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Chapter 4

A Multiprocessing Kernel


When Sybase set out to create its first relational database management system, one of the principal design goals was to efficiently use operating system and hardware resources. It was clear that the use of a threaded operating system would be a big step towards realizing the goal.

Few operating systems supported threading at that time, so Sybase designed its own kernel (a collection of programs that handle resource management for the system). The SQL Server kernel takes care of all the DBMS requirements that the operating system would have to supply if the kernel did not exist. The kernel handles the following activities:

Performing this work in the database kernel eliminates nearly all of the inefficient operating system overhead typically associated with many relational database management systems. It also results in very low memory requirements, achieving the goal for efficient use of hardware.

This chapter describes SQL Server's multithreaded kernel by covering the following topics:

Kernel Architecture

A SQL Server process consists of the kernel and the DBMS, which both perform work associated with tasks. The kernel manages tasks associated with SQL Server's clients. For example, it keeps track of the task's state, which is necessary in a multithreaded environment because of context switching. The DBMS component performs query processing, resource management, and access methods as described in Chapter 3.

The kernel provides a running environment for the DBMS. As illustrated in Figure 4-1, it creates and manages DBMS tasks, handles disk and network I/O, provides time of day, obtains memory resources from the operating system, and insulates the DBMS, providing operating system and hardware independence.

Figure 4-1: A functional view of SQL Server architecture

The operating system services that SQL Server does require are:

Server Structures

The kernel manages server structures¯programming language data structures that hold the constructs SQL Server uses for system management. Server structures include all services need for user connections, such as stacks and status structures; lock structures; many of the configurable aspects of SQL Server behavior; and structures that keep track of database object states and those that track devices.

The kernel allocates data structures from a pool of shared memory that it obtains from the operating system. Server structures shared between DBMS tasks in a multiprocessor environment require synchronization to avoid overwriting data in the databases they share. The kernel uses spinlocks and semaphores (introduced in Chapter 3) to ensure mutual exclusion between DBMS tasks and engines. When a task requests data, the kernel generates a spinlock, which waits at the data address in memory until the task obtains a lock.

Cost-Based Optimizer

SQL Server uses a cost-based optimizer to determine the best execution plan for a query. It is called a "cost-based" optimizer because it makes intelligent decisions about the fastest way to perform a query based on the time cost. A syntax-based optimizer, on the other hand, has no knowledge of the actual data or size of the tables¯and SQL Server's optimizer looks at both.

Sybase was one of the first to feature time-cost optimization in its relational database products. Our developers are continually improving this feature with analysis of real-world customer installations.

The optimizer examines parsed and normalized queries and information about database objects. The input to the optimizer is a parsed SQL query; the output from the optimizer is a query plan. The query plan is the ordered set of steps required to carry out the query, including the methods (table scan, index choice, and so on) to access each table. A query plan is compiled code ready to run.

Optimizer Use of Cache

Sybase's fully integrated query optimizer evaluates the type of data being accessed and selects the best I/O size for each object. It uses the buffer sizes available in the named cache to which that object is bound, automatically optimizing I/O for each application.

The optimizer also determines when a query will access a large number of sequential pages in a table and dictates the use of sequential prefetch in these cases. The ability to choose optimal I/O size combined with asynchronous prefetches of large amounts of data gives quick results for decision-support applications, while preserving the high performance and throughput of OLTP applications running on the same system. For the first time in an open RDBMS, a single instance of the database can support mixed workloads without compromise. Also see ``Tunable Block I/O''.

When a data cache is configured to allow large I/Os, the optimizer can choose to prefetch data pages if it will be faster. When several pages are read into cache with a single I/O, they are treated as a unit. They age in cache together and if any page in the unit has been changed, all pages are written to disk as a unit. Because much of the time required to perform I/O operations is taken up in seeking and positioning, reading eight pages in a 16K I/O performs nearly eight times as fast as a single-page 2K I/O.

Stored Procedures and Triggers

Stored procedures and triggers are optimized when the stored procedure or trigger object is first executed and the query plan is stored in the procedure cache. If other users execute the same procedure while the plan resides in the procedure cache, they'll receive a performance benefit because the compiled query plan is already in cache and need not be recompiled.


SQL Server 11 implements complex query optimization that minimizes the number of logical I/Os and streamlines update operations. The optimizer handles updates in different ways depending on the changes being made to the data and the indexes used to locate the rows.

The two major types of updates are direct updates and deferred updates. The optimizer performs direct updates whenever possible because they require less overhead than deferred updates and are generally faster. They limit the number of log scans, reduce logging, save traversal of index B-trees reducing lock contention, and save I/O because SQL Server does not have to refetch pages to perform modifications based on log records.

Direct Updates

SQL Server performs direct updates in three ways: in-place updates, cheap direct updates, and expensive direct updates.

In-Place Updates

SQL Server performs in-place updates whenever possible. In an in-place update, subsequent rows on the page do not move; the row IDs remain the same and the pointers in the row offset table do not change. Figure 4-2 shows an in-place update. The pubdate column is fixed length, so the length of the data row does not change. The access method in this example could be a table scan or a clustered or nonclustered index on title_id.

Figure 4-2: In-place update

An in-place update is the fastest type of update because SQL Server makes a single change to the data page, and updates all affected index entries by deleting the old index rows and inserting the new index row. This kind of update affects only indexes whose keys change, since the page and row locations do not change.

Cheap Direct Updates

If SQL Server cannot perform the update in place, it tries to perform a cheap direct update¯changing the row and rewriting it at the same offset on the page. Subsequent rows on the page move up or down so that the data remains contiguous on the page, but the row IDs remain the same. The pointers in the row offset table change to reflect the new locations.

Cheap direct updates are almost as fast as in-place updates. They require the same amount of I/O, but more processing. SQL Server makes two changes to the data page (the row and the offset table). It updates any changed index keys by deleting old values and inserting new values. This kind of update affects only indexes whose keys change, because the page and row ID do not change.

Expensive Direct Updates

If the data does not fit on the same page, SQL Server performs an expensive direct update, if possible. An expensive direct update deletes the data row, including all index entries, and then inserts the modified row and index entries. SQL Server uses a table scan or index to find the row in its original location and then deletes the row. If the table has a clustered index, SQL Server uses the index to determine the new location for the row; otherwise, SQL Server inserts the new row at the end of the heap.

Expensive direct updates are the slowest type of direct update. The delete is performed on one data page and the insert is performed on a different data page. All index entries must be updated, since the row location changes.

Deferred Updates

SQL Server uses deferred updates when it cannot make a direct update. Deferred updates are the slowest type of update; they incur more overhead than direct updates because they require re-reading the transaction log to make the final changes to the data and indexes. This process involves additional traversal of the index trees. For example, if there is a clustered index on title, this query performs a deferred update:

update titles set title = "Portable C Software" 

where title = "Designing Portable Software"

Other Factors that Affect the Query Plan

Sybase's optimizer estimates the costs of possible query strategies for a given query. It takes into account factors such as:

Disk I/O

The disk I/O operations that take place when SQL Server writes data to disk or reads data from disk have a much bigger impact on SQL Server system performance than any other operation. That's because I/O performance includes the time that the CPU and operating system need to process the data packet. So I/O is a potential bottleneck in relational database management systems running on-line applications.

Figure 4-3: Reads and writes to disk

The database management system should minimize the number of actual physical reads and writes and amortize the cost of I/O over many users. SQL Server architecture is designed to maximize I/O performance and several ways to do that, as this section discusses.

Tunable Block I/O

There is virtually the same amount of overhead associated with all data packets no matter what size they are. Most of the time that an I/O operation consumes is spent queueing I/O requests, seeking on disk, and physical positioning. When more data can be sent in fewer packets, it reduces overhead and improves throughput. Large I/O can greatly improve performance for some types of queries, such as those that scan entire tables or ranges of tables.

Large I/O for Data Caches

SQL Server 11 can perform I/O requests in various block sizes ranging from 2K to 16K for data and log pages. Each object in the database can be retrieved using different block sizes. It may, for example, be best to fetch text/image data using an 8K block size and data records using a 4K block size. SQL Server's ability to use different block sizes allows it to make very efficient use of memory. Several pages can be fetched in a single I/O, reducing the overall number of physical I/Os and increasing performance.

To perform large I/O on a table, the cache associated with that table must be configured for large I/O, which is easily done by defining buffer pools of various block sizes within the cache. You can configure the default cache and any named caches you create for large I/O by dividing it into pools of 2K, 4K, 8K, and 16K. The default I/O size is 2K, the size of one SQL Server data page. For queries that can access data sequentially (because the data is stored sequentially), you can read up to eight data pages in a single I/O.

Large I/O can increase performance for:

When a cache is configured for 16K I/O and the optimizer chooses 16K I/O for the query plan, SQL Server reads an entire extent, eight 2K data pages, when it needs to access a page that is not in cache.

Configurable I/O for the Log

The transaction log file can also be bound to its own cache and configured for the most appropriate I/O block size. Using large I/Os for the log in addition to the user log cache can significantly boost OLTP and data warehouse performance. See ``Minimizing Log Contention with the User Log Cache''.

Shared Buffers

Shared data buffers and shared procedure buffers are other SQL Server architectural features that can reduce the number of I/O operations. If one task's request brings data into cache, the next task that needs that data gets a performance benefit because it doesn't have to wait for disk access¯the data is used from cache (if the data is still there). Similarly, if a user calls a procedure into cache, and the same or another user calls the procedure while it is still in cache, the caller gets a performance benefit.

Keeping Data in Cache

SQL Server writes pages to disk only when the SQL Server has spare cycles (through the housekeeper task), when buffer space is needed for new records, or when you issue a checkpoint command to write all modified pages in memory to disk. Some other database architectures require that a data page be written immediately to disk after a record is altered in order to guarantee data consistency. SQL Server's write-ahead logging and shared transaction log strategies allow it to keep frequently accessed pages in cache for performance gains and guarantee data consistency at the same time.

Network Features

SQL Server's network architecture is based on the ISO OSI Reference Model for the network protocol stack. SQL Server supports most common network protocols, and you can install additional protocols if necessary. Application software interacts directly with the APIs, so application developers need not get bogged down by the intricacies of network-level protocols.

In an SMP system, all SQL Server engines are peers. There are no master engines. As of SQL Server 11.0, all engines have the capability to perform all tasks, including network tasks. If the SMP system supports network affinity migration, SQL Server distributes I/O tasks among all the engines, making them truly symmetric. This is a large benefit because it facilitates workload adaptability and reduces the need for tuning¯a big contrast to Oracle and Informix.

Multiple Engines Handle Network Connections

``Multiple Network Engines'' introduced System 11's capability for handling more than 10,000 connections using multiple network engines. When a client logs in, SQL Server assigns the client's I/O tasks to the engine that is currently handling the smallest number of network connections. That engine handles all of the client's network operations until the client connection terminates.

In this environment, any SQL Server engine can perform the same set of user or system tasks, such as:

The assigned network engine performs these tasks for the connections they manage:

If the SMP system does not support network affinity migration, only one of the engines, engine 0, handles network management tasks. If there are many user connections, engine 0 can become disproportionately busy compared to the other engines. Also, the operating system could impose limits on the number of concurrent users possible for a single CPU.

Using network affinity migration offers the following benefits:

Transact-SQL and TDS

Tabular Data Stream (TDS) is Sybase's application-level protocol. TDS implements the key components of the presentation, session, and application layers of the OSI Reference Model. It handles the following tasks:

Application developers need not consider specifics about target data because TDS provides protocol independence for client applications. TDS handles field types, number of values returned, and other such information.

The practical result of TDS for the application programmer is that clients can also use RPC commands, package commands, bulk copy commands, and message commands, to name a few of the alternatives to Transact-SQL. Competitors do not offer this advantage.

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