Adaptive Server Anywhere : creating an Enterprise-compatible database | Ensuring compatible databases |
address : setting for publisher | Working with message types |
addresses : file sharing | FILE message control parameters |
addresses : ftp | FTP message control parameters |
addresses : SMTP | The SMTP message system |
addresses : SMTP/POP | Sharing SMTP/POP addresses |
administering : a SQL Remote installation | CHAPTER 10. SQL Remote Administration Management overview |
administering SQL Remote | SQL Remote features CHAPTER 11. Administering SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Anywhere |
administration : overview | Management overview |
ALTER PUBLICATION statement : syntax | ALTER PUBLICATION statement |
altering : message types | Using Sybase Central to work with message types Using commands to work with message types |
altering : publications | ALTER PUBLICATION statement |
article SQL Remote table : about | SYSARTICLE table sr_article table |
articlecol SQL Remote table : about | SYSARTICLECOL table sr_articlecol table |
articlecols SQL Remote view : about | SYSARTICLECOLS view sr_articlecols view |
articles : about | Conditions for valid articles Conditions for valid articles |
articles : column-wise partitioning | Creating articles containing some of the columns in a table Creating articles containing some of the columns in a table |
articles : notes on | Notes on articles |
articles : row-wise partitioning | Creating articles containing some of the rows in a table |
articles : system table for | SYSARTICLE table sr_article table |
articles : valid | Conditions for valid articles Conditions for valid articles |
articles : whole table | Creating whole-table articles |
articles SQL Remote view : about | SYSARTICLES view sr_articles view |
asademo.db file : about | The sample database |