User's Guide
PART 1. Working with Databases
CHAPTER 10. Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches
In order to use procedures, you need to understand how to do the following:
Call procedures from a database application
Create procedures
Drop, or remove, procedures
Control who has permission to use procedures
This section discusses each of these aspects of using procedures, and also describes some of the different uses of procedures.
Procedures are created using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. You must have RESOURCE authority in order to create a procedure.
Where you enter the statement depends on the tool you are using:
You can create the example procedure new_dept by connecting to the sample database from Interactive SQL as user ID DBA, using password SQL, and typing the statement in the command window.
You can create the example procedure by connecting to the sample database from Sybase Central, opening the Procedures folder, and clicking Add Procedure/Function Wizard. The Wizard walks you through the process. Alternatively, click Add Procedure/Function Template, which places you immediately in the last window of the Wizard, the Procedure window, in which you enter the code for the procedure.
If you are using a tool other than Interactive SQL or Sybase Central, follow the instructions for your tool. You may need to change the command delimiter away from the semicolon before entering the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
The following simple example creates a procedure that carries out an INSERT into the department table of the sample database, creating a new department.
CREATE PROCEDURE new_dept ( IN id INT, IN name CHAR(35), IN head_id INT ) BEGIN INSERT INTO dba.department ( dept_id, dept_name, dept_head_id ) VALUES ( id, name, head_id ); END
For a complete description of the CREATE PROCEDURE syntax, see CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
The body of a procedure is a compound statement. The compound statement starts with a BEGIN statement and concludes with an END statement. In the case of new_dept, the compound statement is a single INSERT bracketed by BEGIN and END statements.
For more information, see Using compound statements.
Parameters to procedures are marked as one of IN, OUT, or INOUT. All parameters to the new_dept procedure are IN parameters, as they are not changed by the procedure.
A procedure is invoked with a CALL statement. Procedures can be called by an application program, or they can be called by other procedures and triggers.
For more information, see CALL statement.
The following statement calls the new_dept procedure to insert an Eastern Sales department:
CALL new_dept( 210, 'Eastern Sales', 902 );
After this call, you may wish to check the department table to see that the new department has been added.
The new_dept procedure can be called by all users who have been granted EXECUTE permission for the procedure, even if they have no permissions on the department table.
Once a procedure is created, it remains in the database until it is explicitly removed. Only the owner of the procedure or a user with DBA authority can drop the procedure from the database.
The following statement removes the procedure new_dept from the database:
A procedure is owned by the user who created it, and that user can execute it without permission. Permission to execute it can be granted to other users using the GRANT EXECUTE command.
For example, the owner of the procedure new_dept could allow another_user to execute new_dept with the statement:
GRANT EXECUTE ON new_dept TO another_user
The following statement revokes permission to execute the procedure:
REVOKE EXECUTE ON new_dept FROM another_user
For more information on managing user permissions on procedures, see Granting permissions on procedures.
Procedures can return results to the calling environment in one of the following ways:
Individual values are returned as OUT or INOUT parameters.
Result sets can be returned.
A single result can be returned using a RETURN statement.
This section describes how to return results from procedures as parameters.
The following procedure on the sample database returns the average salary of employees as an OUT parameter.
CREATE PROCEDURE AverageSalary( OUT avgsal NUMERIC (20,3) ) BEGIN SELECT AVG( salary ) INTO avgsal FROM employee; END
To run this procedure and display its output from Interactive SQL, carry out the following steps:
Connect to the sample database from Interactive SQL as user ID DBA using password SQL.
Create the procedure.
Create a variable to hold the procedure output. In this case, the output variable is numeric, with three decimal places, so create a variable as follows:
Call the procedure, using the created variable to hold the result:
CALL AverageSalary(Average)
The Interactive SQL statistics window displays the message "Procedure completed" if the procedure was created and run properly.
Look at the value of the output variable Average. The Interactive SQL Data window displays the value 49988.623 for this variable; the average employee salary.
In addition to returning results to the calling environment in individual parameters, procedures can return information in result sets. A result set is typically the result of a query. The following procedure returns a result set containing the salary for each employee in a given department:
CREATE PROCEDURE SalaryList ( IN department_id INT) RESULT ( "Employee ID" INT, "Salary" NUMERIC(20,3) ) BEGIN SELECT emp_id, salary FROM employee WHERE employee.dept_id = department_id; END
If this procedure is called from Interactive SQL, the names in the RESULT clause are matched to the results of the query and used as column headings in the displayed results.
To test this procedure from Interactive SQL, you can CALL it, specifying one of the departments of the company. The results are displayed in the Interactive SQL Data window. For example:
Type the following:
CALL SalaryList (100)
Employee ID |
Salary |
102 |
45700.000 |
105 |
62000.000 |
160 |
57490.000 |
243 |
72995.000 |
247 |
48023.690 |
To execute a CALL of a procedure that returns a result set, Interactive SQL opens a cursor.
The cursor is left open after the CALL in case a second result set is returned. The Interactive SQL statistics window displays the plan of the SELECT query in the procedure and then displays the line:
Procedure is executing. Use RESUME to continue.
You need to execute the RESUME statement or the Interactive SQL CLEAR command from the Interactive SQL Command window before you can alter or drop the procedure.
For more information about using cursors in procedures, see Using cursors in procedures and triggers.