

sample database : about The sample database
SELECT statement : dynamic Dynamic SELECT statement
SELECT statement : single row Embedded SELECT
services : example code Windows NT Service examples
A sample program
SQL Communications Area : about The SQL Communication Area
SQL preprocessor : running Running the SQL preprocessor
SQL statements : executing Executing SQL statements
SQLBindCol function : ODBC Working with result sets
SQLCA : about The SQL Communication Area
SQLCA : changing SQLCA management for multi-threaded or reentrant code
SQLCA : fields Fields in the SQLCA
SQLCA : multiple Using multiple SQLCAs
When to use multiple SQLCAs
SQLCA : threads SQLCA management for multi-threaded or reentrant code
sqlcabc : SQLCA field Fields in the SQLCA
sqlcaid : SQLCA field Fields in the SQLCA
sqlcode : SQLCA field Fields in the SQLCA
sqld field : SQLDA SQLDA fields and their meanings
SQLDA : about Dynamic SQL statements
The SQL descriptor area (SQLDA)
SQLDA : allocating SQLDA management functions
alloc_sqlda function
SQLDA : filling fill_sqlda function
SQLDA : freeing fill_s_sqlda function
SQLDA : length field Length field values
SQLDA : strings fill_sqlda function
SQLDA fields : about SQLDA fields and their meanings
sqldabc field : SQLDA SQLDA fields and their meanings
sqldaif field : SQLDA SQLDA fields and their meanings
sqldata field : SQLDA Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA
sqlda_storage function sqlda_storage function
sqlda_string_length function sqlda_string_length function
sqlerrd : SQLCA field Fields in the SQLCA
sqlerrmc : SQLCA field Fields in the SQLCA
sqlerrml : SQLCA field Fields in the SQLCA
sqlerror_message sqlerror_message function
sqlerrp : SQLCA field Fields in the SQLCA
SQLGetData function : ODBC Working with result sets
sqlind field : SQLDA Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA
sqllen : SQLDA Length field values
sqllen field : SQLDA Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA
sqlname : SQLDA field The SQL descriptor area (SQLDA)
sqlname field : SQLDA Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA
SQLPP : about Application development using Embedded SQL
sqlstate Fields in the SQLCA
sqltype field : SQLDA Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA
sqlvar field : contents Host variable descriptions in the SQLDA
sqlvar field : SQLDA SQLDA fields and their meanings
sqlwarn Fields in the SQLCA
SQL_ERROR Error checking in ODBC
sql_needs_quotes function sql_needs_quotes function
SQL_NEED_DATA Error checking in ODBC
SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND Error checking in ODBC
SQL_SUCCESS Error checking in ODBC
statements : ODBC ODBC fundamentals
static SQL Static and dynamic SQL
static SQL : authorization User IDs and database authorization
stored procedures : Embedded SQL Using stored procedures in Embedded SQL
stored procedures : result sets Procedures with result sets
string : data type sqlda_string_length function
structure packing : header files Embedded SQL header files