database tools interface : DBValidate function | DBValidate function |
database tools interface : dbxtract | DBUnload function |
database tools interface : verbosity enumeration | Verbosity enumeration |
DBBackup function | DBBackup function |
DBChangeLogName function | DBChangeLogName function |
DBChangeWriteFile function | DBChangeWriteFile function |
DBCollate function | DBCollate function |
DBCompress function | DBCompress function |
DBCreate function | DBCreate function |
DBCreateWriteFile function | DBCreateWriteFile function |
DBErase function | DBErase function |
DBExpand function | DBExpand function |
DBInfo function | DBInfo function |
DBInfoDump function | DBInfoDump function |
DBInfoFree function | DBInfoFree function |
DBStatusWriteFile function | DBStatusWriteFile function |
DBTools : example program | A DBTools example |
DBTools : functions | DBTools functions |
DBTools functions : calling | Calling the DBTools functions |
DBTools interface : about | CHAPTER 3. The Database Tools Interface |
DBTools interface : enumerations | DBTools enumeration types |
DBTools interface : finishing | Starting and finishing the DBTools library |
DBTools interface : introduction | Introduction to the database tools interface |
DBTools interface : starting | Starting and finishing the DBTools library |
DBTools interface : using | Using the database tools interface |
DBToolsFini function | DBToolsFini function |
DBToolsInit function | DBToolsInit function |
DBToolsVersion function | DBToolsVersion function |
DBTranslateLog function | DBTranslateLog function |
dbtran_userlist_type enumeration | dbtran_userlist_type enumeration |
DBTruncateLog function | DBTruncateLog function |
DBUnload function | DBUnload function |
dbunload type enumeration | dbunload type enumeration |
DBUpgrade function | DBUpgrade function |
DBValidate function | DBValidate function |
dbxtract : database tools interface | DBUnload function |
db_backup function | db_backup function |
DB_BACKUP_CLOSE_FILE parameter | db_backup function |
DB_BACKUP_END parameter | db_backup function |
DB_BACKUP_OPEN_FILE parameter | db_backup function |
DB_BACKUP_READ_PAGE parameter | db_backup function |
DB_BACKUP_READ_RENAME_LOG parameter | db_backup function |
DB_BACKUP_START parameter | db_backup function |
DB_CALLBACK_FINISH | db_register_a_callback function |
DB_CALLBACK_MESSAGE | db_register_a_callback function |
DB_CALLBACK_START | db_register_a_callback function |
DB_CALLBACK_WAIT | db_register_a_callback function |
db_cancel_request function | db_cancel_request function |
db_delete_file function | db_delete_file function |
db_find_engine function | db_find_engine function |
db_fini function function | db_fini function |
db_init function | db_init function |
db_is_working function | db_is_working function |
db_process_a_message function | db_process_a_message function |
db_register_a_callback function | db_register_a_callback function |
db_start_database function | db_start_database function |
db_start_engine function | db_start_engine function |
db_stop_database function | db_stop_database function |
db_stop_engine function | db_stop_engine function |
db_string_connect function | db_string_connect function |
db_string_disconnect function | db_string_disconnect function |
DECIMAL data type : Embedded SQL | C host variable types |
declaration section : about | Declaring host variables |
DECLARE statement : about | Cursors in Embedded SQL |
declaring : host variables | Declaring host variables |
DECL_BINARY | C host variable types |
DECL_DECIMAL | C host variable types |
DECL_FIXCHAR | C host variable types |
DECL_VARCHAR | C host variable types |
DESCRIBE statement : about | Dynamic SELECT statement |
DESCRIBE statement : multiple result sets | Procedures with result sets |
DESCRIBE statement : SQLDA fields | Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA |
directories : executable | Installed files |
directories : installation | Installed files |
DLL entry points | Library functions |
DLLs : multiple SQLCAs | When to use multiple SQLCAs |
documentation : conventions | Documentation conventions |
DT_BINARY Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_DATE Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_DECIMAL Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_DOUBLE Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_FIXCHAR Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_FLOAT Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_INT Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_SMALLINT Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_STRING data type | sqlda_string_length function |
DT_TIME Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_TIMESTAMP Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_TIMESTAMPSTRUCT Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_VARCHAR Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
DT_VARIABLE Embedded SQL data type | Embedded SQL data types |
dynamic cursors : example | Dynamic cursor example |
dynamic SQL | Static and dynamic SQL |
dynamic SQL : SQLDA | The SQL descriptor area (SQLDA) |