

ODBC : backwards compabitility ODBC conformance
ODBC : compabitility ODBC conformance
ODBC : compiling Compiling and linking an ODBC application
ODBC : conformance ODBC conformance
ODBC : cursors Working with result sets
ODBC : error checking Error checking in ODBC
ODBC : example application A first example
ODBC : example program A sample program
ODBC : fundamentals ODBC fundamentals
ODBC : introduction Introduction to ODBC programming
ODBC : linking Compiling and linking an ODBC application
ODBC : multi-threaded applications Threads in ODBC applications
ODBC : multiple result sets Calling stored procedures in ODBC
ODBC : no driver manager Using ODBC without the driver manager
ODBC : prepared statements Using prepared statements in ODBC
ODBC : programming CHAPTER 4. ODBC Programming
ODBC : result sets Calling stored procedures in ODBC
ODBC : stored procedures Calling stored procedures in ODBC
ODBC : UNIX development Using ODBC without the driver manager
Developing ODBC applications on UNIX
ODBC : version supported ODBC conformance
ODBC programming : introduction The ODBC programming interface
online backups Backup functions
Open Client : data type mapping Data type mapping between Open Client and Adaptive Server Anywhere
Open Client : data type ranges Range limitations in data type mapping
Open Client : data types Data type mappings
Open Client : data types compatibility Data type mappings
Open Client : data types not supported Data types with limited compatibility
Open Client : interface CHAPTER 5. The Open Client Interface
Open Client : limitations Known limitations of Anywhere
Open Client : SQL Using SQL in Open Client applications
Open Client interface : introduction The Open Client programming interface
OPEN statement : about Cursors in Embedded SQL
overflow errors : data type conversion Range limitations in data type mapping